
Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

author:Love to talk about life

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and go into the ambush smoothly!

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

After entering July every year, there will be a small summer solar term, which is the fifth solar term of summer, and the time is generally around the beginning and fall, and the arrival of the small summer solar term means that the highest temperature in the year is coming. The ancients said, "Summer, heat." "The summer solstice, the beginning of midsummer, steaming and boiling, steaming. The small heat can sometimes be hotter than the big heat, and it is often accompanied by sudden winds and rains, which makes people feel stuffy and hot, and their appetite decreases. In order to cope with the heat of the summer, our diet should also be adjusted more, eat less greasy big fish, big meat and meat dishes, and eat more of these 5 things. Let's take a look at what are the 5 kinds, shall we?

The first thing: [amaranth]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

As the saying goes: "Amaranth in June, when eggs, amaranth in July, gold does not change". Amaranth has been valued in ancient times, and the efficacy of amaranth has been recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", and people call it "longevity vegetables". The nutritional value of amaranth is very high, containing relatively rich vitamin C and carotene, as well as minerals such as iron and calcium, which have many benefits to the human body after eating.

Recommended dish: [Amaranth in soup]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Main ingredients: amaranth, pork, seafood mushrooms.

Seasoning: salt, cooking oil, chives, ginger, cooking wine, pepper.

Operation steps: 1. Slice the pork after washing, add an appropriate amount of green onions, ginger, salt, starch, cooking wine and light soy sauce, mix evenly and marinate, pick and wash amaranth and seafood mushrooms for later use.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

2. Put a little oil in a hot pan, add the white mushrooms and stir-fry until they are broken, add an appropriate amount of water to simmer, and after boiling, add the marinated meat slices and continue to cook until they change color.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

3. Add the amaranth, cook for about a minute, add an appropriate amount of salt and pepper to taste, and then remove from the pot.

The second type: [lotus root]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

In the folk, there is the custom of "eating lotus root in the summer heat", lotus root is really full of treasures, its leaves, seeds, root tendons, lotus roots, water chestnuts, lotus, etc., can be made into food, or medicinal and edible ingredients. Lotus root contains a lot of carbohydrates, vitamins, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other components, which help to clear away heat and relieve heat, nourish yin and dispel fire, and is very suitable for summer consumption.

Recommended dish: [Pan-fried lotus root cake]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Main ingredients: lotus root, pork.

Flavoring: cooking oil, salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, black pepper, chives, ginger, cooking wine, starch.

Operation steps: 1. Wash the pork and cut it into pieces, put it in a food processor and beat it into a meat filling, pour it out and add green onion and ginger water, cooking wine and salt, stir evenly and set aside.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

2. Peel and wash the lotus root and cut it into minced pieces, put it in the pork and stir well, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and black pepper, stir well, then add starch and stir evenly for later use.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

3. Brush the pan with oil, take out a part of the stirred meat filling and press it flat, put it in the pot, fry it on medium heat until golden brown on both sides, crispy and refreshing, remove the oil and put it on the plate to eat.

The third type: [loofah]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Before and after the summer heat, the weather is hot, the human body consumes a lot, and the so-called "disease-free three points of deficiency", at this time, it emphasizes antipyretic heat prevention, replenishes physical strength, and fresh fruits and vegetables are indispensable. After entering July, loofahs are on the market in large quantities, and often eating loofahs can not only beautify and maintain beauty, but also lower lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar, improve constipation, supplement nutrition, and protect the liver.

Recommended dish: [Scrambled eggs with loofah]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Main ingredients: loofah, eggs.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, cooking wine.

Operation steps: 1. After the loofah is washed, scrape off the skin, cut it into hob pieces, add a little salt and stir it to prevent the fried loofah from turning black.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

2. Beat the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt, a little cooking wine to remove the smell, stir well, heat the oil in the pot, pour in the egg liquid when the oil is hot, fry until solidified, and then put it out.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

3. Then put the loofah in, stir-fry evenly, add the scrambled eggs, add a little boiling water, a little salt to taste, and boil over high heat to get out of the pot.

Fourth: [Cool Skin]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

In the summer season, the wheat has just been harvested, and the new flour has just been put on the market, and people will use this flour to make delicious food, such as dumplings, buns, etc., to supplement nutrition. The weather is hot before and after the summer heat, and many people like to have a bowl of cool skin that is smooth and tender in the mouth, Q elastic, refreshing and refreshing, so comfortable.

Recommended dish: [Cucumber gluten mixed with cold skin]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Main ingredients: cold skin, cucumber, gluten, bean sprouts, coriander, peanuts.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, chives, chili, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sesame seeds.

Operation steps: 1. Cut the cold skin you bought home into strips and put it on a plate for later use. Cucumbers, gluten, bean sprouts, coriander and other ingredients are also washed and cut for later use.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

2. Add cooking oil to the pot, add a handful of peanuts to the cold oil in the cold pan, fry until the peanuts crackle, then turn off the heat. Add white sesame seeds to the bowl, pour in peanut oil and mix well, then add salt, chives, chili, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and mix well.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

3. Pour the seasoned sauce into the stirred cold skin, stir well, put it into a plate, and it is delicious.

Fifth Item: [Mung Bean]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

In the summer season, there is the custom of eating new rice, brewing new wine, tasting new beans, the nutrition of beans is very rich, summer can clear heat and detoxify, cool off the heat and benefit the water, it is none other than mung beans, when the summer is hot, people will cook some mung beans, with mint, winter melon sugar, red and green silk, glutinous rice, etc., and then add ice water and sugar, take a bite, refresh people's hearts, this is our unique mung bean soup in Changshu.

Recommended dish: [Changshu mung bean soup]

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

Main ingredients: glutinous rice, mung beans.

Flavoring: winter melon sugar, red and green silk, mint water, sugar.

Operation steps: 1. After the glutinous rice is washed, put it in the rice cooker, add water, and press the rice button to cook the rice. After washing the mung beans, put them in a pot and boil, turn to low heat and simmer until soft. Boil another pot of water, add mint to cool, and then put in the refrigerator.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

2. Stir the boiled glutinous rice evenly and mix it coldly, then put the mung beans out to cool, and then serve it in a bowl, with your favorite winter melon sugar or red and green silk, plus a spoonful of sugar.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

3. When eating, add ice water, stir well, and you can eat. However, I would like to remind everyone that we should also pay attention to the appropriate amount of summer diet, and try to eat as little as possible about these iced and overnight foods.

Before and after the summer heat, it is recommended to eat less fish and more than 5 things, eat according to the season, and enter the ambush smoothly

About the diet before and after the summer heat, I will share it here, friends, do you like to eat these kinds of food? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share with Aixi, cooking skills are limited, please give me more advice.

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This article is originally written by Aixi Chat Life, welcome to pay attention to it, and take you to grow knowledge together!
