
I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

author:Keep a diary with your baby

The college entrance examination is over, and the children's long academic career has come to an end for a short time, and then they begin to fill in the volunteers and choose the university of their choice in full swing.

In the age of the Internet, the information is very transparent, and after the scores come out, the children will roughly know what their future will be, as long as the scores are reached, they can only relax and wait for the admission letter of the university of their choice, which is due to our increasingly developed network and powerful information technology.

However, what today's children don't know is that many years ago, in that era of opaque information, some people worked hard to study, and in the end, they were replaced.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college
I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

After ten years of hard study, he once fell off the list

20 years ago, there was a girl named Chen Chunxiu in Guanxian County, Shandong, who had just taken the college entrance examination, and the scores were announced, Chen Chunxiu scored 546 points, and the whole family was excited to see the scores.

Although she is still three points short of her satisfactory undergraduate admission score, for a poor peasant girl, exceeding the undergraduate score is already the maximum she can work hard, and the whole family is extremely proud and proud of her.

While the family was excitedly waiting for the arrival of the admission letter, Chen Chunxiu fell into a panic, because the other students had successfully obtained the university admission letter, but her own had not been delayed, and until September, when all schools were about to open, she still did not have any admission news.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

"Did you fall off the list?" Chen Chunxiu asked her parents in disappointment.

Chen Chunxiu's parents could not answer her question, they were both natives of the countryside, and because the family was very poor, they could not support the heavy responsibility of their two children to go to school, and between Chen Chunxiu and her brother, they chose to let their daughter, who had better grades, continue to go to school, and the brother began to work in junior high school.

In that patriarchal era, her parents were not influenced by traditional concepts, they used the strength of the whole family to support them, and only hoped that their daughter could be admitted to a good university and change their destiny.

Chen Chunxiu is also very hard-working, she does not want to live up to the expectations of her parents and family, and often takes advantage of the light in the corridor to continue her studies after the lights are turned off in the dormitory.

But God didn't seem to favor them, and they never expected their daughter to fall off the list.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

The conditions at home did not allow Chen Chunxiu to continue to repeat, and with the self-blame of failing to make the list, and with the guilt of her parents, she embarked on the road of part-time work.

In the following time, because he did not have a diploma, Chen Chunxiu could only enter the factory as a worker on the assembly line and also worked in a restaurant.

She does heavy work every day and gets a meager salary.

When her hands were frozen raw and covered with chilblains, she thought that if she had worked hard to do better, she might have been sitting in a spacious classroom reading at this time, instead of tasting the sadness of low-level workers as she is now.

Every time she thought of this, she couldn't help but cry down.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college
I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

Unexpectedly learned that his life was "replaced"

In 2019, after getting married, Chen Chunxiu returned to her hometown of Guanxian County and became a private kindergarten teacher, but failing the college entrance examination was her heart disease, and her biggest wish in this life was to be able to go to college.

With the pursuit of her dreams, Chen Chunxiu enrolled in the primary education major of Qufu Normal University in October 2019, wanting to make up for her regrets through the adult college entrance examination.

However, in May of the following year, when Chen Chunxiu inquired about his enrollment information on the "Xuexin Network", he unexpectedly found an unacceptable fact: he had already graduated from "Shandong University of Technology"!

Chen Chunxiu carefully checked the student registration information on the Internet and found that in addition to the photo that was not his own, the ID number, gender, ethnicity and other information were exactly the same as his own.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

This is no coincidence! Because the third choice I applied for that year was Shandong University of Technology! A bold guess flashed in her heart: she didn't fall off the list at the beginning, but was replaced!

Chen Chunxiu told her husband her question, and her husband had the same idea as her, so they immediately called the admissions office of Shandong University of Technology, and the result of the inquiry was that Chen Chunxiu was indeed admitted to Shandong University of Technology that year, and the admission notice was sent out in the form of EMS.

Chen Chunxiu was completely stunned, because his family was poor, he had never installed a telephone, and the address and phone number were left by the neighbor's, and the neighbor never told him who he had received a notice or a letter. So, where did this acceptance letter go? Who is coming to school?

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

In May 2020, when I learned of this situation, Shandong University of Technology also attached great importance to it, and immediately arranged for Mr. Wang from the admissions office to come to Chen Chunxiu's house to verify the situation. ”

Her conjecture was confirmed, Chen Chunxiu fell into the abyss, the hardships she had endured over the years were still vivid, and tears of grievance came out of her eyes, it turned out that she was not on the list, but was artificially robbed of the opportunity to go to school, this result was more difficult to accept than when she learned that she had fallen off the list.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college
I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

The road for ordinary people to defend their rights is even more difficult

How was he replaced? How to solve the problem of household registration? How is your file replaced? And how do they get through the middle of the process?

On May 27, 2020, Chen Chunxiu wrote her self-report materials and came to the police station to report the case.

The result given by the police station was that after research, it was decided whether to file a case, so Chen Chunxiu found the Education Bureau again, and the reply given by the Education Bureau was: "You go back and issue a certificate!" "Proof what?" "Prove that you are Chen Chunxiu!"

Chen Chunxiu hurriedly came to the police station to issue a certificate, and as soon as he got to work in the afternoon, he came to the Education Bureau to hand in the certification materials, but he did not find his admission information that year.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

turned around a lot, except for the news that "Chen Chunxiu was impostored" flew away, she didn't gain anything.

Just when Chen Chunxiu didn't know what to do, she suddenly received a phone call, claiming to be a "relative of the replacement", saying that the other party was willing to settle the matter privately. The other party was ashamed to say that if he was willing to go private, the conditions given would definitely satisfy Chen Chunxiu's family, and this so-called "satisfaction" was nothing more than economic compensation.

Chen Chunxiu's anger has reached the extreme, has people's shamelessness reached such a level? She righteously refused: "It's impossible to be private!" Can money buy my youth? ”

With the intervention of the media, this matter has received a lot of attention, and on May 26, the replacementist wrote a note, admitting the fact that he was impostor, but put all the responsibility on his aunt, saying that she was single-handedly looking for an intermediary to handle it, and the most ridiculous thing is that this "aunt" has long since died!

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

This is obviously a shirk! From top to bottom, intercepting admission notices, raising files, changing files, falsifying household registration, and successfully enrolling in school is not something that one person can do!

With the fermentation of public opinion, the relevant departments also began to pay attention to this matter and set up a special team to investigate.

On June 29, 2020, the relevant departments finally issued an announcement on the fact that the impostor went to school, and Chen Chunxiu waited for the truth that had not been known for 16 years.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college
I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

Rights are blinding

It turned out that the impostor was called Chen Yanping, and Chen Chunxiu took the college entrance examination in the same year, but her grades were not ideal, and she didn't even reach the junior college score, her father was the owner of a local company, and her uncle was the leader of the Audit Bureau at the time.

At that time, the admission notice of Shandong University of Technology had been sent, and Chen Yanping's father found the deputy director of the post bureau at that time and intercepted the admission notice.

The director of admissions took advantage of his position to extract Chen Chunxiu's file and hand it over to Chen Yanping's father, and Chen Yanping's uncle found the principal of their high school and forged his name to replace Chen Chunxiu's file.

Subsequently, Chen Yanping's uncle found the director of the police station where the household registration was located at that time, and after a series of operations, he handled a new household registration.

In the end, they found the director of admissions and the dean of academic affairs of Polytechnic University through a series of relationships, so that Chen Yanping could successfully enroll.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

In this way, by stealing other people's learning results, Chen Yanping successfully went to university and graduated, and after graduation, she entered a public institution with her education and background and had a decent job.

I don't know if she has ever been unable to sleep at night because of guilt over the years, and whether she knows that there is a girl who is struggling at the bottom of her life all day long because her operation changed the track of her beautiful life. What she extinguished was not Chen Chunxiu's hope alone, but the hope of the family.

It is gratifying that after this incident came to light, Chen Yanping, who replaced Chen Chunxiu, was terminated from the labor contract, and all the incumbent personnel involved in the case were examined by the discipline inspection and supervision departments, and those who had retired and were involved in the case were also reduced in retirement benefits and expelled from the party.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

Behind this impostor incident, there are at least 15 people involved, who used their power to ruin the life of a rural girl, although in the end they all got the punishment they deserved, but what can this be compared to Chen Chunxiu's 16 years of youth? After all, what they stole was not a thin admission letter at all, but Chen Chunxiu's brilliant future and beautiful life!

Later, Chen Chunxiu submitted a request to Shandong University of Technology to apply for admission, but was rejected by the school as "no such precedent", fortunately, Chen Chunxiu was unwilling to succumb to fate, and finally successfully passed the adult college entrance examination of Qufu Normal University, which can be regarded as the realization of her dream.

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

Such an ending can't help but make people sigh, as Chen Chunxiu's father later said: "They know that I am a coward, if they know that I am a capable person, they don't dare." ”

From top to bottom, if there is a person in the middle who has a little unquenched conscience, I think things will not develop like this, but the sky has eyes, and sooner or later you will have to pay it back, although fairness will come late, what should be yours is yours, and if it is not yours, you have to vomit it if you eat it!

I failed to score 546 in the college entrance examination that year, and after working for 16 years, I found that I was replaced in college

Author: Wait for the wind to come

A working mother of two children, holding a pen in her left hand and a baby in her right hand, she likes to read, write, and paint, and firmly believes that even if she lives in a chicken feather, she must have her own poetry and distance in her heart.

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)

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