
Yiyuan Technology's Dutch farm power storage project was successfully connected to the grid

author:China Power Grid

Recently, the 400KW/430KWH farm power storage project of Yiyuan Technology in the Netherlands was successfully connected to the grid, marking another important breakthrough of Yiyuan Technology in the international energy storage market. The successful implementation of the project not only demonstrates the technical strength of Yiyuan Technology in the field of energy storage, but also demonstrates the service ability of Yiyuan Technology in the installation and landing of overseas projects.

Yiyuan Technology's Dutch farm power storage project was successfully connected to the grid

Project Overview

Yiyuan Technology's Dutch farm power storage project was successfully connected to the grid

The power energy storage system consists of two 215KWH standard energy storage cabinets and one 400KW PCS cabinet (including AC power distribution, energy storage PCS module, local monitoring system, etc.). TWO 215KWH STANDARD ENERGY STORAGE CABINETS ARE CONNECTED TO THE 200KW PCS UNIT IN THE PCS CABINET RESPECTIVELY, AND THEN PARALLEL ON THE AC SIDE TO REALIZE A COMPLETE SET OF 400KW/430KWH POWER ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM.

System mode

Yiyuan Technology's Dutch farm power storage project was successfully connected to the grid

Peak shaving and valley filling mode:

● Through valley charging and energy storage, peak time discharge energy supply, using the peak-to-valley price difference to reduce the user's electricity cost.

● You can set the scheduled charging and discharging of different time periods in the local policy interface, which greatly optimizes the efficiency of power use.

Battery Priority Mode:

● Users can manually modify the charging or discharging power to make the energy storage inverter work in the set charging or discharging state, and flexibly respond to different power needs.

Yiyuan Technology's Dutch farm power storage project was successfully connected to the grid

The successful grid connection of the Dutch farm power storage project is a solid step forward for Yiyuan Technology in the global market. In the future, Yiyuan Technology will promote the sustainable development of green energy, dig deep into the international market demand, continuously improve the technical level and service quality, and provide better energy storage solutions for global customers.

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