
Close-up 1+1丨Praise the party's grace and keep the original intention, a series of activities to welcome "July 1st"

author:Yingze release
Close-up 1+1丨Praise the party's grace and keep the original intention, a series of activities to welcome "July 1st"

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the community party organization, recently, Yingze Street and Zhou Road three communities carried out a series of activities with the theme of "Praise the Party's Grace and Keeping the Original Heart".

Relay recitation of the Party Constitution

Strive to be a qualified party member

"The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, the core of leadership for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and represents the requirements for the development of China's advanced productive forces, the direction of progress of China's advanced culture, and the fundamental ......interests of the broadest masses of the Chinese people." The activity kicked off with a sonorous and powerful reading by 89-year-old veteran party member Wen Shukai. Community workers and veteran party members sat around and recited the Constitution of the Communist Party of China with deep affection. By reviewing the Party Constitution, guide all Party members to respect the Party Constitution, abide by Party rules, strengthen ideals and beliefs, always keep in mind the identity of Party members, speak for the Party in the Party, and strive to be qualified Party members.

"This kind of original recitation and learning is very meaningful, and it further deepens my understanding and knowledge of the party constitution." Gu Yunqian, a member of the community neighborhood committee and a reserve party member of the post-90s, said frankly after participating in the event that the relay recitation made her accept the baptism of thought again and further strengthen her ideals and beliefs.

Close-up 1+1丨Praise the party's grace and keep the original intention, a series of activities to welcome "July 1st"

Firm in your faith

Strive to be a pacesetter in learning

In order to commend the advanced, set up a model, and unite the strength of community party members, honorary certificates and prizes were awarded to the "Learning to Power the Country" learning pacesetters at the event site, encouraging them to cherish the honor, make persistent efforts, continue to play a good role model, persevere, create new achievements, and contribute to the high-quality development of the community.

Close-up 1+1丨Praise the party's grace and keep the original intention, a series of activities to welcome "July 1st"

"I am very happy to receive this award, learning on the 'Learning Power' learning platform has become an important part of my life. As a veteran party member with 38 years of party experience, I will continue to draw nourishment from the learning platform of 'Learning to Strengthen the Country', constantly improve my ability and quality, retire without fading, leave the post without centrifugation, and continue to make my own contribution to community construction! Pan Yingyue, a veteran party member who won the honorary title of "learning pacesetter" this time, said.

I took a picture with the party flag

The words show a strong love for the party

A party flag, a heart, and a flag decorated with a golden party emblem pattern are deeply imprinted in the hearts of every party member. In the photo session with the party flag, the party members wore the party emblem, their eyes were sincere, and their smiles were bright, and the camera froze the most beautiful moments, and also sent a special blessing for the party's 103rd birthday.

Under the witness of the party flag, the old party members showed their identities, showed their party age, recalled their original intentions, said their feelings, and wrote messages, "I will always follow the party in this life and this life!" "Listen to the party, follow the party, and love the party forever in this life and ......" are the most affectionate confessions of old party members to the party. Zhao Xiaohong, secretary of the Party branch of the property community, said: "I am very excited to participate in the activity of taking photos with the party flag today. Thanks to the community, the care of the party has been sent to our hearts, and we have found a sense of belonging to the party organization. ”

Close-up 1+1丨Praise the party's grace and keep the original intention, a series of activities to welcome "July 1st"

Don't forget the way you came, take the road under your feet, and firm the road ahead. In the next step, the three communities of Bingzhou Road will take this theme activity as an opportunity to focus on the needs of community development, transform the original mission into the motivation, ideas and measures to serve the masses, and serve the residents wholeheartedly with practical actions with a sense of responsibility, a promising mental state, and a realistic and pragmatic work style, so as to promote the work of the community to a new level with high quality.

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