
A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

author:British newspaper sister

As one of the important watersheds in life, many people hope to be able to enter a promising major under the guidance of experienced and clear-minded seniors.

In this regard, both at home and abroad. However, there is a female medical student in Malaysia who scolded her parents for being bastards, accusing them of being in the wrong profession.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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What's going on here?

Girl A, who was born in a remote area of Malaysia, has a poor family background but works hard, and has always been at the top of her grade in terms of grades.

In his third year of high school, A lived up to expectations and was admitted to medical school. Although the tuition fee for the medical department is not low, A's parents think that being a doctor pays well and it sounds good to say, so they borrow money for her to finish college.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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After graduating from university, A dreamed of working and living in a big city like Kuala Lumpur, the capital, so he discussed with his parents not to return to his hometown to apply for a job.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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According to A, the parents actually listened to the instigation of others, thinking that their daughter would leave her parents' home if she went too far, and did not allow her to go to work in other places.

Forced by his parents to cry, make trouble and hang himself, A gave up the interview opportunity in Kuala Lumpur and returned to his hometown to look for a job. However, due to the lack of hospitals in his hometown and the low turnover rate of employees within the hospital, A's interviews were repeatedly rejected in the year after graduation.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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With just three delays and two delays, A missed an important employment internship opportunity after graduation.

During the hiatus of more than a year, A, who did not have an internship certificate, not only did her resume look bad, but the gold content of her status as a top student in the medical department also decreased.

Forced to consider his livelihood, A, who gave up his dream of being a doctor, began to look for a non-professional job. However, the Department of Medicine is highly specialized, and if you don't find the right person, you can only engage in unskilled work.

She found that it was difficult to find ordinary jobs with high education, and even some companies clearly stated that they did not want prestigious schools and college students when recruiting. Out of desperation, A had to change his highest education to high school before he found a job in a factory.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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When looking back on his absurd college experience, A believes that his life was ruined by his parents, and he could only spend his whole life in a small place, running around for three meals.

What makes it even more difficult for her to forgive is that if her parents say that they are not allowed to go to other places at the beginning, they should not give people hope. She now has low self-esteem and depression tendencies, and is pessimistic and even misanthropic about life and the future.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

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After reading A's statement, everyone was quite sympathetic. And there are really not a few parents like her parents who interfere with their children's profession and employment as passers-by, and there are some cases in China.

In 2023, a news that "a mother stole her daughter's admission notice for Chinese opera" will dominate the whole network.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Xiao Jia, the party involved in the incident, was born in Chongqing, was well-behaved and obedient since childhood, and likes to sing and dance.

In the year of graduating from high school, Xiao Jia scored 563 points in the test with extraordinary performance.

When filling in the volunteers, Xiaojia's mother, who was worried that she would not have connections and resources and would not be able to find employment in the future, hoped that she could go to a normal university for targeted training, so she supervised her daughter to apply for a local university in Chongqing.

But Xiao Jia, who has always had a dream of performing in her heart, hopes to study and live in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai. So she hid from her mother and secretly revised her college entrance examination volunteer.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Later, after learning that Xiao Jia was admitted to the drama education major of the Central Academy of Drama, her mother made a lot of trouble, and even took away a series of important documents such as her daughter's admission notice, ID card, and household registration book, leaving only a note with the word "sorry" written on it and saying goodbye.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Xiao Jia immediately called the police and contacted the Chinese Opera Admissions Office. In the end, with the help of the admissions office and the police, Xiaojia raised tuition and accommodation fees by herself, and got the admission notice reissued by China Opera.

Mom returned home on the sixth day after running away from home, but she still still did not agree to Xiaojia going to Beijing to study at university. In order to force her daughter to stay in Chongqing, she asked Xiaojia to pay off all the expenses from birth to college at one time, and vowed to go to Chinese opera to "make trouble", so that she would not finish college. Approaching the start of school, she was still guarding at home and not letting Xiaojia go out.

In the end, under the persuasion of relatives and friends, the mother finally agreed to Xiaojia to report to Beijing, and the matter was settled, and the relationship between the mother and daughter eased.

Netizens who watched the whole farce put forward two different opinions on Xiaojia's mother's approach.

Some people think that although the mother's approach is extreme, it is not unreasonable, and the children of ordinary families should still consider the employment aspect when choosing a major:

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?
A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?
A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Some people also believe that being able to be admitted to the Chinese opera shows that Xiaojia is talented, at least easier than being a teacher.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?
A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?
A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Coincidentally, there was a more well-known figure more than a decade ago, whose experience was similar to the example above, but the ending was not so happy.

In 1995, Zhang Xinyang, who was later known as a "genius prodigy", was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province.

Zhang Xingyang, who was born precocious, can know more than 1,000 Chinese characters at the age of two and a half, and skipped a grade to finish primary school at the age of 5.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

In 2005, 10-year-old Zhang Xinyang took the college entrance examination and scored 505 points.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Zhang Xingyang was not satisfied with his results and proposed the idea of repeating his studies for a year, but his father made the decision to let him apply for Tianjin Normal University of Engineering (now renamed Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University).

In order to take care of his genius son wholeheartedly, Zhang Xinyang's father resigned and came to Tianjin to accompany him.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

In his junior year, 13-year-old Zhang Xinyang got a chance to go to Germany for graduate school, but he had to wait for one year. Zhang Xinyang's father once again rejected his son's idea on the grounds that he was unwilling to delay for one year and was afraid that he would not be used to life, and let him study for a master's degree in China.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Source: Jiupai News

At the age of 16, Zhang Xinyang was admitted to Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics to study for a doctorate. After graduating, he was hired as a teacher at Ningxia Normal University and resigned a few years later to start his own business. But due to various reasons, Zhang Xinyang's business deteriorated, and the 50,000 yuan he saved as a teacher also bottomed out.

During the time when the business failed, Zhang Xinyang, who was 28 years old and had no house, car and no fixed income, had to rely on the 2,000 yuan received by his parents every month.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Source: Jiupai News

In a later interview, Zhang insisted that he had calculated that in 2011, Beijing's housing prices would usher in a wave of surge, so he asked his parents to buy a commercial house in Beijing on the grounds that he did not buy a house and did not study for a doctorate. But his parents rented a set to coax him.

A poor girl graduated from medical school and changed her life, but was tricked by her parents to go back to her hometown to work in the factory?

Source: Jiupai News

It is precisely because of this failure to buy a house that the family lost the opportunity to earn more than 10 million. Of course, Zhang Xinyang's statement of buying a house has not been confirmed.

Regarding the fall of this "genius prodigy", public opinion has been controversial. Whether it is the Zhang family's parents who stretch their hands too long, or Zhang Xingyang's ears are soft and unassertive, or whether his parents' excessive care caused him to lose his ability to live independently and become a "giant baby" with high scores and low ability, it is now difficult to judge.

But what is certain is that such a parent-child relationship and education method have not fully stimulated his potential.

What do you think about parents interfering excessively in their children's choices, welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

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