
In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

author:Love to talk about life

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and all ages love to eat!

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

There are a lot of melons, fruits and vegetables in summer, there are many varieties of melons, what watermelon, winter melon, pumpkin, cucumber, bitter gourd, loofah, melon, carob gourd, etc., there is also a kind of melon, we call it raw melon here, it looks similar to zucchini, but it is not zucchini, it is very similar to croissant honey, but it is not sweet, it is often used to stir-fry, pickled and eaten, much better than cucumber, cucumber is pickled and only a layer of skin remains, and this melon is pickled after the flesh is rich, the taste is sweet, and it is particularly delicious. I remember when we were children, my mother would use it to pickle the pickle every year, it was our favorite side dish when we were children, and we often ate a bowl of rice with a pickle melon, and until now, I still miss the taste of that time.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

I looked around on the Internet, but I wasn't sure what its scientific name was, and I didn't know how everyone called it, the most appropriate name should be Caigua. The quality of vegetable melon is crispy and thick, the taste is refreshing, rich in nutrition, rich in water, carbohydrates, crude fiber, vitamins and phosphorus, calcium and other minerals, which have the effects of strengthening the stomach and eliminating appetite, promoting appetite, clearing heat and quenching thirst, diuretic and annoying, and invigorating qi. The content of vitamin E and vitamin C in vegetable melon is particularly rich, which can eliminate free radicals in the body, lighten skin pigmentation, and make the skin fair and supple. Vegetable melon contains a lot of water, which can help the human body replenish water, and many mineral elements are conducive to helping to eliminate the human body's upset caused by heat.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

In addition to being particularly delicious when making pickles, raw melon can also make a lot of delicious food, today I will share with you 3 delicious ways to make raw melon, let's take a look.

The first method: [cold salad raw melon]

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

Main ingredient: raw melon.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, light soy sauce, garlic, chili, chicken essence.

Operation steps: 1. Wash and peel the raw melon, cut it in half, dig out the melon seeds inside, cut it into thin slices, add salt, light soy sauce and chicken essence to marinate to taste. If it is a very tender raw melon, there is no need to peel it.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

2. Chop the garlic and chili pepper into minced pieces, add cooking oil to the pot, add the garlic and chili pepper to stir-fry until fragrant, then squeeze the raw melon dry and put it on a plate.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

3. Pour the fragrant garlic chili oil into the raw melon, stir well, and serve.

The second method: [Stir-fried river shrimp with shredded raw melon]

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

Main ingredients: raw melon, river shrimp.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, chives, ginger, cooking wine.

Operation steps: 1. Clean the river shrimp and set aside, cut the raw melon after washing, dig up the melon seeds, and rub it into fine filaments for later use. Wash and chop the chives and ginger for later use.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

2. Add cooking oil to the pot, add the river shrimp after the oil is hot, stir-fry until it changes color, then add chopped green onions, ginger slices and cooking wine and stir-fry until fragrant.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

3. Then add the prepared shredded raw melon, stir-fry evenly, add salt to taste, then add a little boiling water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

The third method: [stir-fried pork slices with raw melon]

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

Main ingredients: vegetable melon, pork.

Seasoning: cooking oil, salt, chives, ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce, starch.

Operation steps: 1. Wash the pork first, cut it into thin slices, add salt, chives, ginger, cooking wine, light soy sauce, starch and mix well, marinate to taste. The melon is also washed and seeded, sliced and set aside.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

2. Add cooking oil to the pot, put in the meat slices after the oil is hot, stir-fry until the meat slices change color, add green onion and ginger cooking wine and stir-fry until fragrant, then add vegetable melon slices and stir-fry evenly.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

3. Fry until the vegetable melon is broken, add salt to taste, stir-fry again, add a little boiling water, boil over high heat, and then get out of the pot.

In summer, eat less cucumber and eat more of it, make it simple, it is delicious, nutritious and satisfying, and young and old love to eat it

About the 3 delicious ways to eat raw melon, I will share it here, friends, how to make raw melon the best to eat? Do you have any other good ways to recommend? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share with Aixi, cooking skills are limited, please give me more advice.

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This article is originally written by Aixi Chat Life, welcome to pay attention to it, and take you to grow knowledge together!


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