
Yingze action丨The party flavor is "strong", the form is "live", and the effect is "real", and the theme party day activities here are "different red"

author:Yingze release

Since the beginning of this year, the Party Working Committee of Miaoqian Street has insisted on continuous special discussions, non-stop learning, and more civilized practice, so that the theme party day activities have both "meaning" and "significance", both "umami" and "party flavor", and ensure that the "melting pot" of political life in the party is getting more and more prosperous.

Thematic discussion casts the soul

The Party Working Committee of the sub-district closely follows the distinct theme of "politics", and regularly organizes party members and cadres to carry out special seminars around Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China. In addition, the street party working committee made the "party flavor" of the theme party day activities stronger by reviewing the oath of joining the party and leading cadres giving party lectures.

Yingze action丨The party flavor is "strong", the form is "live", and the effect is "real", and the theme party day activities here are "different red"

Party members and cadres conducted special study and discussion on the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China".

Enrich the form and add color

The Party Working Committee of the street continues to enrich the form and connotation of the theme party day activities, moves the theme party day activities out of the conference room, and organizes party members and cadres to carry out movie watching activities and go out to visit and study...... Through immersion and real-life teaching, we nourish the original intention of party members, temper political character, and improve their ability to take responsibility.

During the period of party discipline study and education, the party day activities with the theme of "clean government education" were carried out, and party members and cadres were organized to go to Beilin Park to visit the stone carvings of integrity, find the traces of clean government thoughts, and appreciate the charm of clean culture; During the "Safety Production Month", party members and cadres were organized to go to the Shanxi Provincial Air Defense and Disaster Prevention Experience Center to learn about the development history and construction achievements of Chinese people's air defense, experience the disaster scene immersively, master escape skills, learn how to use fire extinguishers, how to correctly perform artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and realize the re-strengthening of safety awareness and safety capabilities.

Yingze action丨The party flavor is "strong", the form is "live", and the effect is "real", and the theme party day activities here are "different red"

Party members and cadres simulated cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the "wounded".

Serve the people with warmth

The Party Working Committee of the street adheres to the demand-oriented and problem-oriented, and carries out the theme party day activities to the front line of overcoming difficulties and serving the people. The environmental outlook needs to be improved, so party members will go deep into the jurisdiction to carry out the "public welfare hour" volunteer service activities to contribute to the beautification of the urban environment; The needy groups need help, and the party members come to the homes of special groups to visit and condole, send condolences and sincere care and greetings, and send care to the hearts of the masses; Children in distress need care, and the children's "micro wishes" are then lit up by party members, and the small gifts carry care and blessings, bringing the children the strength to move forward.

At the same time, every Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other important time nodes, the street party working committee will also organize party members and cadres to come to the community, go deep into the masses, make dumplings, make Lantern Festival, make moon cakes with everyone, feel the charm of traditional festivals, inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Yingze action丨The party flavor is "strong", the form is "live", and the effect is "real", and the theme party day activities here are "different red"

Party members and the masses jointly make snowy moon cakes

The "down-to-earth" theme party day activities have done practical things for the masses and solved problems, and everyone's spiritual and cultural needs have also been greatly satisfied. "Now the theme party day activities are becoming more and more novel in form and richer in content, from the conference room to the education base, close to the masses, everyone's enthusiasm to participate is getting higher and higher, and the effect is getting better and better!" Zhao Jingting, member of the Party Working Committee of the street and member of the group propaganda committee, said.

In the next step, the Party Working Committee of Miaoqian Street will continue to innovate carriers and enrich forms, not discount on "prescribed actions", pay attention to characteristics in "optional actions", and truly make the theme party day activities a basic carrier of "learning", an important platform for "doing", and a powerful starting point for "doing", so as to contribute to improving the ability and level of grassroots governance.

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