
The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

author:China Fortune Network
The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

A successful conclusion

With the rapid development of science and technology, intelligent manufacturing and industrial automation have become an important force to promote industrial upgrading. In this context, Beijing Asia Control Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Asia Control Technology") successfully held the KingSCADA 4.0 information innovation version product launch conference with the theme of "independent and controllable, ecological collaboration - comprehensively promoting the localization of monitoring software information innovation" in Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun and Harbin from June 18 to 27, 2024, which is not only a feast of technology, but also a deep thinking about future industrial automation and intelligent manufacturing. The four press conferences attracted the active participation of many industry experts, partners and customers, witnessed the innovation and development of domestic monitoring software, and also marked an important step in the field of domestic monitoring software.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

Shenyang Railway Station Dalian Railway Station

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

Autonomous and controllable: KingSCADA 4.0 Xinchuang Edition leads the innovation of SCADA technology

Mr. Zheng Bingquan, General Manager of Asia Control Technology, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Mission Must Be Achieved: SCADA Technology Innovation and Future Prospects", which deeply analyzed the current international situation and the development trend of information innovation, and looked forward to the future of SCADA technology.

Mr. Zheng pointed out that the current international situation is complex and changeable, and trade protectionism and anti-globalization are rising, which has brought challenges to the mainland's manufacturing industry and industrial chain. In this context, independent and controllable has become a national strategy, and the development of the information and innovation industry is unstoppable. Xinchuang not only contains the concept of safety and reliability, but also emphasizes the independent and controllable technology and the domestic substitution of the whole industrial chain.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

Mr. Zheng emphasized that SCADA technology is in the stage of innovation, and the future development trend will be reflected in the following aspects:

Independent and controllable: In view of the current domestic and foreign situation and increasingly fierce competition, independent and controllable is not only the future trend, but also the only choice and the only way out for our country. KingSCADA 4.0 supports a variety of operating systems, CPU processors, PLC devices and databases to create a full information innovation ecological chain of SCADA system and ensure the security and reliability of the system.

High security: With the increasing risk of cyber attacks on industrial control systems, the security of SCADA systems has become paramount. KingSCADA 4.0 carries the core concept of Xinchuang, deeply integrates the security requirements of SCADA system, provides users with a comprehensive, efficient and safe guarantee solution, and builds a solid fortress in line with the standard of classified protection 2.0.

High reliability and high performance: With the increasing complexity of centralized large-scale monitoring scenarios, SCADA systems need to have higher stability and performance to cope with the needs of large-scale data collection and concurrent access. KingSCADA 4.0 can support the business expansion needs of customers in large-scale centralized control scenarios through multi-node collaboration and management. At the same time, it supports distributed deployment to realize unified monitoring and management of central nodes. It truly realizes the high reliability and high performance of the system, and can meet the needs of various complex monitoring scenarios.

Industry versioning: According to the needs of different industries, mature SCADA systems will provide customized solutions to meet the needs of specific industries. KingSCADA 4.0 supports a variety of industry templates and customized development, empowers the industry through data collection standardization, combines the characteristics of different industries, and finally meets the monitoring needs of different industries.

Intelligent monitoring: The essence of SCADA configuration software is the alarm system, through the use of algorithm models and big data analysis and other technologies, SCADA system will realize intelligent alarm, predictive maintenance and other functions, improve production efficiency and safety. KingSCADA 4.0 integrates a large number of industry intelligent algorithms, which can be analyzed according to historical data and real-time data to achieve accurate alarm and intelligent optimization.

Integration of management and control: The SCADA system will be deeply integrated with MES, ERP and other production management systems to realize the whole process monitoring and management of the production process. KingSCADA 4.0 has good compatibility and openness, not only its own products to achieve seamless communication, but also provide a variety of ways and interfaces to quickly complete the information islands of various systems of IT and OT, and realize the interconnection and interoperability of data. Actively embrace large models, AI, digital twins, and big data to achieve a new generation of information technology integration.

KingSCADA 4.0 Xinchuang Edition: Ingenuity, leading the industry upgrading

KingSCADA 4.0 is the core product carefully built by Asiacon Technology for the field of information innovation, inheriting the high performance, ease of use and functional compatibility of KingSCADA series products, with its code autonomy rate of more than 90%, providing substantial value and data security guarantee for enterprises.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

The value-oriented products have been successfully applied in information innovation projects in many industries such as water conservancy, heat network, mining, metallurgy, semiconductor, medicine, etc., and helped the original users to complete the information innovation upgrade, demonstrating the technical strength and innovative spirit of Asia Control Technology in the field of SCADA. Eight product features, such as drive pilot, intelligent alarm, system integration, engineering compatibility, algorithm support, and ecological collaboration, have brought unprecedented value to the industry.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

Partners: Collaborative innovation for a better future

At the press conference, Asia Control Technology had in-depth exchanges with partners such as Alto Technology and Winute to discuss technological innovation and industry solutions in the field of information and innovation. Alto Technology had an in-depth discussion on autonomous and controllable solutions for the water conservancy industry, while Winute technical experts shared effective strategies for building a cyber security defense line and demonstrated technical support in metallurgy, petrochemical and other fields. The two sides said that they will work together to promote the development of localized monitoring software and escort the security of the industrial Internet.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

Industry Manager Speech: Empowering Industries and Enabling Digital Transformation

The industry managers of Asia Control Technology shared the application results of Xinchuang SCADA products in different industries in each branch venue. These speeches not only demonstrated the deep accumulation of APCON in the heating, coal, and military industries, but also provided practical guidance for the digital transformation of various industries.

The KingSCADA4.0 information innovation version press conference was successfully concluded

The nationwide tour release is underway, so stay tuned~

The successful holding of the KingSCADA 4.0 Xinchuang version conference marks an important step in the field of localized monitoring software. We will continue to adhere to the concept of "independent and controllable, ecological collaboration", and work with partners to continue to carry out the KingSCADA 4.0 information innovation version tour conference in other cities across the country, and look forward to sharing the advantages and application cases of KingSCADA 4.0 information innovation version with more industry experts, business representatives and media friends, and jointly discussing the future development trend of the information innovation field.

Follow "Asia Control Technology" for more information

Asiacon will continue to invest in research and development, continuously improve the functions and performance of KingSCADA 4.0 Xinchuang Edition, provide customers with more secure, reliable and easy-to-use monitoring software solutions, help the digital transformation of China's manufacturing industry, and contribute to the construction of a network power.