
The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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Hong Kong actress and former TVB artist Liang Jingqi posted photos on social media and posted a long post to confess her husband, celebrating the fifth anniversary of her marriage in a high-profile manner.

This marriage is also the second marriage in Liang Jingqi's life. Now she and her husband have two sons, and the family of four is very happy.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

Liang Jingqi called her husband her soul mate in a long article. It gave her strength, it gave her comfort, and it gave her endless joy.

After the post was released, many friends in the circle, including the well-known Zhou Jiawei, Hong Yongcheng, Xue Kaiqi, Zhong Liqi and others, all liked and left messages to send blessings at the first time.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

Many friends may not know that Liang Jingqi's current husband Shi Junxian is 8 years younger than her. Because the man is handsome and not very old, he feels immature, which led to the marriage between the two not being favored by the outside world at first.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

I have to say that Liang Jingqi's fresh meat husband is indeed outstanding in appearance. Looking at her social media, you can find that the couple often post family photos on social media to show affection.

The two sons also inherited their father's good looks and excellent genes. The facial features are upright and the appearance is particularly cute, much like a doll.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

It is understood that Liang Jingqi and Shi Junxian met through mutual friends. Because of a failed marriage, Liang Jingqi is particularly cautious about new relationships.

When the two met, Liang Jingqi happened to be holding a public welfare event. As a result, during the event, Shi Junxian would come to the event site every day to see her, and the two had endless chats and had a lot of common topics.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

After a long period of contact, the two parties confirmed their relationship. In July 2019, the two officially entered the palace of marriage.

Although at the end of 2019, Liang Jingqi officially announced that she had a child. But in an interview with the media some time ago, she denied that she was married to her son. Because she said: The two have had a consensus on marriage for a long time. It's just that the time of marriage is a little later than the time of pregnancy.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

It is worth mentioning that with the popularity of "The Inheritor of Family Glory" recently, Liang Jingqi has also gained a lot of attention.

Her role in the play, although she is not the heroine, has a lot of room to play. In particular, there was a rivalry between her and Emperor Luo Jialiang, which won unanimous praise from the outside world, and everyone praised her: her acting skills exploded.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

As we all know, Liang Jingqi is the daughter of Liang Jiashu, a former high-level TVB executive, so the outside world has been ridiculing her all these years: her appearance is not outstanding, and her acting skills are also average, but she always has good film and television resources, and she obviously relies on her father to take the position.

Liang Jingqi didn't particularly care about the evaluation of the outside world. This wonderful performance in "The Inheritor of Family Glory" also impressed the outside world.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

In the editor's opinion, after Liang Jingqi announced her remarriage in 2019, the whole person became low-key. In her first marriage, she was particularly dissatisfied with her husband at the time because of many ambiguous scandals with male artists.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

The marriage of the two ended in divorce after less than three years. And the separation lasted for nearly a year, and the two hardly had much time to spend together. So after remarrying, Liang Jingqi also put away her edge and became very low-key.

The Hong Kong actress celebrated the fifth anniversary of her remarriage, and confessed in a long article that she had a handsome husband who was 8 years old, and her two sons were good-looking

Finally, I would like to wish Liang Jingqi once again a happy 5th wedding anniversary with her handsome husband Shi Junxian, who is 8 years younger than her. I hope that their two precious sons will grow up healthily, and I also wish them a happier life as a family of four.

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