
Luoyang County People's Hospital: The medical heart welcomes the party on July 1st, and the free clinic service warms people's hearts

author:Glory Shaanxi Net

In order to welcome the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and thoroughly implement the call of "carrying forward the spirit of patriotic struggle and making contributions to the new era", the People's Hospital of Luoyang County, together with experts from Nantong City, Hai'an City, Xi'an City and Hanzhong City, carried out a large-scale free clinic activity with the theme of "July 1st Health Walk, Love Free Clinic Warms People's Hearts" in the East Gate Tower Square of Luoyang County on the morning of June 28.

The scene of the free clinic was crowded and lively, and there was an endless stream of people who came to consult and treat.

Luoyang County People's Hospital: The medical heart welcomes the party on July 1st, and the free clinic service warms people's hearts

Nantong "group" assistance experts Chen Jinliang, Chen Zhuo, Lu Fei, Yin Bianyu, Li Lin, Liu Zhiyun, Ben Teng, Xi'an Third Hospital assistance experts Fang Liyun, Wu Xia, Wang Yixu, Hanzhong Central Hospital assistance experts Zhao Xudong, Shao Yuan, and some department directors, medical staff and party members and volunteers of our hospital enthusiastically provide free blood pressure and blood sugar measurement services for the masses. The experts carefully inquired about the medical history, conducted physical examinations, patiently and meticulously answered all kinds of health problems raised by the patients, and gave professional diagnosis and treatment suggestions. At the same time, it also popularized the knowledge of disease prevention and health care to the masses, emphasized the importance of a healthy lifestyle, and distributed relevant health science materials. The experts' superb medical skills and enthusiastic service have won unanimous praise from everyone.

Luoyang County People's Hospital: The medical heart welcomes the party on July 1st, and the free clinic service warms people's hearts

According to statistics, more than 500 people were served on the day of the free clinic, and more than 1,800 copies of publicity materials were distributed.

Luoyang County People's Hospital: The medical heart welcomes the party on July 1st, and the free clinic service warms people's hearts

The free clinic activities have promoted the deep integration of party building work and medical services, and practiced the original intention and mission of serving the people's health wholeheartedly with practical actions. In the future, Luoyang County People's Hospital will continue to uphold the concept of "patient-centered", strengthen the leadership of party building, carry forward the spirit of patriotic struggle, stimulate the work enthusiasm and creative vitality of medical staff, and continuously improve the quality and level of medical services with the help of "group" assistance opportunities, so as to better escort the health of the people of Luoyang. (Tang Dan)

Editor-in-charge: Zhuo Xiling

Edit: Spirited

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