
Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

author:Women's Voices of the All-China Women's Federation
Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary
Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary
Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

"11 main technologies, more than 50 scientific research papers, and more than 20 patents...... started from July 2021, and after 3 years, Zhang Lili led the team to achieve fruitful results in the "Black Soil Granary" science and technology battle project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Recalling the past three years of working day and night on scientific research, Zhang Lili showed a pleased smile, "After the results are sorted out, we will determine the next direction of research and prepare to apply for the Liaoning Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award." ”

Zhang Lili is a researcher at the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a doctoral supervisor, and concurrently serves as the deputy director of the Agricultural Center and the secretary of the Party branch. In the field of scientific research, she has an image title - a female doctor who "plays with mud". Since 2004, she has been working in the Shenyang Institute of Applied Ecology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences for 20 years, taking root in the black soil, taking "making good use of the black soil" as her unswerving scientific research goal, and interpreting the pure heart of a scientific and technological worker to serve the country with innovation and keep the mission in mind with tireless pursuit and feelings.

Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

Love for the black earth

Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

Zhang Lili exchanged views with foreign experts on soil protection issues.

Zhang Lili was born in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, and has formed an indissoluble bond with the black soil since she was a child. When she was admitted to the university and filled in the volunteers, Zhang Lili resolutely wrote "Agricultural University" in all the volunteers. In the end, she was admitted to the Department of Soil Chemistry of Northeast Agricultural University as she wished, and fulfilled her dream of cracking the mystery of soil.

Zhang Lili is currently engaged in the research and demonstration of soil plant nutrition and new fertilizers. She told the all-media reporter of China Women's Daily that the black soil in Northeast China is the "ballast stone" of the mainland's food security, but at present, the soil quality has declined due to heavy use and light nutrient, and the grain output has declined year by year, so it can only rely on continuous investment of chemical fertilizers to ensure the yield of crops. To this end, the conservation of black soil and the improvement of soil organic matter have become the main scientific research directions of her and her team.

In view of the poor soil nutrient retention capacity and other problems, Zhang Lili led the team, based on the balance of soil nutrient supply and demand and the characteristics of soil nutrient supply, with the principle of carbon and nitrogen coupling as the core, systematically carried out the development and promotion of green fertilizer, the technology has been promoted to 22 provinces across the country, covering hundreds of millions of acres of land and increasing crop yield by 8%~10%.

Rooted in the black soil

Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

Zhang Lili checks the growth of crops after the application of technology.

Engaged in agricultural scientific research all year round and rooted in the black soil, Zhang Lili's skin color is obviously one shade darker than that of other colleagues. "This is the background color of agricultural technicians." Zhang Lili said jokingly. From spring planting to autumn harvest, Zhang Lili often works with farmers in the land, surveying seedlings, and controlling pests and diseases...... Zhang Lili knows every detail of the growth of crops.

Only by mastering the growth of crops can we provide farmers with product formulations according to local conditions according to the soil. Faced with female scientists from the city, the peasants were skeptical at first. "What if it's not good and the production is reduced?" In order to dispel the concerns of farmers, Zhang Lili promised: "If the yield is reduced, I will compensate for the reduction!" ”

In the perennial drought in northwest Liaoning, Zhang Lili provided local corn farmers with a fertilizer with drought resistance and water retention functions. "Dr. Zhang, other people's leaves are yellow, but mine is not!" After several days of drought, crops were extremely short of water, and seeing the good growth of their corn, farmers called Zhang Lili to express their gratitude. During the autumn harvest, farmers reported good news again, and their own crops achieved stable yields despite the reduced yields of other crops.

"When you go to the field, you can hear the truest sound." Zhang Lili said that she has many farmer friends, and even if the scientific research work is busy, she will answer the farmers' questions as soon as possible. In order to expand the scope of agricultural technology promotion, she also cooperates with the local agricultural department to promote the latest agricultural technology to the grassroots level, so as to "escort" the country's food security.

Consecrate the black earth

Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

Zhang Lili instructs students in experiments in the laboratory.

In 2021, when the Chinese Academy of Sciences needed young scientists to undertake the project, she did not hesitate to take the task of "Shenyang Demonstration Zone" on her shoulders, and worked with her colleagues in the project team to overcome various difficulties such as tight time, heavy tasks, and poor agricultural time, completed the planning and design of the Shenyang Demonstration Zone, established the demonstration plan, and established three demonstration bases in Changtu, Fuxin and Shenbei.

"Modest, tolerant, and honest" is the unanimous evaluation of Zhang Lili by peers, colleagues and students. The heavy scientific tasks and clerical work did not affect her students' training, on the contrary, she left all the time she could to use for students as much as possible. She insisted on holding group meetings with students every Friday, and even when she worked late, she would go to the office to guide students. She often introduces the latest developments in relevant magazines and journals, and when she encounters articles related to the research direction of the group, she will send them to everyone by email in a timely manner.

"Teacher Zhang remembers each of our birthdays." In the hearts of the doctoral students supervised by Zhang Lili, she is not only a meticulous strict teacher, but also a close elder. Zhang Lili infects everyone around her with her rigorous academic attitude and meticulous care for students.

For more than 20 years since joining the party, Zhang Lili has persevered in her studies and practiced her persistence in the cause of science with perseverance and struggle. "As a member of the Communist Party, we must not forget our original intention, use science and technology to promote the high-quality development of agriculture, and at the same time play a leading role, do a good job in the construction of talent echelon, and use the feelings of protecting black soil to practice the mission of caring about 'national affairs' and shouldering 'national responsibility'." Zhang Lili said.

The journey is long, only struggle Salute every struggler!

Family and Country Struggle丨Zhang Lili: The female doctor who played with mud "took the pulse" for the black soil granary

Source/China Women's Daily Author/China Women's Daily All-Media Reporter Jia Yingying Editor/Zhao Rui Review/Ming Fang Producer/

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