
Carry forward the spirit of screws and take root in the front line of public transport Party member Wei Shoudong: I will be the first to go to the organization when necessary

author:Upstream News
Carry forward the spirit of screws and take root in the front line of public transport Party member Wei Shoudong: I will be the first to go to the organization when necessary

He is a party member, and when the organization needs it, he will always be the first to stand up and sign up; He is a bus driver who has never been involved in a single traffic accident in his decades of work; He is a father who led his son into the bus industry.

His name is Wei Shoudong, and he is a three-star driver of the Chongqing Jiaotong Kaitou Bus Group's Southern Bus Yunan Branch.

Master Wei told reporters that his driving is divided into two parts, the first part of the bus, in 2009 through the examination into the bus group to become a bus driver, so far, his life has the goal of pursuit - to keep this ordinary post, but also the responsibility of an ordinary grassroots party member like me.

Wei Shoudong has a mantra: I am a brick, where I need to move. I'm the driver, where you need to go.

And his colleagues and leaders prefer to call Wei Shoudong a brick with "gold content", because he always takes the initiative to stand up and solve difficulties for colleagues and leaders when the enterprise is most in need.

Wei Shoudong was awarded the honorary title of Outstanding Communist Party Member of Southern Public Transport in 2024.

Carry forward the spirit of screws and take root in the front line of public transport Party member Wei Shoudong: I will be the first to go to the organization when necessary

Late entry

He worked his skills

Before 2009, Wei Shoudong drove a minibus.

In the era of minibuses, fast speed is synonymous with this kind of car, Master Wei said that every day, almost his heart is raised to his throat, "I was thinking at that time, if I can drive smoothly and steadily, it would be good, after all, safety should be in your own hands." ”

The day has finally arrived.

The first time he sat in the cab of the bus, Wei Shoudong brought an empty plastic cup, and he saw from the news that those drivers with excellent driving skills would bring a glass of water on the bus when they first practiced smoothness, to see if the consumption of this glass of water confirmed whether their driving was smooth.

In terms of service, in addition to strictly abiding by the service requirements of the bus, Master Wei also went out of his way to learn from those excellent drivers: front door greeting, Mandarin service, floor scrubbing, etc.

Nowadays, whether it is driving skills or service, Wei Shoudong has done a very good job, and many passengers often give verbal praise to the company: "Your master who drives well has been working for a long time?" He went to work and I came to take the car again. ”

The "repeat customer" has also become the biggest support and praise from the passengers.

Carry forward the spirit of screws and take root in the front line of public transport Party member Wei Shoudong: I will be the first to go to the organization when necessary

On the top post

He was able to lend a helping hand when needed on other routes

Wei Shoudong is the driver of No. 313 Road, which runs from Ciqi Street to Huaxi Construction Factory, from downtown to residential areas, carrying not only tourists but also fireworks every day.

In Master Wei's car, you can always see passengers greeting him.

"It's been a long time to rush to the earth bridge lately? Master Wei, please remind me when the time comes. ”

"Master Wei, there have been a lot of people in the Liberation Monument recently, if there are not many, I want to go to the city."


The small talk of the passengers underlined the deep trust in the driver.

And he is the 326 line of the "top post" driver, Wei Shoudong told reporters, due to the problem of line personnel deployment, he will occasionally go to the 326 road to serve as the "top post" driver, don't underestimate the "top post", for the driver's requirements, is to be very familiar with the line.

Line 326 from Duhe Square to Hejiawan, and 313 is a completely different route, not only to remember which stations the line stops, but also to remember how many traffic lights and zebra crossings on this line, "because whether the driving is smooth or not, in fact, is closely related to our familiarity with the line." ”

Carry forward the spirit of screws and take root in the front line of public transport Party member Wei Shoudong: I will be the first to go to the organization when necessary


He led the next generation into the bus industry

Today, Master Wei is also leading his son to join the bus industry.

Master Wei said that in the first few years of his son's graduation, he did not approve of joining the bus industry, but because he saw his father's work gradually flourishing and was affirmed, in 2023, his son was also moved, and then became a trainee driver by entering a bus driving school to learn to drive.

"The reason why he also joined the bus is because this career is the best way for us ordinary people to formalize themselves through their own diligence and hard work." Wei Shoudong said.

Many people experience burnout when faced with day-to-day work, and Wei Shoudong is no exception, but he always remembers that he is a party member.

Wei Shoudong told reporters that in the past 15 years since entering the bus group, he has always regarded every day as the first day of work, "I have always remembered the honor and pride of the new bus at that time, so I have always cherished this pride in my heart, if I occasionally have complaints about the work, I think about the original difficulty, this complaint will dissipate instantly." ”

After driving public transportation vehicles for more than 30 years, Wei Shoudong has been adhering to the original intention of safety first, he gave an example: "For example, some people drive for a long time and feel that the technology is better, so they like to hold the steering wheel with one hand and put the other hand on the gearbox, but this seemingly chic approach is hidden danger, once encountering an emergency, one hand can't take care of it at all." "And yourself, you only need to stick to your original intention, drive safely, and firmly remember that taking safety in your own hands is the greatest respect for this profession.

Upstream news reporter Wang Yufeng

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