
49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?

author:New Gold Medal Entertainment Observer

Recently, the photos of Wu Yanzu attending the dinner party were exposed! Wearing a windbreaker and smiling in the crowd, netizens said: "He laughed exactly the same as when he robbed the bank that year." Wu Yanzu's dinner photos have aroused heated discussions among netizens, and many people have lamented that his appearance is still very high and his smile is still charming. Some netizens joked that his smile was exactly the same as when he robbed a bank when he was young, which triggered a burst of ridicule and praise.

49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?
49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?

Previously, Wu Yanzu posted a recent photo, and his hairline was a little "lost", compared to him when he was young, the current Wu Yanzu has successfully capped the ceiling of the "uncle circle" with only his bare forehead.

49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?
49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?

But Wu Yanzu just played bald, and as soon as he cleaned up, he came back, are you convinced? Come and take a look at Wu Yanzu's recent photos and dinner photos, and feel the beautiful smile and sharp hairline! Think about Wu Yanzu back then, he was so handsome that he fell off the scum! How many girls dream of marrying Teacher Wu Yanzu.

49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?
49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?

Wu Yanzu is still synonymous with handsomeness in the hearts of netizens. Stepping into the entertainment industry in 1998, Wu Yanzu has won the love of many fans with his excellent appearance and outstanding acting skills. In 1998, Wu Yanzu starred in his first film "Beautiful Boy's Love", directed by Yang Fan, with Wu Yanzu, Feng Delun and Shu Qi as the protagonists. Do you guys still have an impression of this movie?

49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?
49-year-old Wu Yanzu is back? After a little stroke, he turned into a beautiful boy, and he used to play bald?

Netizens have said that even if Wu Yanzu has become more mature, his charm is still undiminished, and the more mature he is, the more charming he is. Wu Yanzu's demeanor and temperament are still fascinating, and his confidence and humor make people respect him. Therefore, no matter what changes have occurred in him, he is still the male god in our hearts.

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