
Jinfeng Laboratory "joined hands" with CUHK → jointly established the Yugang Life and Health Science Center

author:Released in Chongqing

In order to deepen the regional scientific and technological cooperation mechanism

Promote the mutual exchange of I&T resources between the Mainland and Hong Kong

June 26th

Golden Phoenix Laboratory and the Chinese University of Hong Kong

(hereinafter referred to as CUHK)

Signed a strategic development cooperation agreement in Hong Kong

The two sides will focus on pathological biology,

stem cell regenerative medicine and other fields

Jointly carry out basic research and tackle key problems

Joint training of young scholars

Science, technology and people-to-people exchanges

transformation of scientific and technological achievements

Jointly build the Yugang Life and Health Science Center

This was last year

Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Innovation and Technology Co-operation between Chongqing and Hong Kong

Universities and scientific research institutions of Chongqing and Hong Kong

The first comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement was signed

Jinfeng Laboratory "joined hands" with CUHK → jointly established the Yugang Life and Health Science Center

Jinfeng Laboratory. Photo by Zeng Cheng

Strengthen cooperation in seven aspects

Create impactful

An innovation platform for the life sciences sector

In May last year, it was held in Chongqing. At the meeting, the Chongqing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau and the Innovation and Technology Commission of Hong Kong signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Innovation and Technology Co-operation between Chongqing and Hong Kong to further promote co-operation in I&T between Chongqing and Hong Kong in three aspects: strengthening joint R&D in science and technology, building a platform for co-operation in science and technology, and carrying out exchanges between science and technology and people-to-people exchanges.

The establishment of a partnership between Jinfeng Laboratory and CUHK is a concrete action to promote the implementation of Chongqing-Hong Kong cooperation in science and technology innovation, and the two sides will strengthen cooperation in seven aspects based on the advantages of innovation resources and industrial development needs of Chongqing and Hong Kong. For example, the two sides will jointly strive for the layout of major strategic innovation and scientific and technological forces at the national level and between Chongqing and Hong Kong, jointly undertake national and local key topics or major scientific research tasks, and jointly strive to build a technological innovation center and a major national scientific research platform.

In terms of jointly building a mechanism for the co-cultivation and sharing of high-end talents, the two sides will support and strengthen two-way exchanges and cooperation among talents, jointly formulate talent training programs, and promote resource sharing between the two sides. Implement joint academic exchanges and talent training support projects to jointly improve basic research capabilities and scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

In terms of jointly building a strategic science and technology platform, the two sides will strengthen the synergy and linkage of innovation subjects and innovation resources of both sides, and promote the openness, sharing and complementary advantages of scientific research infrastructure, large-scale scientific instruments and equipment, and scientific research resources. Aggregate the cutting-edge scientific research capabilities, clinical diagnosis and treatment and sample advantages of both sides, and promote information exchange and sharing of resources such as policies, funds, projects, talents, technologies, and industrial markets.

In terms of jointly promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, the two sides will actively carry out cross-regional and cross-field cooperation, be goal-oriented, promote the effective connection between scientific research resources and market demand, jointly cultivate high-quality technical talents with technology, market, capital and industrial knowledge, jointly hold roadshows for scientific and technological achievements transformation projects, and promote the transfer and transformation of high-quality scientific and technological achievements and major industrialization projects in the two places.

It is worth mentioning that the two parties will jointly promote the construction of the Yugang Life and Health Science Center, give full play to the radiation power of relevant scientific research institutions, universities, enterprises and hospitals in the field of life and health, and link multiple entities to join the joint construction to create an influential innovation platform in the field of life sciences.

In addition, the two parties will accelerate the preparation for the establishment of the Golden Phoenix Center of the University of Chinese Hong Kong to promote the establishment of a biomedical innovation base in the southwest region of CUHK.

Jinfeng Laboratory "joined hands" with CUHK → jointly established the Yugang Life and Health Science Center

Researchers of Jinfeng Laboratory. Photo by Lei Jian

The exchange and cooperation with CUHK has a long history

The first academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Chongqing

He is also the Director of the State Key Laboratory of CUHK

In fact, the research team of Jinfeng Laboratory has a long history of exchange and cooperation with CUHK, and this started with the late molecular biologist Kong Xiangfu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Born in Chongqing, Kong Xiangfu returned to China in 1998 to teach at the University of Hong Kong after studying and working in the United States. It was in that year that he returned to Chongqing, where he had been absent for many years, to carry out academic exchanges at the Third Military Medical University (renamed the Army Medical University in 2017).

"From 2005 until his death in 2019, Academician Kong Xiangfu served as the director of the State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, CUHK." During this period, Academician Kong Xiangfu became a scientific and technological consultant hired by the Chongqing Municipal Government in 2007 and a tenured professor at the Institute of Clinical Pathology of the Southwest Hospital of the Third Military Medical University in 2010, making him the first academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Chongqing.

In Chen Weiyi's view, the scientific research teams of the two sides have maintained close contact for many years, laid a solid foundation for exchanges and cooperation, and contributed to the signing of this cooperation.

In May last year, when the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), John Lee, led a delegation of the HKSAR Government to visit Chongqing, he visited the Jinfeng Laboratory and had in-depth exchanges and interactions with Bian Xiuwu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Clinical Pathology of the Army of the Southwest Hospital of the Army Medical University, and the scientific research team, who had close exchanges and cooperation with Academician Kong Xiangfu for many years.

At that time, Li Jiachao also posted on social platforms that Hong Kong supports and promotes Chongqing and Hong Kong universities, scientific research institutes, and innovative enterprises to jointly build an international scientific and technological cooperation platform to help the transfer, transformation and application of advanced and mutually beneficial and complementary scientific and technological achievements.

After that, Chen Weiyi made a special trip to Chongqing in November last year to discuss the specific matters of cooperation between the two sides. Xu Hui, deputy director of Jinfeng Laboratory, said.

In the end, in this "two-way run", the two sides successfully "held hands".

"This is the specific practice of Jinfeng Laboratory to actively integrate into the scientific and technological innovation ecology of the 'Belt and Road', which is of great significance for the laboratory to promote interdisdiscentric, cross-regional and cross-field scientific and technological cooperation." Xu Hui said that at present, Chongqing is speeding up the construction of the "Belt and Road" science and technology innovation cooperation zone, as the first Chongqing laboratory put into operation, with the city's strength to build a strategic scientific and technological force, Jinfeng laboratory should take the initiative to play a leading role.

In January last year, Jinfeng Laboratory signed a cooperation agreement with Shenzhen Bay Laboratory, under which the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the field of life and health, personnel exchanges, scientific research, intellectual property rights and achievement transfer and transformation, etc., so as to enhance the original innovation ability, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the deep integration of innovation chain, industrial chain and talent chain.

Chinese The two sides will jointly build an international scientific and technological cooperation platform, jointly create a number of landmark achievements, and make greater contributions to the country's realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

Continuously expand the "circle of friends" of international scientific and technological cooperation

Integrate global scientific and technological talents to carry out interdisciplinary research

Conduct "large corps" operations

Officially inaugurated in June 2022, Jinfeng Laboratory, which has been in operation for two years, has always put the promotion of high-level open cooperation in the key position of construction and development, and actively integrated into the global scientific and technological innovation network.

The "Three-Year Action Plan for the Construction of Jinfeng Laboratory (2023-2025)" issued last year clearly proposes to "implement open cooperation and expansion actions" as the key task of the laboratory, take the "pathological phenome scientific plan" and major scientific research projects as the traction, take the initiative to connect with the advantageous scientific and technological innovation resources of developed countries and regions, drive the overall cooperation with "point breakthroughs", promote the joint construction of institutions with project cooperation, promote mechanism innovation with academic exchanges, and strive to achieve a higher level and deeper scientific and technological open cooperation. Efforts should be made to create a "new window" for scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation in the western region, and ultimately transform international influence into an attraction for talents.

Xu Hui said that in the past two years, Jinfeng Laboratory has focused on the "next-generation diagnosis of major diseases", fully grasped the characteristics of interdisciplinary convergence in the field of life and health, took pathological research as a "small incision" to give full play to its comparative advantages, and integrated scientific and technological talents in multiple professional fields such as biology, medicine, physics, artificial intelligence, and big data to carry out cross-research and carry out "big corps" operations according to the needs of implementing the "Pathological Phenome Science Plan".

In addition to attracting talents and gathering talents to carry out organized scientific research from a global perspective, Jinfeng Laboratory is also committed to continuously expanding the "circle of friends" in international scientific and technological cooperation, and is currently actively promoting cooperation with relevant institutions in Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom and other countries and regions to jointly build a high-level scientific and technological innovation cooperation platform. At the same time, it will enhance its international academic influence by hosting high-end academic conferences.

"In addition to 'bringing in', we also insist on 'going out', and carry out mutual visits and exchanges with relevant universities, institutions, academic organizations in the United Kingdom, France and other countries, so as to further stimulate the potential of innovation and cooperation in international exchanges." Xu Hui said.

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Source: Chongqing Daily

Reporter: Zhang Yizhu

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