
Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families. Not only is it delicious, but it is also nutritious, making it a delicacy for all ages. Below, I will introduce in detail how to make home-cooked stewed chicken thighs, hoping to bring you some help.

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families

First of all, we need to prepare the required ingredients. The main ingredients include chicken thighs, potatoes, carrots, onions, etc. You can choose fresh or frozen chicken thighs, but make sure the meat is tender. Potatoes and carrots can be as big or small as you like, and onions can be red or white, with red onions being sweeter. In addition, you also need to prepare some seasonings, such as salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger slices, green onions, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves, etc.

Next, we start processing the ingredients. Wash the chicken thighs and make a few cuts on the drumsticks with a knife so that it is easier to absorb the flavor when simmering. Then put the chicken thighs into a basin, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, ginger slices, and green onions, and marinate for about 20 minutes to let the chicken thighs fully absorb the flavor of the seasoning.

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families

While marinating the chicken thighs, we can process other ingredients. Peel the potatoes and carrots and cut them into medium-sized pieces. The onion is also cut into cubes and set aside. This way, all the ingredients are ready and we can start simmering.

Take a stew pot or casserole, add an appropriate amount of water, put the marinated chicken thighs into the pot, add star anise, cinnamon, bay leaves and other seasonings, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer slowly. During the simmering process, you can use a spoon to skim off the foam and keep the soup clean.

When the chicken thighs have simmered for about 20 minutes, add the chopped potatoes and carrots to the pot and continue to simmer. In this case, you can adjust the taste by adding the right amount of salt according to your personal taste. At the same time, you can use chopsticks to gently insert the chicken thigh, if you can easily insert it, it means that the chicken thigh has been simmered almost completely.

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families

Simmer for another 10 minutes or so, and when the potatoes and carrots are cooked through, add the chopped onions to the pan and continue to simmer for a few minutes. The aroma of the onion will slowly penetrate into the soup, making the whole dish more delicious.

Finally, when all the ingredients are cooked and flavorful, you can turn off the heat and remove from the pan. Place the stewed chicken thighs and side dishes on a plate, sprinkle with chopped green onions or coriander for garnish, and you're ready for a delicious home-cooked stewed chicken thigh.

Although the process of making home-cooked stewed chicken thighs is simple, there are some tips to pay attention to. First of all, the marinating process of chicken thighs can not only remove the smell and increase the flavor, but also make the chicken thighs more flavorful. Secondly, keep the heat low and simmer when simmering, so that the stewed chicken thighs are more tender and juicy. Finally, the amount of seasoning can be adjusted according to personal taste, for example, if you like spicy, you can add some chili powder or chili sauce to increase the taste.

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are not only delicious, but also nutritious. Chicken thighs are rich in protein and a variety of minerals, which help to boost physical strength and improve immunity. Potatoes and carrots are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which help promote digestion and maintain good health. Onions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, which are beneficial to health.

Home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple yet delicious home-cooked dish that is loved by many families

In short, home-cooked stewed chicken thighs are a simple and delicious home-cooked dish that is not only suitable for daily family meals, but also suitable for friends to make and enjoy. I hope that everyone can enjoy the joy of cooking and the warmth of family while enjoying the food.

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