
单词联想refuse rebuff

author:Forest after the rain sunny655

turn down

Fold or bifold: Fold or bifold something. Turn (card) face down: Turn a card face down. Turn down (volume, intensity, etc.): Reduce the volume, intensity, etc. by adjusting the controller. Refusal: Refusal to accept something. Collapsible or bifold: Something can be folded or bifolded.

Why did she turn down your invitation?

Why did she decline your invitation?

You can't just turn down offers of work like that.

When people give you jobs, you can't just say no.

I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.

I like to take on challenges and do work that others refuse to do.


English /ˈrelɪʃ/ American /ˈrelɪʃ/

n. Enjoy, have fun; Like, love; hors d'oeuvres, condiments; Taste, flavor; <古> A fragrance that evokes the appetite

v. Enjoy, like; Longing, anticipation; Taste; The taste is delicious; Yes...... taste; <古> Make it tasteful, add condiments

Internet hobby / appetite / flavor /

Relish seasoning, seasoning, enjoyment, like

From Old French relaisser, to stay, to stay behind, from Latin relaxare, to let go, to let go, from re-, backward, to leave, laxare, to loosen, etymology with lax, relax, release. After the extension of the word meaning, taste, aftertaste, after is used to refer to spices, condiments, and extend the verb meaning of enjoyment, like.



v. rest, relaxation; Reassured, calm; loosen, (make) relaxed; relaxation (rules or laws, etc.); reduce (attention), distract (attention); Perm (hair)

Network Relax / Relax / Put /



v. release, release; Let go, let go; Publish, publish; Distribution, release; venting, catharsis; emissions (substances); dismissal, dismissal; Waiver, Surrender; Relax, make slack

n. Release, release; emissions, leaks; release device; Expression, catharsis; Relief, a sense of ease; Something newly released; Publish, publish; exemption (liability, etc.); <法律> Waiver, Surrender; <美> Pass; (device) loosened

Network Release / Release / Re-lease /


English /ˈtʃerɪʃ/ American /ˈtʃerɪʃ/

v. cherish, cherish; Nostalgia (the past), holding (hope)

The Internet cherishes / cherishes / cherishes / loves

cherish time珍惜时间cherish珍爱

来自PIE*karo, 爱,珍爱,

词源同caress, charity.


来源于拉丁语形容词, -a, -um(珍爱的,昂贵的)的词干-car-。 词根词缀: cher (-char-, -car-)珍爱的 + -ish动词词尾



n. charitable organizations, charities; philanthropy; Kindness, generosity; Almsgiving, almsgiving

Online Charity / Alms / Charity /



v. caresses, kisses; Tap, tap

n. Caressing, kissing

The Internet caresses with your hands / Loves and comforts / Rubs /


refuse, rejection (to do something); not accepting, rejecting (something given by others); refusal to give (what is needed); <非正式>(the object) does not function as requested; <旧> not accepting (someone's) marriage proposal; (horse) refusal (hurdles or other obstacles); garbage, waste; discarded;



n. categorical refusal; Rebuff; Be indifference to

vt. Square refusal

The network categorically refuses / refuses / uses blows to make the other person back / categorically refuses to react or refuse to a request harshly or categorically

Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.

Her refusal frustrated his arrogance.

Did your girl friend give a rebuff to you?

Does your girlfriend give you a nail to touch?



n. Light yellow, beige; dark yellow leather; Enthusiast...... Buff; Wipe wheels (or rods, pads), polishing wheels

v. polish (with a soft cloth); Varnish (leather); cushioning

adj. Physically strong, muscular; Light yellowish-brown

[Name] (Buff) (De) Buff, (English) Buff (personal name)

Network Light Yellow / Light Yellow / Gain Effect /

Judge Lanier is a real film buff.

Judge Lanier is a true movie buff.

He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.

He pulled out a sizable light brown envelope from his pocket.



v. rejection, rejection (proposal, suggestion or request); rejection, non-acceptance (faith or political system); Not hired, not admitted; Abandoned (due to poor quality); snubbing, disgust; rejection, rejection (transplantation of organs); (Coin Equipment) Refuse to Accept (Coins)

n. Defective products, waste products; Those who are not qualified, those who are excluded

Network Rejection / Rejection / Exclusion /



v. Decline, recession; refuse, decline; Declension, conjugation

n. Decrease, recession

Network rejection/recession/recession


English /rɪˈpʌls/ American /rɪˈpʌls/

vt. Refuse; Banish; hate

n. Refusal; Repelled

Network Knockback / Strike back the opponent / Disgust /

The enemy met with a repulse.

The enemy was repulsed.

Her repulse was quite unexpected.

Her refusal was completely unexpected.

Do not, for one repulse.

Don't be frustrated just once.

Repulse Bay


repulse, repulse, repulse, disgust

词根词缀: re-回,反对 + -puls-推动 + -e