
Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

Four pounds

2024-07-01 16:03

Xue Zhiqian's concert once again became the focus of public opinion, a warm interaction with female fans, but it sparked heated discussions among netizens because of a joke of "people are caught or cats are scratched".

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

On July 1, the talking session at Xue Zhiqian's concert once again became the bull's-eye of netizens' trial.

Xue Zhiqian's name is high on the hot search.

However, under the hot search, criticism and questioning are all around.

The reason for the incident was that a beautiful female fan flashed on the big screen of Xue Zhiqian's concert.

Her appearance instantly lit up the scene, not only with outstanding appearance, but also with extraordinary temperament.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

The big screen is beautiful, this is not an uncommon thing.

What is rare is that this time, Xue Zhiqian dug a big hole for himself.

He first greeted the female fans very warmly, and the atmosphere of the scene also boiled.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

However, the next scene was a big surprise.

Xue Zhiqian's eyes were like torches, and he noticed the scar on the female fan's chest that seemed to be a cat scratch, so he kindly asked if the fan's family had a cat, and his chest was scratched by a cat.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

It's normal so far, and the next sentence really opens Pandora's box.

He half-jokingly asked, "Was this scar scratched by a human or a cat?" ”

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

I don't know what kind of mentality Xue Zhiqian took such a sentence.

It's to show off your humor, or it's just to be curious.

It's just this one sentence full of ambiguity, for whatever purpose.

Even if it is an unintentional joke blurted out, it is inappropriate to put it in this crowded concert scene.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

As soon as these words came out, it was like a pebble thrown into the calm lake, which instantly stirred up layers of ripples.

Some people accuse Xue Zhiqian of disrespecting female fans, and some even call it "opening a yellow tongue in public".

Although fans tried their best to explain, it was difficult to suppress the mouths of Youyou.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

"Caught by a man or by a cat?"

10,000 people have 10,000 ways to understand.

The fan explained that the "person" in Xue Zhiqian's mouth was originally talking about the female fan herself.

Because when Xue Zhiqian asked a female fan if she had a cat at home, the girl covered her wound with her hand, and the long nails were very conspicuous.

Therefore, when Xue Zhiqian said "people scratched", he meant that the girl accidentally scratched herself.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

This explanation can be said to be understood at the enterprise level.

Except for fans, most people may not be so pure to understand.

In this public opinion turmoil, it is not difficult for us to see the confrontation and collision between fans and netizens.

One side is a staunch supporter of idols, and they interpret every action and word of idols in their own way;

On the other side are dispassionate bystanders, who try to analyze the truth of events from an objective point of view.

However, no matter how you understand this sentence, Xue Zhiqian can be regarded as a disaster this time.

Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

Public figures should be more cautious in their words and deeds in public, but Xue Zhiqian's appearance can be regarded as the opposite.

Even if there are no taboos in front of fans, Geng is straightforward and straightforward, but he will not say anything bald.

The majority of netizens are not as doting and tolerant as fans, and second, they are not as pure as fans.

Fans were aggrieved for Xue Zhiqian, accusing this turmoil of being completely dirty for some people's hearts.

The pots were all carried by netizens.

But it was Xue Zhiqian who was obviously ambiguous!

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  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi
  • Xue Zhiqian's concert made waves again, and the interaction with female fans was questioned about opening a yellow tongue, and the fans explained Qingqi

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