
A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

author:Mr. Bee
A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

I saw a news on the Internet before, which shocked many netizens.

A 68-year-old university professor wanted to marry his 50-year-old nanny, but was rejected by the nanny.

The professor is a professor of economics and doctoral supervisor at Fudan University, with a pension of more than 10,000 yuan per month, two apartments under his name, and a deposit of more than 1 million. His conditions can be said to be quite superior.

However, the nanny rejected his marriage proposal.

The professor was confused and asked why.

The nanny replied, "After I get married, I won't have a salary, and I won't give me a house, and I have to work for free, it's too much to do!" ”

The professor asked, "So how can I get married?" ”

The babysitter replied, "Add my name to the room book." ”

The professor fell into deep thought......

As soon as this news came out, it immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Netizens praised the "nanny for being sober-minded":

As a nanny, I get 7,000 yuan of real money every month, and I will go to the next house if I am not happy.

When the wife has no salary, the palms are up, and you have to look at people's faces, and you don't get along well, so you can't just leave.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Source: "I Love You"

Some netizens even ridiculed:

If all women were as sober as this babysitter, it would be difficult for men to take advantage of women anymore.

In this proposal, it is difficult to say that the professor has no "trade-offs".

After all, in real life, once you get the cloak of marriage, a woman's dedication and operation seem to become natural, and she has to keep her voice down when she occasionally takes a little money.

Nowadays, everyone has a scale in their hearts.

Especially for modern women, the greatest sense of security may come from an income.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Source: "I Love You"

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Do you still remember the news that "a stay-at-home wife gets 50,000 housework compensation for her divorce"?

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

A couple in Beijing married in 2015 and had a child after marriage.

In 2018, there was a conflict between the two and they began to separate. During this time, the child lived with his mother.

Since the husband did not undertake any housework or household affairs during the marriage except for work, the divorce lawsuit of the woman demanded the division of property, as well as material and spiritual compensation, totaling 160,000 yuan.

According to Article 40 of the Marriage Law:

Where one of the spouses has paid more obligations for raising children, taking care of the elderly, assisting the other party in work, etc., he or she has the right to request compensation from the other party at the time of divorce, and the other party shall make compensation.

In the end, the court ruled that the child should be raised by the wife, and the husband should pay 2,000 yuan per month in child support.

The joint property is divided equally, and the husband pays his wife 50,000 yuan in compensation for housework.

For the 50,000 yuan housework compensation, the Internet exploded.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Some netizens pointed out:

A woman dedicates her most important 5 years of youth to her family and children all year round, and only gets 50,000 yuan for 5 years of housework.

The average monthly salary is 833 yuan, and the average daily income is only less than 28 yuan.

Not to mention in Beijing, the monthly salary of a nanny in any city is far more than that.

This incident is also a wake-up call for all women: the risks and costs of being a stay-at-home wife are really high.

More and more women are realizing that:

A woman, only the value that can be reflected in the form of salary, will she maintain independence in her relationship, maintain herself in personality, and not be afraid of the ups and downs of life.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

The ancients said that "standing at thirty" did not just refer to men.

Most women don't really start to know themselves until after the age of 30.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Source: "Thirty Only"

How many women get up early in the morning and revolve around the stove, take care of their husbands' diet and daily life, take care of everything in the house, and take great pains for the growth and education of their children, but put themselves in the last place.

Beauvoir once said, "When a woman is integrated into the family, her charm for men disappears." ”

Sober women always know how to maintain balance in their relationships and will not blindly sacrifice themselves for the sake of their feelings.

They are well aware of the importance of the economic foundation in the family.

There is no eternal love in this world, the world is impermanent, and the cruel reality is often more ruthless than imagined.

A professor at a prestigious university proposed to a 50-year-old nanny and was rejected: "I'm stupid to marry you!" ”

Source: "Thirty Only"

Only when a woman has an income of her own can she be financially independent and have enough confidence to face all kinds of changes in life.

Even if the person next to her no longer loves her one day, at least she still has a job, an income, and can live independently without being trampled on and bullied.

We wish every woman a wonderful relationship and marriage, but at the same time, we must remember that we are the most reliable support.

The best relationship and marriage is not to regard a person as more important than life, but to love him and cherish himself more.

I hope that every woman can remain sincere and enthusiastic, and at the same time, cherish herself and be a sane and sober person.


Author: Brother Claw.

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