
Fried fritters, one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, are loved for their golden and crispy taste

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

As one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, fried fritters are loved by people for their golden crispy and fragrant taste. However, in order to make delicious churros, the key lies in the mastery of the noodles and the recipe. Below, I will introduce the noodles and recipe tips for fried fritters in detail to help you easily make delicious fried dough sticks.

Fried fritters, one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, are loved for their golden and crispy taste

1. Dough mixing skills

Mixing noodles is the first step in making fritters, and it is also the key link that determines the quality of fritters. Below, we will explain in detail the selection of flour, the control of water temperature, and the kneading of dough.

1. Flour selection

When making churros, you should use all-purpose flour. The gluten of all-purpose flour is moderate, neither too gluten to cause the taste of the fritters to be too strong, nor too soft to make the fritters not crispy. In addition, choosing fresh, impurity-free flour is also an important factor in making delicious churros.

Fried fritters, one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, are loved for their golden and crispy taste

2. Control the water temperature

When mixing noodles, it is important to control the temperature of the water. In general, cold or lukewarm water is used in the summer, and warm or slightly warmer water is used in the winter. This prevents the dough from being too cold or too hot, which can affect the fermentation and taste. The specific water temperature can be adjusted according to the ambient temperature and the water absorption of the flour.

3. Kneading the dough

After mixing the flour and water in a certain proportion, the dough needs to be kneaded vigorously. When kneading dough, you should pay attention to the following:

* Knead the dough with even force to avoid hard lumps or bubbles on the inside of the dough.

* Kneading time should be moderate, too long will cause the dough to be too gluten, too short will affect the dough fermentation and texture.

* The kneaded dough should be placed in a warm place for fermentation, and the fermentation time is determined according to the ambient temperature and humidity, and it is generally necessary to ferment until the dough is about twice the size.

Fried fritters, one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, are loved for their golden and crispy taste

2. Formula sharing

In addition to the noodle skills, the recipe is also the key to making delicious churros. Here's a classic churro recipe for your reference:

1. Preparation of materials

* 500 g all-purpose flour

- Approx. 250 ml of lukewarm water (adjusted according to the absorbency of flour)

* Table salt 5 grams

* Aluminum-free baking powder (or yeast powder) 5 grams

* Appropriate amount of cooking oil (for frying)

2. Production steps

* Mix the flour, salt and baking powder (or yeast powder) well, pour in warm water and stir until it becomes flocculent.

* Knead the flocculent dough into a smooth dough and place it in a warm place to rise until it doubles in size.

* Take out the leavened dough, place it on a cutting board and knead it to exhaust it, then roll it out into a rectangular dough sheet.

* Cut the dough sheet into strips about 2 cm wide and 10 cm long, stack each two pieces on top of each other, and press them in the middle with chopsticks to make the two pieces stick together.

* Pinch the ends of the pressed dough sheet tightly and stretch it into a churros shape.

* Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan, and when it is heated to six or seven percent, put the fritters into the pan and fry them. During the frying process, the fritters should be constantly turned to make them evenly heated.

* Fry until the fritters are golden brown and crispy, and when the volume swells, you can remove and drain the oil, and place it on the blotting paper to absorb the excess oil.

Fried fritters, one of the classics of traditional Chinese breakfast, are loved for their golden and crispy taste

3. Production tips

1. When mixing the dough, you can add some cooking oil in moderation, which can make the fritters more crispy.

2. The fermented dough should be fully kneaded when kneading and exhausting to avoid bubbles or hard lumps inside the dough.

3. When frying fritters, the oil temperature should not be too high or too low. If the oil temperature is too high, the fritters will be coke, and if the oil temperature is too low, the fritters will absorb too much oil and taste greasy.

4. During the frying process, constantly turn the fritters to make them evenly heated to avoid the situation of fried paste or undercooking.

5. The fried fritters can be placed on blotting paper to absorb excess oil, which can make the fritters crispier and better textured.

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