
Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

author:Positive life in Beijing

In fact, in order to deal with the problem of early love in girls, parents had better find the reasons first. Generally speaking, there are two main reasons for a girl's early love.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

First of all, the girl may feel that the family does not give her enough attention. For example, parents may be too busy with work to pay much attention to her life and emotional needs. Or they only care about their child's academic performance and don't care much about other things. In this way, the girl may find it easier to find warmth and care elsewhere.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

Second, adolescent girls begin to have their own thoughts and opinions, but parents may not have taken enough time to listen and understand her. In this case, the girl may feel closer to her classmates of the opposite sex because they understand her better.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

If parents find that their daughter is close to a certain boy, the best thing to do is not to directly oppose or prevent her, but to try to communicate with her and guide her to understand that when interacting with the opposite sex, you should not be limited to one person or a small circle, so that you will miss the opportunity to get along with other classmates and friends.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

Ms. Sun noticed that her daughter Xiaoli seemed to be showing signs of early love. But instead of scolding her daughter, she cared more about her. Knowing that Xiaoli likes Chinese, Ms. Sun encouraged her to join the grade level recitation team and also encouraged her to keep a diary. With her mother's encouragement and help, Xiaoli's writing skills have improved greatly.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

As a result, Xiaoli's essays often appear on the class poster, and she gradually shifts from one-on-one interactions to participating in group activities. She often contributes to the class and was elected as a member of the study committee by her classmates in a class cadre selection. Now, Xiaoli's main activities have become study and group activities, and her special feelings for the opposite sex have gradually faded. Ms. Sun felt very relieved and fortunate about this result. If she had forcibly stopped her daughter's early love, the result might not be known.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

In fact, attentive parents will find that girls' early love is often due to monotony and lack of goals. So, making a girl's life more fulfilling and helping her find her purpose in life can make her less focused on the opposite sex.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

Also, parents can talk to girls about what true love is. Don't shy away from talking about the topic of love, you can discuss it with the girl and tell her that love is not child's play, but needs to be seriously considered and treated by two people. She must not only think about the happiness in front of her, but take a responsible attitude towards love. Love is a responsibility, in addition to two people can be happy together, more is the need for two people to work together, overcome difficulties, and create the future together.

When we help a girl to establish the right view of love, she will be able to get through this throbbing stage smoothly.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

These words can make the girl feel negative:

The first sentence, "You go, go wherever you want!" ”

A reminder for parents: Some parents will say such things impulsively during an argument, but it is not good to do so. Because a lot of times, girls may actually run away from home because of it. When there is a conflict, parents and children should communicate calmly and not threaten in this way. If the girl is at fault, we should make it clear, but also make her feel our love so that she can face the problem more confidently and positively. Otherwise, even if she gives in for the time being, the problem will resurface.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

The second sentence, "Why can't I read your diary?" You're my child, can't I read your diary yet? ”

Parents remind: We all know that everyone has their own little secrets. For adolescent girls, their secret is their inner little world, which is very precious. If we force us to snoop on her privacy, she may feel violated and become closed. So, as parents, we should respect the girl's little secret and give her enough personal space. That way, she will be more willing to share her heart with us. When we give her enough respect and understanding, she will be more willing to listen to our advice, which will be more helpful for her growth.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: Helping a girl cross the threshold of early love