
When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

author:Keep a diary with your baby

Do you still remember the sketch "Help or Not" of the Spring Festival Gala? When everyone applauded and laughed at the comedy, they didn't know that this was a helpless incident that had really happened.

On June 15, 2013, Xiaoyun, who had only turned nine years old, crossed the road with two friends when he heard someone sending out a distress signal not far away.

After Xiaoyun and his friends saw this, they hurriedly stepped forward without hesitation to help the weak old lady up, but who would have thought that this kind stretch of hand would become a moral coercion.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

The old lady grabbed Xiaoyun's arm stretched out to her fiercely, and shouted loudly while sitting on the ground: "It's you who hit me, lose money, you have to pay me money!" ”

The child, who had not yet reacted, was at a loss, wondering why the grandmother was doing this, and on the other hand, he was surrounded by the disturbing crowd of people watching the excitement.

Looking at everyone's look up and down, the grandmother's shouts became louder and louder, crying loudly while telling everyone about their grievances, and everyone who heard the tragic experience turned their eyes to the three Xiaoyun, who were only 9 years old.

The three children were too young, and later they had to come to the parents of the children to deal with them.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

Xiaoyun saw the figure of his father who came in a hurry, and his aggrieved emotions reached his peak, and he cried loudly without any scruples, explaining to his father that he just wanted to help the old grandmother, and he didn't push her.

But the old lady who heard Xiaoyun defending herself also began to roar, insisting that she was pushed down by Xiaoyun.

Seeing this situation, Xiaoyun's father hurriedly sent the old man to the hospital, but who would have expected that what happened next would be beyond everyone's expectations.

The enthusiastic actions of Xiaoyun's father and son turned out to be the reason for the old lady's family to blackmail, and the old man's grandson rushed to claim that it was Xiaoyun's fault, and demanded compensation for the loss of one million, not one million, and this matter is not over. The old man also swore that if he lied, the whole family would suffer.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

I don't know if it was prepared or why, the grandson, who can speak well, began to chatter about asking for compensation from the moment he entered the door. While telling that his grandmother is frail and sick, and he fell for it, I am afraid that the old man will be left with the root cause or sequelae, and I hope that the other party can take responsibility for this, insisting on compensation of 1 million medical expenses and mental damages, if you refuse to compensate, you will have to go to court.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

After Xiaoyun's father saw this, he gradually calmed down and groped for the ins and outs of the matter, he firmly believed that his son, although naughty, was a kind child, remembering that when he first arrived, he slapped Xiaoyun because of this, and his father's heart was very remorseful for his impulsiveness.

He thought to himself that if the child really didn't hit someone, then he shouldn't take the blame for it. So in order to investigate the truth, Xiaoyun's father Jiang Pidong looked around for witnesses.

The hard work paid off, perhaps it was the actions of the father and son that moved the heavens, and it happened that someone filmed the whole process of the incident that day, and when the ironclad truth was revealed, Xiaoyun and his partner were finally innocent.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

In the end, the old lady paid the price for her lies and was sentenced to 7 days of detention, but because she was over 70 years old, she was exempted from punishment, and her grandson Gong Hongchun was detained for 10 days and fined 500 yuan.

After this tragic experience, Xiaoyun still firmly believes in the beauty of human nature, and bluntly said that if there is a next time, he will still help.

At this point, the old man's oath of "deceiving the whole family to suffer" has not been fulfilled, but in fact, her behavior has already made herself and her family "social death", I think after this incident, once the old man really falls down, there will be absolutely no one to help her anymore, and the ending she faces is bound to not be a good ending.

In this life-saving incident, there is a stark contrast between the good and the bad of human nature, but in the face of human considerations, how should we educate our children?

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?
When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

Unconditional support from parents

When many parents encounter sudden problems with their children, they will inertly point all the impact points of contradictions to one side, which will make the small things that could have been resolved more and more intense, and plant a seed of sadness in the child's heart.

The child is still young, and it is inevitable that he will not be trusted by adults, but we must believe that a child who has been cultivated under a good family education can never be malicious, just like Xiaoyun, although his father gave him a slap when he learned about it, but it was only the annoyance that his child was involved in this dispute for no reason, and then the father took responsibility to send the old man to the hospital and help the child find the truth.

Although Xiaoyun was involved in disputes for no reason, his father still unconditionally supported him, believed in him, and ran around in order to maintain his child's innocence.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?
When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

Protect the beauty of your child's heart

Up to today, in the face of the problem of whether the elderly can help or not, people have experienced too much betrayal, and there is a lack of trust in human nature.

However, after experiencing the blackmail of the old man, when Xiaoyun asked whether he would help the old man in the future, the answer was still that he would help him if he did it again.

As adults, we should protect the beauty of the child's heart, maintain the goodness of the child's heart, and should not give up the good wait because of a loss, after all, there are still many good people.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?
When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

Trust in children will be their greatest confidence

The reason why Xiaoyun's kindness can continue after being kidnapped by others is precisely because his father chooses to believe in himself, so he thinks that everything he thinks is right will not be reversed, and he continues to respect his heart.

Then we should always believe in their children, to understand them, love them, trust their hearts are simple, when we choose to trust each other they are willing to open their hearts to us, so that we can better understand their children, step by step to guide them, help them grow into a straight towering tree!

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

In short, while we teach children to be kind, we must also teach children to learn to protect themselves, let children be kind, but also have a sharp edge, only in this way can children have more courage to face difficulties.

When the 9-year-old boy did a good deed to help his grandmother, he was blackmailed for 1 million, what was the ending?

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