
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

author:Glory Shaanxi Net
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

From June 27th to 28th, the "'Network Gathering' Power and 'Intelligent Governance' Future - Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Member Day Activity" was successfully held in Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province, bringing a feast of ideas to improve the level of grid management and promote grassroots governance innovation!

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

The event was hosted by the Grid Branch of China Communications Industry Association and Yulin Law Society of Shaanxi Province, and undertaken by the Political and Legal Committee of Shenmu Municipal Party Committee of Shaanxi Province and the Social Work Department of Shenmu Municipal Party Committee of Shaanxi Province.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

Qiu Baoxing, Counselor of the State Council, Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, and former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Yang Zhiming, Special Researcher of the Counselor's Office of the State Council, Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and President of the China Labor Society, Ding Wenfeng, Professor of the Party School of the Central Committee (National Academy of Administration) and Chairman of the Western China Talent Development Foundation, Wu Lun, Professor of Peking University, Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, and Chief Scientist of the National Grid Platform R&D Program, Gao Jianwu, Founding Team Member of the Grid Model and Chief Expert of the Grid Branch of the China Communications Industry Association, Li Wanchang, Minister of the Social Work Department of the Yulin Municipal Party Committee of Shaanxi Province, Guo Mingxiong, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Yulin Municipal Legal Committee of Shaanxi Province, Duan Zhibo, Deputy Secretary of the Shenmu Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Shaanxi Province, He Shuqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Shenmu Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee of Shaanxi Province, and President of the Shenmu Law Society and other leaders and guests attended the event.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

During the event, the guests and representatives visited the Shenmu City Exhibition Hall, investigated the Shenmu City Grid Center, the Xinyuan Community Comprehensive Management Center of the Binhe New District Street of Shenmu City, and went to the Shiyuan and Gaojiabao education bases to gain an in-depth understanding of the field operation and effectiveness of grid governance.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

The theme conference invited 8 well-known experts in the field of gridding, including Gao Jianwu, a founding member of the grid model and chief expert of the grid branch of the China Communications Industry Association, to give keynote speeches, and nearly 50 representatives conducted in-depth discussions and case sharing from different perspectives at the grid center director forum and the fifth grid mode advanced seminar. This series of colorful activities not only orients the development of the grid management model, but also further deepens its "model role" across the country, from ensuring the needs of grassroots people's livelihood to deepening the reform of government services, and jointly promoting the improvement of grid governance capabilities.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

During the meeting, Zhang Zhi, a specially invited researcher of the Public Policy Research Center of Shandong University and a core expert of the key project of the National Social Science Fund, presided over the launching ceremony of the evaluation of the grid work, and 9 guests jointly launched the gilded platform, announcing that the Grid Branch of the China Communications Industry Association, the Western China Talent Foundation, the Quality of Life and Public Policy Research Center of Shandong University and other units officially opened the systematic evaluation of the grid model in the country. At the same time, the conference also released the "2023 Grid Model Development Report" and the "2023 Grid Development Capability Assessment Report", and announced the deeds of outstanding grid members, excellent papers on grid mode, excellent cases of grid governance and the list of grid governance innovation cities, which provided a theoretical research basis for the national grid governance work, set an example and benchmark.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu
The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

Li Wanchang, Minister of Social Work Department of Yulin Municipal Party Committee, Shaanxi Province, Guo Mingxiong, Executive Deputy Secretary of Yulin Municipal Party Committee and Political and Legal Committee of Shaanxi Province, Duan Zhibo, Deputy Secretary of Shenmu Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Municipal People's Government of Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, Gao Jianwu, founding member of the grid model and chief expert of the Grid Branch of China Communications Industry Association, Qi Zhihong, vice president and secretary general of the Grid Branch of China Communications Industry Association, and many other leaders came to the scene, not only enjoying the high-level singing and dancing programs with the cultural characteristics of northern Shaanxi, but also witnessing and participating in the grand award ceremony. The celebration commended the outstanding representatives and advanced units from all over the country who are loyal to their duties, silently dedicated, pioneering and innovative, and have made positive contributions to promoting the modernization of grassroots social governance, which fully reflects the recognition and support for the work of grid members, as well as the great importance attached to the construction of grid staff and the modernization of social governance.

The Grid and Grassroots Governance Innovation Conference and the 3rd Grid Staff Day were held in Shenmu

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the requirements of grassroots governance of "improving grid management and refined service", and grid management is to shorten the distance of serving the society through each grid unit, open up the "last meter" of serving the masses, and promote grassroots governance to be more scientific and refined. The successful holding of this conference not only provides a high-standard and high-level communication platform for the field of grid and grassroots governance innovation, but also further promotes the popularization and application of the grid model across the country, and injects new impetus into improving the ability of grassroots governance and innovating the social governance system. (Contributed by Shenmu Municipal Legal Committee)

Editor-in-charge: Yang Yang

Editor: Liu Xin

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