
Snails, with their delicious meat and tender taste, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

Snails, as a common freshwater shellfish, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets due to their delicious flesh and tender taste. Stir-fried snail meat is a home-cooked dish, but it takes some skill and know-how to make it delicious. Below, I will reveal the secret of how to fry snail meat from the selection of ingredients, processing, seasoning to cooking steps.

Snails, with their delicious meat and tender taste, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets

First of all, the selection of materials is the key. To stir-fry delicious snail meat, first choose fresh snails. The shell of the fresh snail is bright in color, undamaged, and smells faintly seawater. When purchasing, you can gently tap the shell of the snail to see if the sound is crisp and judge whether it is fresh.

Secondly, handling snails is also a technical job. Put the purchased snails into clean water, add a little salt, and let them stand for 24 hours to let them spit out the sediment and impurities in the body. Then, gently scrub the shell of the snail with a brush to remove dirt and moss from the surface. Next, use scissors or a knife to cut a small section of the tail of the snail to not only make it easier to absorb the flavor during cooking, but also to make it easier to suck out the snail meat when eating.

Snails, with their delicious meat and tender taste, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets

When it comes to preparing the dressing, it is possible to choose different seasonings according to individual tastes. Generally speaking, stir-fried snail meat needs to use garlic, ginger, chili, bean paste and other seasonings. Garlic and ginger add aroma to dishes, chili peppers enhance flavor, and bean paste adds a unique flavor to dishes. In addition, you can also add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar and other seasonings according to personal taste to adjust the taste and color of the dish.

Next, it's time for the cooking step. First, the processed snails are cooked in boiling water, the purpose of this step is to remove the fishy smell and impurities of the snails. After cooking, remove the snails and drain the water for later use. Then, pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pan, heat it and add the chopped garlic and ginger slices and stir-fry until fragrant. Next, add the bean paste and stir-fry the red oil, then add the cooked snails and stir-fry. In the process of stir-frying, you can add cooking wine, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and other seasonings to adjust the taste and color of the dish. At the same time, you can add an appropriate amount of chili pepper according to your personal taste to enhance the spiciness of the dish.

Snails, with their delicious meat and tender taste, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets

In the process of frying, it is also very important to master the heat. Too much heat will cause the snail meat to be fried too old and have a poor taste; If the heat is too small, it will cause the snail meat to be undercooked, which will affect the food safety. Therefore, keep the heat on medium heat and stir-fry constantly to ensure that the snail meat is evenly heated.

When the snail meat is fried until the color is bright and the fragrance is tangy, it can be removed from the pot and put on a plate. When serving, you can neatly stack the fried snail meat on the plate and sprinkle some chopped green onions or coriander as a garnish to add visual effect to the dish.

In addition to the basic stir-frying method, you can also try different combinations and recipes according to your personal taste and creativity. For example, snail meat can be stir-fried with tofu, cucumber and other ingredients to increase the taste and layering of the dish; You can also use fried snail meat as one of the ingredients in the hot pot and enjoy it with a variety of vegetables and meats.

Snails, with their delicious meat and tender taste, are one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets

In short, although stir-fried snail meat seems simple, it requires certain skills and experience to make it delicious. Through careful control of ingredients, processing, seasoning and cooking steps, I believe you will be able to stir-fry a delicious dish of snail meat with excellent color and flavor.

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