
It is the good scenery of the countryside - a visit to the beautiful countryside in summer

author:Jilin Rural Daily

Summer is silent, warm and pleasant. Walking in many villages in the land of Jilin, the reporter saw: the scenery embraced by mountains and rivers, lush pastorals, vibrant formats, smooth and clean roads, is outlining a vivid map of rural revitalization - thanks to the party's good policies and the vivid exploration of rural revitalization in various regions, the beautiful countryside of our province is ushering in wonderful changes.

Party building leads cohesion

Activate new momentum for development

Yongsheng Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City, is located on the bank of the Burhatong River. Every day before dawn, Sui Zhaohua, a poverty alleviation household in Yongsheng Village, gets up early to feed the chickens. "Thanks to the team stationed in the village, we sent free chicken seedlings and tried to feed them as soon as possible, so that they could be sold at a good price before the end of the year!" Recalling the scene of leading the chicks, Aunt Sui's joy was beyond words.

Whether the masses are rich or not depends on the branches. Yongsheng Village adheres to the leadership of party building as the "red engine" for planning and promoting rural revitalization, builds a strong fighting fortress of grassroots party organizations, gives full play to the role of party members and cadres as the "main force", and actively carries out the activity of "branch co-construction and joint development of courtyard economy to promote income increase" with Lianming Village, and jointly explores the path of courtyard economic development.

After thorough research, the two villages decided to develop courtyard chickens. The Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau and the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Research Institute of Yongsheng Village will coordinate the chickens, and after the chickens are raised, the Jilin Engineering and Technology Teachers College, the guarantee unit of Lianming Village, will purchase and recycle them in a unified manner, so as to solve the worries of the villagers and effectively build the farmhouse into a "garden to increase income and get rich".

"The chicks we distribute are all high-quality breeds, with the characteristics of fast growth and development, strong disease resistance, high survival rate, and good market benefits, which are well received by the villagers." Looking at the chicks with plump wings, Lu Songyan, the first secretary of the Provincial Animal Husbandry Bureau in Yongsheng Village, was happy.

In the farmland of Shulan City, Ash Town, corn seedlings grow joints, and as far as the eye can see, there is a vibrant scene.

This year, Suishuliu Town will Qingquan Village and Dashu Village as land trusteeship pilot villages, set up a "party branch + farmer" agricultural professional cooperative, adopt the land trusteeship method, and guide 26 villagers to transfer more than 400 acres of land into shares, while strengthening the collective economy of the village, increase farmers' income.

"In the past, farmers leased their land, and they could only get about 5,000 yuan per hectare on average. Now, through the new model, the land is entrusted to the cooperative, and the income can be 11,000 yuan per hectare. Zhang Guojiang, secretary of the party branch of Qingquan Village, said. In addition, villagers can continue to enjoy subsidies for cultivated land protection, one-time subsidies for farmers who actually grow grain, and subsidies for corn, soybean and rice producers. Village collectives increase their income through dividends from land shares and a management fee of 10% of the net income.

Hold the pen of party building and draw a picture of rural revitalization. Based on their own resource endowments, many villages in our province have played a good "key chess" to lead the party building, actively explored new paths for the development and expansion of the village collective economy, and effectively promoted farmers to increase their income and become rich, and the village collective economy to improve quality and efficiency.

It is the good scenery of the countryside - a visit to the beautiful countryside in summer

Located in the grape planting greenhouse in Huanghua Village, Daling Town, Gongzhuling City, the crystal clear grapes are growing gratifyingly.

The industry is thriving and energetic

Pave the way to happiness for the people

In summer, the grass is green and the cattle are fat. In Shijing Village, Dongshengyong Town, Longjing City, a farm covering an area of 32,000 square meters is located surrounded by green mountains.

Walking into the farm, the standardized barn is neatly arranged, and more than 800 beef cattle are leisurely chewing the forage, all fat and strong. Park Zhelong, secretary of the party branch of Shijing Village, and the workers are cleaning the cowshed and are very busy.

Park Zhelong is a well-known local "cattle king". In 2006, with his nostalgia for his hometown, Park Zhelong, who had been working abroad, decisively chose to return to his hometown to start a business, relying on the breeding advantages of local Yanbian cattle to start his own cattle breeding career.

With the increasing number of cattle, Park Zhelong established Longjing Mule Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., and the business is booming. In July 2022, Park Zhelong took over as the secretary of the Party branch of Shijing Village, and in order to drive more people to increase their income and get rich through the development of Yanbian cattle industry, Longjing Shijinshi Animal Husbandry Economic Professional Cooperative was established to explore the "leading enterprise + cooperative + farmer" trusteeship model, and explored a new way for villagers to increase their income and get rich.

According to reports, farmers with abundant funds can buy more cattle and hand them over to the cooperatives for escrow, and only need to bear the costs of insurance and feed, and the cooperatives will bear the cost of labor, the purchase of machinery and equipment, and the lease of plants. Compared with self-raising, the profit of each cow can be increased by 8,000 yuan, driving more people to live a "cow life".

Hold the "bull's nose" of industrial prosperity and do a good job in rural revitalization. At present, it is a critical period for grape summer management, Zhu Lijie, a villager of Huanghua Village, Daling Town, Gongzhuling City, is busy thinning grapes and pinching vines in the greenhouse.

Zhu Lijie is a well-known local grape grower, using green planting, good varieties and good methods, to ensure the quality of grapes from the source, the grapes planted are full of particles, juicy and sweet, and are favored by consumers. This year, on the basis of planting "rattan nim" and "jasmine" grapes, Sister Zhu introduced the "Lanfeng Sweet Garden" variety from other places to provide consumers with more choices.

In recent years, Huanghua Village has adapted measures to local conditions and guided by the situation, on the basis of the original "one village, one industry, one tun and one product", giving full play to the typical demonstration and driving role, guiding the rich experts and large planters to work hard, make a fuss and seek development in the fruit and vegetable greenhouses to increase income, and effectively promote the development of the courtyard economy to achieve new results.

In Huanghua Village, Gangge Green Planting Farm, there is an endless stream of consumers who come to pick, and fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, persimmons, and melons are mouth-watering. In recent years, Wang Shigang, the person in charge of the farm, has broadened the sales channels of agricultural products and made the "sweet business" bigger and stronger through the development of order agriculture and "picking economy".

Huanghua Village encourages growers to open small picking gardens, promotes the "courtyard + picking + online sales" model, guides farmers to publicize and promote fruit and vegetable products in the village, polishes the brand of characteristic agricultural products, and attracts more tourists to "enter the shed and go to the yard". At present, 172 fruit and vegetable greenhouses and winter storage greenhouses have been built in the village, and in 2023 alone, the total income of fruit and vegetable greenhouses in Huanghua Village will exceed 12 million yuan, helping villagers increase their income and become rich.

It is the good scenery of the countryside - a visit to the beautiful countryside in summer

Villagers in Yongsheng Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City, happily received free chicks.

A new volume of Wamei countryside painting

Civilized township style moistens the hearts of the people

Drive to Shuibei Village, Laotougou Town, Longjing City, where the small courtyards of red bricks and tiles are hidden in the green trees and red flowers, and the clean and tidy village road winds into the distance. In the cultural compound of the village committee, the wall painting with the characteristics of the Korean nationality is refreshing, and the supporting facilities such as fitness equipment and library are readily available.

Rural revitalization should not only "shape", but also "cast the soul". In order to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers, Jilin Institute of Technology and Business, the guarantee unit of Shuibei Village, organized a team of experts to conduct field research and carry out special work on cultural empowerment, and took the compilation of village history, rural creative cultural image design, and rural development planning as school-level scientific research projects. At present, they have researched and completed the industrial development plan of Shuibei Village, created a village song with unique national characteristics, and compiled the village history.

At the same time of cultural empowerment, Shuibei Village actively explores new paths for rural governance, and "redeems" the new style of the countryside through the establishment of a moral points supermarket. There are many types of products in the supermarket, and the shelves are filled with daily necessities such as dish soap, paper towels, and toothpaste, and the price of each product is displayed in points.

"Those who are virtuous have gains, and those who work hard have more. We have actively created the selection activity of "Beautiful Courtyard, Clean Home", and set up the "Red and White Wedding Party" to guide the masses to consciously develop good habits, resist stereotypes and bad habits, and carry forward the new style of civilization through the exchange of points. Li Dafeng, the first secretary of Jilin Institute of Technology and Business in Shuibei Village, said.

Civilized township style moistens the hearts of the people, and "internal and external cultivation" improves temperament. Since mid-to-late March this year, Shuibei Village has taken the improvement of the rural living environment as the starting point, and carried out more than two months of environmental improvement work in terms of demolishing dilapidated warehouses, cleaning up garbage, and leveling roads, dispatching more than 100 personnel and 30 vehicles and machinery, and the village has a new look, and the people's sense of happiness and gain has been continuously enhanced.

Rural customs and civilization have "temperament", village appearance has "appearance", rural industry has "output value", living standards have "quality", and mass autonomy has "value", and a new picture of livable, workable and beautiful countryside is being painted in the land of Jilin.

Source: Jilin Daily

Editor: Chi Ruibing

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