
Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

author:New oxygen

Every graduation season, ordinary college students are either worried that they will not be able to finish their graduation thesis, or they are worried that their papers will not be able to be checked.

For example, this classmate's graduation thesis was tragically eaten by poison...

Because it is too miserable and funny, it is also hung on the hot search for the whole network to enjoy.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

In other words, this "thesis" is actually his graduation project - carefully cultivated tomatoes.

Originally, there were 7 small fruits on each side, intending to make up the seven brothers of the beautiful gourd, but suddenly the formation was destroyed by a ruthless iron hand.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

As the saying goes, "no one knows about farming for ten years, and once it is stolen and the world knows".

Soon, tens of thousands of enthusiastic netizens quickly came to appease Erqiu: Don't be sad, that's because one of the gourd babies is invisible.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

In fact, every year in May and June, the Internet is full of monstrous grievances from agricultural students.

is also a Bishi overturned, but the angle of the agricultural student's overturn is strange and varied, sad and funny.

What animals that have been raised for a year have run away, mushrooms that have been planted for a long time have been picked by passing uncles and aunts, and their own Bishi has been eaten by other people's Bishi... Famous scenes like "The Queen Killed the Queen" in "The Legend of Zhen Huan" are often staged in our Agricultural College.

The hardest graduates are all in the College of Agriculture

Every year during graduation season, the most chaotic place on campus is the College of Agriculture.

Everyone else is writing hard in the study room, wandering in the vast ocean of literature, scratching their ears and cheeks for the repetition rate of the last percentile.

Students of the Faculty of Agriculture: Looking for their graduation project.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Since he has become an agricultural student, the word "brave" has been engraved on his heart.

I used to be scared to jump on the table when I saw a cockroach, but now I easily took out two live rats that had been carefully cared for from my arms.

Don't ask why, because the graduation thesis of the agricultural student @ donkey is not a donkey, and the title is "Differential Analysis of Rats in the North and South".

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

She also relied on her extremely tricky angle to win the only resource of the "mouse blogger" track.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

At the same time, it also answered a question that has been buried in the bottom of my heart for many years: Why is the uncle with one ear so much bigger than it? It turned out that one of them was a southern rat and the other was a northern rat.

After working for a long time, "Sheriff Black Cat" can be regarded as a realistic work.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Sometimes, protecting Bishi requires not only overcoming fear, but also dealing with the complexities of the external environment.

Have you ever worked hard (literally) for your graduation project in your life? Agricultural student answers: Yes.

When you raise pigs, cows, chickens, ducks and geese... When you suddenly escape from prison and run around the schoolyard, you have to use your skills to prepare for the Olympics and chase them back.

Otherwise, it is likely to face the end of the fruit.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Not only will your dissertation be in vain, but the critters are likely to kill other people's "dissertations" after escaping from prison.

When the time comes, there will be a picture of retribution, but it will be even more difficult to end.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Don't think you're bluffing.

Gao from Yunnan Agricultural University ate his thesis because of someone else's chicken, and then he personally hunted other people's graduation theses, and sent them to other people's mouths.

Let the situation reach an embarrassing scene where no one wants to graduate.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?
Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Compared to long-legged running animals, do you think that crops that can be protected by a fence will be easy to take care of?


It is possible that you have just discussed the experimental process with your mentor on the front foot, and your subject has been cut on the back foot, which is really a literal bump~

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

escaped the felling, and had to avoid the roadside uncles and aunts during the picking period.

If you don't pay attention, you may rush into your greenhouse and wrap up all your results. Believe it or not, there are already people in the comment area who are worried about it.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Did you see the big-character poster posted at the door of this experimental base? This is not a warm reminder, this is the roar and roar of agricultural students from the bottom of their hearts.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

There is not enough land around the school, and sometimes it is necessary to go to the fields in the suburbs to conduct scientific research, and sleeping in the open is commonplace, @迷人的熊登辉就是其中的一员.

Fortunately, this graduation season is summer, in addition to more mosquitoes, the tent can also deal with a few nights.

At this time, you are not only an academic engaged in scientific research, but also a guard set up by yourself, and in the face of strangers who suddenly break in, you must point to the open space in front of you and remind them: "Go to the main gate!" ”

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

In the graduation season, the "comedian halo" of agricultural students burst out collectively and became a fixed program for netizens to check in.

Don't be a porter of hot stalks, only produce original jokes.

Successive agricultural students are still enriching the fertile soil of the Internet with their natural variety show effects.

You can't imagine the happiness of an agronomist

The onlookers are all playing with the peasant students, but they don't know that their monstrous sense of the net is also forced out alive.

Before enrolling, I heard that the canteens of agricultural universities around the country are the best in the industry, with exquisite ingredients, rich categories, healthy and organic...

After entering the school, I learned that if you want to graduate smoothly and eat these things in your mouth, you have to start working from the field and breeding yourself.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Image from: @汤圆酱酱鸭

About two years ago, students from Yunnan Agricultural University Ding said, "Welcome to apply for Yunnan Agricultural University, we really don't have to dig the ground every day", and agricultural students have become an independent comedy track on the Internet.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

I saw that as soon as Ding's voice fell, the video was instantly filled with the huge roar of the cultivator behind him.

So much so that he had to speak with a Yunnan Chuxiong accent and shouted at his classmates who were digging the ground behind: "The sound of the machine over there is quieter." ”

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

The short 21-second video presents an unintentional but laughing reversal, which is also called the earliest "enrollment reduction" in the college entrance examination season.

Perhaps from that time on, the gears of the agricultural students began to turn.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?
Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Agricultural students, it seems that the moment they step into the gate of the university, they are endowed with the "acquired holy body" of the god of self-media.

Compared to other students who sit in laboratories, libraries, and teaching buildings, they begin to practice almost as soon as they step on campus, and begin to experience the life of facing the loess with their backs to the sky.

This comprehensive experience of animal breeding, crop cultivation, outdoor training, and wild survival can be called the live-action version of Stardew Valley, which is full of variables and explosive cool points, which makes countless farmers fascinated.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

When you go to Agricultural University, you can experience the ultimate cuteness of what a "pet university" is.

Because here, you can keep pets in the school openly, and cats and rats can live together in peace (possibly).

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

The kitten looked at the rat next door and muttered in his heart: Look at other people's houses, you can raise them so much.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

In order to adapt to the research of students of various majors, the campus of Agricultural University is generally characterized by pleasant scenery, rich flora and fauna, and complex ecosystems.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a miniature version of Altay (bushi).

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

How pristine is their campus?

Just some time ago, a rare protected bird "red-eared bulbul" flew into the dormitory building of South China Agricultural University, which happened to land on the balcony of several animal protection students.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Several of the classmates knew that the red-eared bulbul was very wary of humans, and that reckless approaching them would likely cause them to abandon their nests and run away.

So the brothers waited until the bird's parents went out to forage before they hurried to the balcony to wash, and tied an infrared camera to completely record the bird's nest and wings.

Although the birds left this short stay in the end, their lovely story was also jokingly called by netizens a precious experience of "falling papers from the sky".

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

The students of Agricultural University are either cultivating a relationship with their own pets every day, or working in the fields with their own tutors.

So the question is: everyone is working in the fields, how can we quickly distinguish between students and teachers?

Agricultural students teach a tip: the teacher who wears a suit and leather on the upper body and sports the lower body is the teacher, because he has to go to the ground and have a meeting, and the main thing is an extreme mix.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?
Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

However, don't think that the students here only work and don't know love.

The senior of agriculture may not understand the romance of flowers, but it can give you enough satiety.

Other seniors flirted with the girl: "Senior sister, do you want to go to the exhibition?" I just grabbed the ticket. ”

Senior A: "Senior sister, do you eat peanuts?" I grew it myself. ”

Agronomy Senior B: "Senior sister, do you eat Yangzhou fried rice?" I grow my own rice. ”

Or that farming is the best medical beauty for men. With the tools of labor, he went to the ground so vigorously, even the ancestral Fang Touming was stunned to see the suspected Wu Yanzu from a distance.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

The learning path of agricultural students is not too glamorous, and some are just exploration and practice step by step.

Bread and roses, the road ahead and the distance, the soil under your feet and the light in your heart... Perhaps it is because of their solid experience of the power of the land and nature that they appreciate the preciousness of life more than anyone else.

The fate of the Chinese: fiddling with small flowers and grass

Once upon a time, when the Internet, finance and other majors were hot, agriculture, as an almost marginal basic discipline, was not favored by the students.

However, in recent years, with the continuous surge of returning to their hometowns and the increasing enthusiasm for returning to the countryside, more and more young people have chosen to return to their hometowns, return to the county towns and villages, and become new farmers.

At this time, I looked back at agronomy, and it has always been there.

Let other disciplines rise and fall, this "discipline" that has been inherited for thousands of years will always maintain its own pattern in a down-to-earth manner, and there is a kind of "let you surge, I will not move".

A few years ago, everyone watched the handsome guys and beautiful women in luxury cars and mansions with short videos, and now, a farming teaching video can make people can't take their eyes off it.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

Although it was ridiculed by netizens that "my parents farm for me to go to school, and I learn to farm on Douyin", the reason why this kind of video can become popular in a strange way is also to reflect a certain psychological state of everyone.

Agronomy, the most familiar and unfamiliar discipline we are most familiar with, is gradually becoming a topic of conversation after dinner.

Farming is the best medical beauty for men! Fang Touming can also be changed to Wu Yanzu?

About farming, animal husbandry, breeding... Our ancestors have too much wisdom that has been passed down and used today, and Grandpa Yuan Longping has also been rooted in the field all his life to make more Chinese eat enough.

These simple and profound truths are so important, but they are often taken for granted and not explored.

At this time, the video of the agricultural students has opened a window for everyone, a window that shines into nature and the land, so that we can see the infinite wisdom contained in this ancient wisdom.

Just like the similar exclamation that many people make after watching this kind of video.

Sure enough, the Chinese have the genes of farming engraved in their bones.

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