
Recommendation of a series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology

author:Journal of Surveying and Mapping
Recommendation of a series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology

The content of this article is reprinted from the WeChat public account: School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, the copyright belongs to the original author and the published media, and the content published is only for communication and reference, and does not represent the position of this journal.

Textbook recommendation

Recommendation of a series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology

Meng Lingkui, Shi Wenzhong, Zhang Penglin, Huang Changqing, Zhang Wen, Xie Wenjun. Principles and technologies of network geographic information system (4th edition) [M]. Beijing: Science Press. 2024. (4th edition, June 2024; August 2020 3rd edition; 2nd edition, May 2010; March 2005, 1st edition).

The textbook is: a series of textbooks of remote sensing science and technology in colleges and universities, the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" national planning textbook for general higher education, the first prize of the 6th National Excellent Surveying and Mapping Textbook for Colleges and Universities, the core textbook of the "13th Five-Year Plan" of Wuhan University, the first-class undergraduate major planning textbook of Wuhan University, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" undergraduate planning textbook of general higher education of Science Press.


This book mainly introduces the principles and technologies related to network geographic information systems. The book consists of 9 chapters, which respectively describe the development and application of GIS, the basics of network GIS, spatial data network storage technology, mobile GIS technology, P2P GIS technology, GIS cloud technology, grid GIS technology, network GIS software engineering and engineering ethics, and common network GIS software. The first 8 chapters of the book are accompanied by exercises to deepen readers' understanding, mastery and application of network GIS.

This book can be used as a textbook for graduate students and senior undergraduates in surveying and mapping, remote sensing, geographic information, geographic national conditions monitoring, land and resources and other related disciplines and majors, and can also be used as a reference book for scientific research and engineering technicians in surveying and mapping, remote sensing, resources and environment, water conservancy and other related fields to understand and master network GIS.

About the Author

Meng Lingkui, a second-level professor and doctoral supervisor of Wuhan University, enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council, and is a national outstanding teacher of the Baosteel Education Foundation. It puts forward the concept of talent training at the level of "knowledge-oriented basic skills training" for undergraduates, "employment-oriented practical ability training" for masters, and "innovation-oriented comprehensive quality training" for doctors, and practices the training model of "based on industry application, serving national needs, deep integration of industry and education, and equal emphasis on scientific research and practice". So far, 53 doctors, 180 full-time masters, 130 on-the-job engineering masters, 19 have studied abroad, and 4 visiting scholars have been trained. It has made a series of achievements in the basic theoretical research, technology research and development and major project construction of water conservancy remote sensing application, GIS construction, big data processing, etc., changed the water conservancy emergency response mode, created a drought collaborative early warning mechanism, and created an excellent team - water conservancy remote sensing team. He has won 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 special prize of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 first prize of Surveying and Mapping Science and Technology Award, 1 first prize of Dayu Water Conservancy Science and Technology Award, 1 first prize of Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and 1 first prize of National Excellent Surveying and Mapping Textbook of Colleges and Universities. He has authorized 28 national invention patents, 1 international invention patent, 53 soft works, published more than 270 academic papers, published 7 books, edited 2 water conservancy industry standards, and participated in the compilation of the "Water Conservancy Informatization Branch" of water conservancy discipline in the Encyclopedia of China (third edition).


Construction of remote sensing textbooks: As of June 28, 2024, 15 series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology in colleges and universities, and 16 series of textbooks on remote sensing information engineering practice and innovation in colleges and universities have been published, a total of 31 books.

Recommendation of a series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology
Recommendation of a series of textbooks on remote sensing science and technology

First trial: Zhang Yanling review: Song Qifan

Final Judge: Jin Jun


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