
The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

Poetry Basketball

2024-07-01 15:26

After the opening of the NBA free market, each team has carried out a series of operations, and today the NBA free market has officially announced the departure of many players. The losses of the Nuggets in the West are huge, first of all, the official announcement of the departure of Pope, an important starter on their team. Pope joined the Magic for 66 million in three years. And the Nuggets have also lost such a league's top 3-and-D player.

The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

Not only did they lose Pope, they just traded Reggie Jackson and the team was reluctant to sign Justin Holiday after the free market opened. That means the Nuggets have lost three players in a row, making their weak roster even weaker. If the Nuggets start the season with their current roster, they won't have any advantage in the competitive West. Did management have a bad idea after the Nuggets' poor playoff performance last season?

The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

Of course, there are players leaving, and the management is also thinking about further reinforcements. The Nuggets' reinforcement goals surprised many, and he aimed at Wei Shao. In the eyes of many fans, this is incomprehensible. Wei Shao doesn't fit the Nuggets' system. The first is that Willis doesn't have great outside shooting, and the Nuggets have to be able to shoot three-pointers the most important thing about them. Jokic can create very easy shooting opportunities from the outside. And outside players also need to open up space, and Wei Shao does not have these two points, so Wei Shao is not suitable for the Nuggets. Don't know what Nuggets management is thinking?

The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

In fact, many people know very well that the Nuggets have slowly gone downhill. While Jokic is still the best player in the league. But one person can't beat the opposing team. That seems to be the case this year. Jamal Murray seems to have seen a noticeable dip in form in this year's playoffs. The Nuggets are a team that relies on starters to play, and Malone doesn't seem to trust the bench.

The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

And with one less person in their starting lineup, their competitiveness will drop significantly. With Pope gone, they had to find a 3-and-D player who could shoot threes and defend. If this cannot be added, they will be weakened in the new season, both offensively and defensively, and naturally there will be no competitive advantage in the West. So it's hard for any team to create a dynasty, and it's not easy for the Nuggets to win a championship in the West over the years.

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  • The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year
  • The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year
  • The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year
  • The top 3D official announced his departure from the team, the team lost three generals in a row, and the champion team fell in a year

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