
单词联想rouge route

author:Forest after the rain sunny655


English/flʌʃ/American/flʌʃ/v. (human skin or face) redness (especially due to illness or agitation); flushing (flush toilet), (flush toilet) is flushed; rinse (with water or other liquids); Rinse away (with liquid); Driving (birds, animals) out of hiding places and exposing them; (make) glow; to allow (liquids) to flow through; (Plants) bloom new shoots; Flushing (joint)

n. Blushing, redness of the skin (due to embarrassment, fever, etc.); a burst of intense emotion; flushing (especially flush toilets); flushing equipment (in the toilet), flush toilets; vigorous period; (sudden) massive; Rapids; (leaves, seedlings, etc.) break through the soil, and (leaves, flowers, or fruits) grow luxuriantly; Where there are warm colors, where there is light; A flushed hand, a straight flush; drive (hunting birds); (Suddenly) in large numbers, in large quantities

He heard the flush of a toilet.

He heard the toilet flushing.

Do you sweat a lot or flush a lot?

Do you sweat a lot or blush a lot?

Make sure the paving stones are flush with the lawn.

Be sure to keep the paving stones flush with the lawn.

flush with

/flʌʃ wɪð/

Redness of the face due to intense emotions, heat, or alcohol: Refers to the redness of the face due to strong emotions, heat, or alcohol.

The network flush / flush with the same height / search with



v. blushing (out of embarrassment or shame); ashamed, embarrassed; Make it red

n. blushing (of embarrassment or shame); crimson, reddish; <美> Rouge; rosé wine; <美>Rouge.

Her smile makes me blush.

Her smile made me blush and my heart skip a beat.

Why do people blush after drinking?

Why do people blush after drinking?


English / ruːʒ / American / ruːʒ/

n. Rouge; Tiedan; (Canadian football term) goal area scoring

v. In ...... Apply rouge (or lipstick); <古>Apply rouge to the face

adj. (red wine) red

She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.

She rubbed powder on her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.



n. routes, routes; Roads, roads; Conventional routes, fixed routes; <美>(especially as a delivery job) routine visits, delivery routes; Approaches, methods; Route (used before the number of intercity arteries in the United States)

v. Dispatch by a specific route (vehicle, cargo or passenger); In order to...... Line transmission (telephone or other electronic signal)

route selection公路选线;路线选择

travel routen. 旅运路线

He traced the route on the map.

He traced the route on the map.

The route is well signposted.

The route is well signposted.

They kept to the preset route.

They follow a pre-planned route.

Which is the best route to take?

Which is the best route?



Another pronunciation is abbreviated, which is cognate with rupture, and you can compare the pronunciation of route with the root rupt- (broken), and the original -p- sound has disappeared; Therefore, the original meaning of route is "broken", the Chinese say that the road is walked out, and the British say that the road is "broken". In this way, it is easy to understand the cognate word rout, because to be defeated is to be "broken". route is homophonic to road.

route, route, route

From the Old French rute, road, path, from Latin rupta via, open road, from rupta, separated, etymology with rip, rob, via, road, etymology with way, trivia.

Break up


n. rupture (of internal tissues, etc.); fractures (of pipes, etc.); Hernia; A rupture (of relations).

v. rupture (internal tissues, etc.); rupture (organ) and form a hernia (be ruptured/rupture oneself); (causing vessels or pipes, etc.) to break; Break down



n. Rout; Rout; Troublemakers; noisy crowds; troublemakers; Gala

v. Defeat completely, crush; (make) retreat; (animals) arched with their noses; Engraving (on wood or metal surfaces).




Peddle; Attract; Spy on horse racing intelligence


Peddle; solicit customers; Canvassing for votes


Scouts; Peddlers



n. Auctions; chicken plague; Dumb

vi. 叫喊

vt. auction


English /ɡruːp/ American /ɡruːp/

n. collective, collective; groups, groups; Clique; orchestras, bands; an air force group (usually consisting of two or more bases); (in the periodic table) family; phrases (in systematic grammar); Atomic clusters

v. (make) grouped, gathered; Will...... classify



n. Routine, convention; Life is boring, boring; A set of actions (in a show), a series of jokes (etc.); clichés (for a specific purpose); (Computer) routines

adj. routine, routine; ordinary, nothing special; Bland

v. <罕> Arrangement as Customary

Police work is mainly routine.

The work of the police is largely routine.

A routine DNA sample was taken.

A routine DNA sample was taken.

You need a break from routine.

You need to take a break from your daily routine.

Her routine was invariable.

Her daily routine is always the same.


abbr. 破裂(rupture)

suff. Table "Break"