
The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

author:Inner Mongolia is an anti-cult

A ridiculous and ridiculous incident that happened in Saskatchewan, Canada, has attracted the attention of many netizens.

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

Extremist sect leader Romana DiDulo Source: BBC

The queen arrives and shocks the village

Romana Didulo, 48, is the leader of the Kingdom of Canada, an extremist sect in Canada, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. She once led a group of congregants to set up camp in a small township called Richmond in Saskatchewan.

The townspeople, who had been living a dull and peaceful life, suddenly drove into a phalanx of cars and motorcycles. For a while, the vigorous noise made many residents mistakenly think that a certain star had come here.

Once the group enters the town, they head straight to an abandoned school. After the "occupation" of the school, they continued to fence and protect it for several days, as if they wanted to live here for a long time. They also fenced off the school to keep the townspeople out of the way, and set up a boundary around the school with a "No Trespassing" sign, which was quite mysterious.

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

Schools occupied by the extremist sect "Kingdom of Canada" Source: CBC

Causing trouble and causing dissatisfaction

Some of the congregants sat on the ground by the fence, while others drove and patrolled as guards, and anyone who came near the school would be stopped by them. The words "Kingdom of Canada" are also hung on the exterior walls of the school building. Confusingly, this is also the first time that local Canadians have heard of the "Kingdom of Canada".

Since the gang arrived in town, the lives of the residents have turned into nightmares. Residents are sometimes chased by Christians when they walk on the streets, forced to take pictures with their mobile phones, and have their license plates taken to record vehicles passing on the streets. Not only that, but the congregants also spread political rhetoric, including far-right conspiracy theories, throughout the town. Romana Di Dulo also asked the congregants to go around and pull people into their organization.

According to the townspeople, the school has been abandoned for years. It was later discovered that the owner of the property, which owns the school, had recently joined the denomination. Therefore, Romana Di Dulo and her followers were invited to move the headquarters of the sect here.

The actions of the "Kingdom of Canada" immediately aroused the resentment of the townspeople, who wanted to drive the idle people out of the town. When Romana Di Duolo heard about it, she sent a threatening letter directly to the residents' private mailboxes. She threatened to be judged if the townspeople did not obey the "Queen's" directives. And if convicted at trial, they will face being sentenced to public live broadcast!

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

Romana DiDulo on the air Source: CBC

The identity was exposed, and it turned out to be an Internet celebrity

As soon as the news about Romana Di Duolo came out, it attracted the attention of many people. Who is the leader of the self-proclaimed "Queen of Canada"? And what is the charm that makes people bow down to it?

Romana Di Duolo was born in the Philippines in November 1974. At the age of 15, she immigrated to Canada from the Philippines with her family. At the beginning of the twentieth century, she worked as a hawker to make ends meet. In 2007, Romana DiDuolo started her own business, founding an engineering recruitment consultancy and then a healthcare company. However, due to her lack of management experience, her entrepreneurial journey quickly hit a roadblock.

Since then, Romana Di Dulo has been interested in politics again, intending to start a career in politics, but she has remained unknown until 2020, when she gradually became known through filming online videos.

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

The bus being advertised for Romana Di Dulo Source: BBC

During the pandemic, Romana Di Duolo was a strong opponent of vaccinations. At that time, many people in American society were unimpressed with the epidemic and tired of the government's epidemic prevention policies. Romana Di Dulo's actions were supported by these people. After becoming popular with the help of hot spots such as the epidemic, she started the road of "political Internet celebrity".

As more and more people pay attention, she also sets her sights on the world. Romana Di Duolo has increased the frequency of video updates, using all kinds of bizarre remarks to attract everyone's comments. For example, she once spread rumors in a video that the Chinese army was trying to occupy Canada by digging underground tunnels, which shocked everyone.

Since 2020, she has gradually "come up" to promote herself as the founder and leader of the "Canada First Party" online, and she has created an image that she often contacts with political party leaders and Canadian heads of state, and began to publicly use the identity of "Queen of Canada". According to a BBC2021 report, Romana DiDulo also told the congregation that her power was supported by a secret faction within the U.S. military.

Forming organizations to exploit believers

After the establishment of the "Kingdom of Canada", the Catholics gradually became the target of her exploitation, and the pretense of "political status" also became a channel for her to earn money and power. Romana DiDulo, a self-proclaimed "Queen of Canada" who does not have to pay taxes or even pay back at home, claims that if she joins her sect, she can save her followers from electricity bills and other daily expenses as queen.

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

Boss Romana Di Dulo and coaches at the event Source: BBC

But in fact, she has repeatedly publicly called on her followers to donate, and the money she collected has been squandered or repaid by herself. According to the BBC, according to ex-believers, Romana Di Dulo has acted extremely authoritarianly towards members of her sect.

All members of the congregation must obey her unconditionally. This kind of "self-serving" control psychology is also one of the characteristics often used by extremist sect leaders to consolidate power. Romana Di Dulo had previously lived in British Columbia until 2022, when she began traveling around Canada with a small core of followers in an attempt to attract more followers across the country.

Incites believers and threatens society

In November 2021, Romana Di Dulo was briefly detained and underwent a psychiatric evaluation by the RCMP Integrated National Security Enforcement Team after inciting followers to "shoot and kill" doctors or nurses who were vaccinating minors.

On August 13, 2022, about 30 members of the Kingdom of Canada, following orders from Romana Di Dulo, attempted to break into the Peterborough, Ontario, police headquarters to arrest police officers on what they called "pandemic-related crimes."

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

Peterborough Mayor Diane Serien Source: BBC

In the aftermath of the incident, the mayor of Peterborough, Diane Therrien, spoke out denouncing the "Kingdom of Canada" and its ringleader, Romana DiDulo. The angry Diane Serrion even embroiled herself in a storm with the remark "Get out, you bastards" on her personal social media.

As the negative news in politics and society grows, so does the disgust of Canadians towards Romana DiDulo.

On October 15, 2022, residents of the small town of Richmond held another public march. The mayor of Richmond led hundreds of residents to the scene and invited the media to a press conference to showcase the threat posed to the town by the extremist group. Many residents even held up homemade slogans expressing their desire to get rid of Romana Di Duolo and return life to normal.

It seems to be a farce, wary of the world

In the eyes of others, the events of Romana DiDulo and the "Kingdom of Canada" are more like a farce. Although people see more of the "self-esteem" of the leader Romana DiDuolo and the ignorance of the followers than other cruel and extreme sects, their actions have also posed a threat to the safety of society.

The leader of the extremist sect, who calls himself the Queen of Canada, has threatened to arrest the police

The townsfolk made their own banners in an attempt to drive away Romana Di Dulo Source: Humboldt Quest

Once the legal boundaries are crossed, it will inevitably lead to unimaginable tragedy. We also firmly believe that the extremist sect of the "Kingdom of Canada" will eventually collapse under the continuous exposure of the Internet, and this Internet celebrity leader must pay the price and give the residents of Richmond a peaceful living environment.

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