
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

author:Dongle Shi said

50-year-old Wu Yanzu is back handsome.

Some netizens posted photos of Wu Yanzu attending the party on social platforms, Wu Yanzu in the crowd smiled very brightly, wearing a green windbreaker and looking personable, and the stars around him were dim.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Wu Yanzu's face slap did not fall behind at all, and this tricky angle also firmly grasped the handsomeness. Looking closely at Wu Yanzu, it turned out to be Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei behind him, but Ma Xiaomei's eyes were also a little intriguing, Wang Xiaofei looked at Ma Xiaomei smirking, but Ma Xiaomei's eyes did not respond, but looked at the camera and made a posed smile, completely ignoring Wang Xiaofei. It seems that after marrying Wang Xiaofei, Ma Xiaomei, who is also a public figure, pays great attention to her image, for fear that her unsightly expression will have a bad impact if she is captured, which is probably a woman's natural acuity.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

However, netizens in the comment area were surprised by Wu Yanzu's state and praised Wu Yanzu for being handsome.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

In addition to the exposed photos of Wu Yanzu's party, on June 30, Wu Yanzu also appeared in Shenyang to cheer for the triathletes. Although he appeared without makeup, his face was a little swollen and there were fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but he couldn't stop Wu Yanzu's temperament. Many netizens said that Wu Yanzu is handsome again.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Wu Yanzu wore a white sportswear and entered the event under the escort of security guards, Wu Yanzu greeted the fans who came to the scene warmly, and gave the media and fans time to take pictures. Wu Yanzu under the camera obviously didn't wear makeup, but simply sorted out his hairstyle.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Wu Yanzu in the photo looks in a very good mental state, his face is slightly puffy, and there are crow's feet in the corners of his eyes when he laughs, but these small flaws are directly negligible to fans, after all, the 50-year-old Wu Yanzu is still very handsome, and it is not a temperament at all with a lot of heavy makeup and bright little fresh meat.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

After participating in outdoor activities, Wu Yanzu went to Shenyang Vientiane City to participate in the activities of a sports brand. When fans saw Wu Yanzu again, he changed his clothes, no longer casual sportswear, but a gray shirt that took into account both casual and formal sense, although the shirt was a little loose, but it still couldn't stop Wu Yanzu's good figure.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

After Wu Yanzu came to Vientiane City, he was very happy to greet the fans who had been waiting for a long time, worried that the fans who were far away could not see, Wu Yanzu also jumped up and stretched out his hand to say hello very happily, and after arriving at a sports brand store, the brand staff explained their brand products to Wu Yanzu very carefully, Wu Yanzu also listened patiently, very quality and polite.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Sure enough, handsome men have their own sense of filter, although he is 50 years old, Wu Yanzu's face is almost unaffected, only a few fine lines at the corners of his eyes and a hairline that has moved up a little, which also benefits from his self-disciplined life and fitness habits.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

At the event, Wu Yanzu was interviewed by the media, saying that he was 50 years old and in good shape, and he would exercise for 5 days every week and do different types of sports.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Really powerful people are still low-key, Wu Yanzu is handsome and has a good figure, and he even modestly said that his figure is just okay, and the middle-aged male stars in the entertainment industry must be "ashamed" when they hear it.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Wu Yanzu has many fans in the entertainment industry for so many years, partly because of his good looks and good figure, and partly because of his drama fans, he starred in "New Police Story", "Disciple", "Beautiful Boy's Love" and other fans in countless circles, which also laid the foundation for his status in the film and television industry.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Although Wu Yanzu has been very handsome when he attended events for so many years, there were times when the car overturned, such as this selfie that resembled "Su Daqiang", which made netizens talk a lot, saying that the years were ruthless.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

But fortunately, Wu Yanzu's latest Reuters photos successfully pulled back a game, even if the high-definition camera shoots his face, the pores can be seen clearly, and it can't hide his outstanding appearance.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

In addition to Wu Yanzu's public information, his family has also attracted much attention, Wu Yanzu's wife Lei Shan is also an actor, the two of them are very affectionate from love to marriage, and then gave birth to a daughter, and her appearance has also inherited her parents, she looks very beautiful, it can be seen from the Reuters photos exposed before that Wu Yanzu's daughter has an obvious height advantage, and her legs are so long at a young age, and she will definitely be more beautiful in the future.

50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect
50-year-old Wu Yanzu participated in the event! The hairline is receding, the face is puffy and old, but the side face is perfect

Although Wu Yanzu has maintained a good state for so many years, there is always a time when people are old, and everyone should be more tolerant of the senior stars in the entertainment industry, and don't be too harsh on their faces. We ourselves should not be overly anxious because of the retouched photos of celebrities, and learn to accept different beauty, so that we can enjoy life happily.

What do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

The picture material comes from the Internet.

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