
From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

author:Rule of law Zaozhuang
From July, these new regulations will affect your life!
From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Regulations for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Regulations" supplement the relevant obligations of business operators on the protection of the rights and interests of consumers of the elderly and minors; It stipulates that business operators must not use technical means to compel or covertly compel consumers to purchase goods or receive services; Where proprietors employ methods such as automatic extension or automatic renewal to provide services, they shall remind consumers to pay attention in a conspicuous manner before they accept the service and before the date of automatic extension or automatic renewal; Where goods or services are not provided as agreed, the agreement shall be performed or the advance payment shall be refunded in accordance with the consumer's requirements; Where business operators have major business risks that might affect the normal provision of goods or services by business operators in accordance with contract agreements or transaction habits, they shall stop collecting advance payments.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The newly revised Company Law of the People's Republic of China will come into force on July 1, 2024. The newly revised law improves the provisions on state-funded companies, the establishment and withdrawal of companies, the establishment of corporate structures, and the company's capital, strengthens the responsibilities of controlling shareholders and management personnel, and strengthens the protection of the rights of small and medium-sized shareholders and employees. Among them, in terms of improving the registered capital subscription registration system, it is clarified that the registered capital of a limited liability company is the amount of capital contribution subscribed by all shareholders registered with the company registration authority; The amount of capital contribution subscribed by all shareholders shall be paid in full by the shareholders within five years from the date of establishment of the company in accordance with the provisions of the articles of association.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Ministry of Public Security has formulated and introduced 8 new measures for the reform of public security traffic management to facilitate the people and benefit enterprises, which will be implemented from July 1, 2024, among them, the electronic driving license and express door-to-door service will be piloted on July 1. Specifically, it includes: (1) the pilot electronic motor vehicle driving license. On the basis of the full realization of the electronic motor vehicle inspection mark and driver's license, the electronic motor vehicle driving license will be implemented in 60 cities such as Beijing and Tianjin. (2) Implement the "one-pass service" for motorcycle registration. (3) Facilitate the masses to go through the car cancellation procedures online. (4) Implement express door-to-door service to facilitate the masses. (5) Optimize the test subjects for re-application for driver's license. (6) Optimize the organization of non-motorized vehicle traffic at urban intersections. (7) Implement online precise guidance services for traffic management business. (8) Launched the "Traffic Management 12123" APP unit user version.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

In order to further promote people-to-people exchanges between China and foreign countries, China has decided to expand the scope of visa-free countries and implement a visa-free policy for holders of ordinary passports from three countries: New Zealand, Australia and Poland. During the period from July 1, 2024 to December 31, 2025, holders of ordinary passports from the above-mentioned countries can enter China without a visa for business, tourism, visiting relatives and friends, and transiting for no more than 15 days. Those from the above-mentioned countries who do not meet the conditions for visa exemption still need to apply for a visa to China before entering the country.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and other three departments jointly issued the Announcement on Adjusting the Technical Requirements for Energy-Saving New Energy Vehicle Products Enjoying Preferential Vehicle and Vessel Tax, which will be implemented from July 1, 2024. Among them, in terms of new energy vehicle products, the pure electric driving mileage of plug-in hybrid passenger cars (including extended range) passenger cars should meet the conditional equivalent all-electric mileage of not less than 43 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric buses (excluding fast-charging pure electric buses) shall not be less than 200 kilometers. The pure electric driving range of plug-in hybrid (including extended range) buses shall not be less than 50 kilometers. The driving range of pure electric trucks shall not be less than 80 kilometers. Plug-in hybrid trucks (including range extenders) have a pure electric driving range of not less than 50 km. In terms of fuel cell commercial vehicles, the driving range of pure hydrogen is not less than 300 kilometers.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) has revised and promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Pollutant Discharge Permits, which will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Management Measures" highlight the full coverage of pollutant dischargers, environmental management elements, and pollutant discharge management, and clearly implement comprehensive permit management for the discharge of air pollutants, water pollutants, industrial solid waste, industrial noise and other pollutants by pollutant dischargers. Fully implement the requirements of relevant laws, regulations, and standards, and include multiple environmental elements such as air, water, solid waste, and noise, as well as the requirements of key soil pollution supervision units for the control of the discharge of toxic and harmful substances, the investigation of potential soil pollution hazards, and self-monitoring, into pollutant discharge permits in accordance with law, and promote the "one-permit" management of fixed pollution sources.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Office of the Central Cyber Security and Information Commission and other four departments have drafted and issued the "Provisions on the Security Management of Internet Government Affairs Applications", which will take effect on July 1, 2024. The provisions require that the construction and operation of internet government affairs applications shall be in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws and administrative regulations, as well as the mandatory requirements of national standards, and employ technical measures and other necessary measures to prevent risks such as content tampering, paralysis caused by attacks, and data theft, and ensure the safe and stable operation of internet government affairs applications and data security. The regulations require that a party or government organ open a maximum of one web portal. Where other names are used, in principle, the naming method of adding the name of the region plus the name of the responsibility is to be adopted, and the name of the entity is to be indicated in a conspicuous position.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) formulated and promulgated the Regulations on the Administration of Securities Transaction Costs of Publicly Offered Securities Investment Funds, which will come into effect on July 1, 2024. There are 19 articles in the "Provisions", and the main content is four aspects: first, reduce the commission rate of fund stock transactions; the second is to reduce the upper limit of the distribution ratio of fund managers' securities trading commissions; Third, comprehensively strengthen the relevant compliance and internal control requirements of fund managers and securities companies; Fourth, clarify the content and requirements for the disclosure of transaction commission information at the fund manager level. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) will organize industry institutions to complete the adjustment of the commission rate for initial stock transactions by July 1, 2024.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Measures for the Management of Operational Risk of Banking and Insurance Institutions will come into force on July 1, 2024. Among them, the management process and management tools are refined, and banking and insurance institutions are required to manage the whole process of operational risks; It stipulates the basic requirements for operational risk control and mitigation measures such as internal control, business continuity management, network security, data security, and business outsourcing management, establishes a reporting mechanism for operational risks and major operational risk events, and applies three basic management tools such as the operational risk loss database and new tools.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Basic Rules for the Operation of the Electricity Market will come into force on 1 July 2024. Among them, the definition and trading methods of electric energy and ancillary service transactions will be improved, and electric energy transactions will be divided into medium and long-term power transactions and spot transactions according to the trading cycle, and power ancillary service transactions include paid power auxiliary services such as frequency regulation, standby and peak shaving; Electric energy trading can be carried out through bilateral transactions and centralized transactions, and qualified auxiliary services can be determined by market competition.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Ministry of Commerce promulgated the Administrative Measures for the Filing and Approval of Foreign Contracted Projects, which will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Administrative Measures" stipulate that enterprises shall register enterprise information through the foreign contracting project management system of the unified platform of the business system of the Ministry of Commerce, handle the filing and approval of engineering projects, and report the follow-up development of the project. Enterprises can submit relevant materials online when handling relevant business, and print the receipt of filing and project approval online. The "Administrative Measures" stipulate that for the filing of general projects, enterprises should fill in the filing form online before bidding or signing a contract with external bidding. After the competent department of commerce accepts the filing form, the enterprise can print the filing receipt within 3 working days. The enterprise shall be responsible for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the filing information.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in the Trial of Civil Monopoly Dispute Cases will come into force on July 1, 2024, and provides for anti-monopoly civil litigation procedures, relevant market definitions, monopoly agreements, abuse of market dominance, and civil liability for monopolistic acts. For the trial of anti-monopoly civil litigation cases, it stipulates that the parties may apply to the people's court for one or two persons with expertise in the field involved in the case, economics and other expertise to appear in court to explain the specialized issues of the case; The parties may apply to the people's court to entrust a professional institution or professional to submit market research or economic analysis opinions on specialized issues in the case.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Measures for the Administration of Fixed Asset Loans, the Measures for the Administration of Working Capital Loans, and the Measures for the Administration of Personal Loans will come into force on July 1, 2024. The amendment clarifies that the term of fixed asset loans is generally not more than 10 years, and if it is really necessary to apply for a loan with a term of more than 10 years, the head office of the lender shall be responsible for examination and approval, or the corresponding level shall be prudently authorized to be responsible for examination and approval according to the actual situation; In principle, the term of the working capital loan shall not exceed three years, and the maximum period of recovery of operating cash flow shall not exceed five years; The term of the personal consumption loan shall not exceed five years; The term of personal business loans is generally not more than five years, and the maximum is not more than ten years for those with a long recovery period for operating cash flow corresponding to the purpose of the loan.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The announcement of the State Food and Drug Administration, the Ministry of Public Security and the National Health Commission on Adjusting the List of Psychotropic Drugs will come into force on July 1, 2024, and clearly includes dextromethorphan, diphenoxylate-containing compound preparations, nalfuraphine and lorcaserin in the list of Class II psychotropic drugs; The midazolam API and injection were adjusted from Class II psychotropic drugs to Class I psychotropic drugs, and other unilateral preparations of midazolam remained Class II psychotropic drugs.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Measures for the Management of Funds for Comprehensive Rural Reform and Development in Shandong Province will come into force on July 1, 2024 and will be valid until June 30, 2027. We will further strengthen the management of funds for comprehensive rural reform and development, and improve the financial reward and subsidy mechanism for rural public welfare undertakings. The allocation of funds for comprehensive rural reform and development will appropriately give incentives to cities and counties with strong job guarantees, good performance in the use of funds, and obvious results in promoting reform and development, and give priority to arranging demonstration and pilot projects related to comprehensive rural reform and development.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The "Several Detailed Provisions on the Business Conditions of Medical Devices in Shandong Province (Trial)" will come into force on July 1, 2024. The operating conditions of medical devices will be refined, medical device business activities will be further standardized, medical device business licenses and filing standards will be unified, and the healthy and high-quality development of the medical device business industry will be promoted. After the implementation, a one-and-a-half-year buffer period will be set, and enterprises that have obtained medical device business licenses or handled business filings should meet the specified operating conditions by the end of 2025.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

Seven departments, including the Shandong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, issued the Measures for the Participation of Specific Employees such as Overage Persons and Intern Students in Work-related Injury Insurance (Trial), which will be implemented from July 1, 2024 and will be valid until June 30, 2027. Four categories of personnel, including overage personnel, internship students and trainees in vocational colleges (including technical colleges), graduate students in hospitalized medical training, and domestic service personnel, will be included in the scope of work-related injury insurance. It is expected to benefit more than 500,000 people, and will effectively protect the rights and interests of work-related injuries of specific occupational groups, further disperse the work-related injury risks of various units, and promote the full coverage of work-related injury insurance for occupational groups.

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The "Shandong Provincial Regulations on Community Corrections Work" will come into force on July 1, 2024. The "Regulations" have a total of 6 chapters and 52 articles, further clarifying the division of duties and responsibilities for community corrections work, completing systems and mechanisms for community corrections work, strengthening the supervision and management of community corrections subjects, and educating and supporting them, to better prevent and reduce recidivism and violations. The "Regulations" require that people's governments at the county level or above shall, in accordance with relevant state provisions, standardize the construction of community corrections workplaces, equip them with necessary equipment and information facilities and equipment, and promote the construction of "smart corrections".

From July, these new regulations will affect your life!

The Regulations on the Protection of the Yellow River in Shandong Province, which will come into force on July 1, 2024, are the first comprehensive local regulations to implement the Yellow River Protection Law at the provincial level in China. The "Regulations" make it clear that the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin should completely, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions; The people's governments at or above the county level in the Yellow River Basin are required to reasonably determine the scale, population density and spatial structure of cities, and improve the system and mechanism of urban-rural integrated development; The Provincial People's Government shall determine the industrial structure and layout of the Yellow River Basin in combination with the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and resources and environment of the Yellow River Basin.

Source: Chinese Government Network, People's Daily Online, Dazhong Daily

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