
Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

author:Play games in your dreams

The long-awaited "Full Moon Night" S4 season "Dancing with the Witch" will finally debut, for players, in addition to the "dance partner", the six new heroes are also discussed, after all, the intensity of the new heroes last season is still vivid, and the many new heroes this season will definitely not be too bad. Of course, there are some special features of the six heroes this time, that is, two of them are designed by the players themselves, and this kind of player-designed heroes are the first time in the mirror duel in "Full Moon Night".

Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

Player Design Your Own Hero is a player design recruitment event previously launched in Full Moon Night, in which players can post their own ideas into the game. This time, many people were surprised to be able to become the designer of the game through simple words, and many players opened their own contributions, and finally two players succeeded in becoming lucky winners, and the two heroes of the design were selected by the designers and landed in the game in the S4 season, which is the lamp thief and the masquerade thief this time.

Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

Kamen Thief, as the name suggests, is a stealing type of hero, he perfectly interprets what it means to be the stronger the opponent, the stronger he is, and the effect of his skill is to replace your hero skill with the opponent's skill, and reset it in the next turn. In terms of skills, he relies on the opponent's skills, after all, we focus on stealing, but with his dance partner, he can choose a dance partner of other heroes, which is destined to be a good strength of this hero. This kind of "Gusu Murong"-style hero, no matter what the intensity, must be a very fun existence, I believe you want to experience it.

Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

The lamp thief is a "gold" type of hero, for the design of the game, gold is a more common operation, but the lamp thief with the ability to point gold is still very strong without the resistance of touching the pair. At present, I feel that the factions that rely more on golden followers such as Nature and Starborn are very much in line with the characteristics of the Lamp Stealers, and you can try more and develop new ways to play. Of course, the dance partner of the lamp stealer is also very powerful, and with the characteristic of "gold", the first hand can trigger high damage, and the ability to break the shield and direct damage is very good.

Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

It can be seen that there is a direct relationship between the skill characteristics of the dance partner and the performance of the hero, and it can also be guessed that the "dance partner" is the basis for balance in "Full Moon Night", and in the future, through the interconnection between the hero and the dance partner and the interaction of skill sets, the excellent balance will be better designed. So knowing the dance partner has become the rule of thumb for the new season, and if you want to make a big splash in S4, try starting with the dance partner next to you!

Players DIY new heroes make a high-intensity debut, and the full moon night S4 season can make good use of dance partners to turn the tables

The S4 season of "Full Moon Night" has begun, and you can use two new heroes created by players to achieve unexpected results, and maybe you can be matched with the author in the same battle, and complain about the heroes he designed!

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