
The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

author:Long Wind Literary History

Immortals, I believe everyone is familiar with them, they have not seen them in reality, but they are often "seen" on TV.

They have strong skills and profound mana, and whenever there is any injustice in the world, they will go down to earth to eliminate demons and demons, which is simply the embodiment of justice.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

There are many immortals often performed in TV dramas, and there are many well-known ones, such as the Eight Immortals.

When I was a child, I often watched in front of the TV "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Showing His Magical Powers." ”

The Eight Immortals are the eight Taoist immortals widely spread in Chinese folklore, which have been determined in the Ming Dynasty: Tie Guan Li, Zhong Liquan, Lan Caihe, Zhang Guolao, He Xiangu, Lu Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, and Cao Guo's uncle.

Chinese people pay attention to cultivation to become immortals, so these eight people were all mortals at the earliest, and most of them can find archetypal stories in history.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

Among the Eight Immortals, the most popular story is Lu Dongbin, who also has a character prototype.

Lu Dongbin, formerly known as Lu Yan, is called Chunyangzi, also known as Xisheng, which is the fourteenth year of Tang Dezong Zhen (798 AD).

In his early years, he was a scholar who studied poetry and books hard, and later entered the officialdom with his own efforts, and served as a county magistrate during the Yizong period.

Yizong was a famous faint monarch at the end of the Tang Dynasty, which led to the outbreak of social contradictions, chaos in the world, and the people were in deep trouble.

Lu Yan, who was in the officialdom, couldn't help the stability of the country, couldn't save the people from fire and water, and had to endure the flies and dogs of the officialdom, so he simply hung up his crown and went to the mountains to practice.

Time flies, and Lu Yan, who cultivates, goes down the mountain from time to time to help the poor and act chivalrous with his own ability, so that the people nearby know his name. Because he lived in the cave mansion in the mountains all the year round, he affectionately called him "Lu Dongbin".

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

Lu Dongbin's actions won the admiration of the world, and he gradually became a part of the myth. Later, he was degraded by Zhong Liquan and finally officially became a member of the Eight Immortals.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Dongbin not only left many legends to the world, but also left a lot of poetry works, "All Tang Poems" actually included more than 200 of his poems, the output is quite high, which also adds a way for future generations to understand him.

Lu Dongbin's poetry works are more classic, such as the poem he wrote for the shepherd boy, which was well received.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

Shepherd Boy

The grass is spread across the field for six or seven miles, and the flute makes three or four sounds of the evening breeze.

After returning to eat and dusk, he did not take off his clothes and lay down in the moonlight.

"The grass spreads across the field for six or seven miles", the green grass is like a carpet of the earth, stretching for six or seven miles.

The poet uses grass as pen and earth as paper to depict a boundless greenery. The grass, like a green wave, tumbled and spread until the end of the sight.

In the evening breeze, the shepherd boy's flute swayed gently, three or four melodious, dancing with the wind.

The sound of the flute in the evening breeze is like the sound of heaven, dancing with the wind and resonating with the moon. The word "get" cleverly personifies the evening breeze, making the whole picture seem to come alive.

The numbers "six-seven" and "three-four" not only outline the vastness of the fields, but also render the tranquility and harmony of the countryside in the evening.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

These two poems, although concise but profound, make the reader feel as if they are in the quiet countryside and feel the tranquility and beauty.

In this quiet picture, there seems to be a little unfinished meaning. It is true that only the sound of the flute is heard, but there is no glimpse of the person who plays it, the sound of the flute is so melodious and intoxicating, so what kind of fascinating scenery does the source of the flute sound reflect?

Following the poet's brushstrokes, we seem to see the shepherd boy enjoying his dinner contentedly, lying on the grass leisurely, looking up and counting the stars, gazing at the bright moon.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

The night breeze is light, with a hint of coolness, but it also gently caresses every inch of land, and everything is surrounded by this tranquility and beauty. The shepherd boy was so comfortable that he never even took off his coat, and let it sway gently in the wind.

The moonlight poured down like flowing water, covering the earth and overflowing the shepherd boy's eyes, which shimmered with innocence and curiosity about the world.

The word "lying" is like the finishing touch, which vividly portrays the innocence and naughtiness of the shepherd boy. The word "moonlight" is even more picturesque, triggering people's endless reverie, as if they can hear the inner tranquility quietly blooming.

The whole poem reaches its climax here, but it ends abruptly just right, leaving us with endless aftertaste and reflection.

The immortal Lu Dongbin wrote an idyllic poem, and after a thousand years, it still makes people feel calm when they read it

This poem by Lu Dongbin is like a flowing rural ink painting, with grass, green garden, flute, shepherd boy, lily clothes, and bright moon intertwined into an idyllic poem with sound and color, movement and stillness, full of rich life atmosphere.

The shepherd boy's quiet and leisurely life is the poet's unrestrained and leisurely life at this time, so he can splash ink and create this classic.

Being free and free is the simple happiness of life and the best state of life.

Encourage you!

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