
44.32 million tires were cleared, and the tires were adjusted to "two highs"

author:Tyre World Network

A few days ago, 9 departments, including the Shandong Development and Reform Commission and the Department of Industry and Information Technology, jointly issued the "Notice on Promoting the Transformation, Upgrading, Adjustment and Optimization of Project Management of the Tire Casting Industry".

44.32 million tires were cleared, and the tires were adjusted to "two highs"

Tire World Network learned that the main content of the notice has four parts.

First, it is clear that tire and casting projects are no longer managed as "two highs".

However, new projects must meet the energy efficiency benchmark level and meet the requirements of high-end project standards.

At the same time, the authority of window guidance will be delegated from the provincial level to the municipal level.

The second is to strengthen capacity management, control the overall production capacity scale within a reasonable range, and create a good development environment for the industry.

All cities are required to increase the elimination of backward production capacity to prevent blind investment and low-level duplicate construction.

44.32 million tires were cleared, and the tires were adjusted to "two highs"

The third is to strengthen project supervision, and strictly prohibit the construction without approval, inconsistent approval, and illegal addition of steel production capacity in the name of casting.

All cities are required to supervise the construction of projects in accordance with laws and regulations, and organize the commissioning and acceptance of projects.

Fourth, timely report project information to facilitate dynamic grasp of the situation of the province and take targeted work measures.

Cities are required to report to the relevant provincial departments in a timely manner the situation of new projects, the withdrawal of backward production capacity, and the improvement of energy efficiency.

44.32 million tires were cleared, and the tires were adjusted to "two highs"

The notice pointed out that the stock of tires and casting projects still need to be transformed and improved in energy efficiency.

In particular, enterprises and projects below the benchmark level of energy efficiency should be transformed and upgraded in accordance with the specified time.

In January 2022, the tire casting industry in Shandong Province was included in the management of the "two highs".

In recent years, it has vigorously promoted the withdrawal of backward production capacity and the upgrading of energy efficiency levels, which has effectively improved the overall development level of the industry.

According to incomplete statistics, since the implementation of the policy, Shandong has eliminated 44.32 million backward tires.

Some tire companies withdrew from the production capacity list

44.32 million tires were cleared, and the tires were adjusted to "two highs"

The tire industry is transferred from the scope of "two highs", which is conducive to breaking the adverse impact of the "two highs" status of enterprises and further promoting the high-quality development of the industry.

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