
Recruitment information|China Railway Urban Transportation Division, Surveying and Mapping Institute recruitment

author:Journal of Surveying and Mapping
Recruitment information|China Railway Urban Transportation Division, Surveying and Mapping Institute recruitment

The content of this article is reprinted from the WeChat public account: Huitiandi, the copyright belongs to the original author and the published media, and the content published is only for communication and reference, and does not represent the position of this journal.

China Railway will set up the class of 2025

Internship recruitment for fresh graduates

In full swing

The official account of "China Railway" is now launched

Brief introduction of the recruiting unit

Help everyone better understand the applicant

This issue is about:

Urban Transportation Division

Institute of Surveying and Mapping

Urban Transportation Division

Recruitment information|China Railway Urban Transportation Division, Surveying and Mapping Institute recruitment

Institute of Surveying and Mapping

Recruitment information|China Railway Urban Transportation Division, Surveying and Mapping Institute recruitment

First trial: Zhang Yanling review: Song Qifan

Final Judge: Jin Jun


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