
U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

author:Explosive Nutrition Peng Xinrui

When it comes to the importance of drinking water, everyone knows that it is the source of life, even more important than diet, especially in summer, you should drink water correctly, and maybe it can also be related to your life!

U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

A study from the United States followed up more than 120,000 middle-aged and elderly people aged 45~65, and subjects underwent a blood test once a year for up to 25 years.

Participants with a serum sodium content above 142 mmol/L were found to have a chronic disease 50% higher and a 21% higher mortality rate than those with a serum sodium content of less than 142 mmol/L who were diagnosed with a chronic disease. The reason for the high serum sodium content is likely to be related to insufficient water intake in the body.

U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

In addition, in the summer when the incidence of stones is high, if the body intakes too little water, coupled with the factor of high temperature, it will cause the body to lose a lot of water, and in the state of lack of water in the body, it will cause urine concentration, and if the minerals in the body become hard deposits, it may lead to a high risk of kidney stones.

It can be seen that water is very important to physical health, although occasionally drinking too little water at a time, will not affect physical health excessively, but drinking too little water for a long time, it is necessary to be vigilant, or not good for health, and at the same time pay attention to scientific drinking water resources.

U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

How to drink water scientifically?

First of all, according to the daily drinking water recommendations of the latest version of the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", the daily drinking water resources for an ordinary adult are 1500~1700ml. However, this is only a recommended amount, which is only suitable for the vast majority of people, and everyone can adjust it according to their own situation.

For example, in the case of heavy sweating in summer, you should pay more attention to drinking more water to avoid excessive water loss, which will affect the blood sodium level in the body, which is not good for your health. In addition, there are special groups, such as stones, hyperuricemia, gout, and diabetes patients, who drink more water appropriately to benefit their condition.

U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

At the same time, in summer, you can also choose water-rich melons and fruits, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, watermelons, winter melons, etc., to help the body hydrate, and also improve the body's immunity, resist aging, and prevent a variety of diseases.

Drink a small amount of water each time: in addition to not waiting for thirst before drinking, you should also be careful not to drink too much water at one time or continuously, which will only allow the water to be quickly absorbed into the blood, which will increase blood volume, heart load, and for people with poor hearts, it may also increase the risk of heart failure.

U.S. study finds: People who drink less water are prone to increase the risk of early death? How you drink water every day

Don't drink cold water in hot weather: Although it is refreshing to drink such water in hot weather, do you know that when the gastrointestinal mucosa encounters cold water, it will increase the probability of gastrointestinal discomfort and even diarrhea.

Of course, it is also important to remind everyone that overheated water is not good, and the optimal temperature is between 10 degrees Celsius and 65 degrees Celsius.


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