
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

author:Gooood Gude Design Network
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

© Wu Siming

The whole landscape system is based on the different states of water droplets in the natural cycle: the state of clouds, the state of rain and fog, the state of pools and even the ocean, as well as the islands, dunes, sandbars, and even marine life formed in the ocean.

Thanks to Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio for sharing on Gooood

Small droplets

The small water drop kindergarten was originally an unused real estate with a kindergarten, and the main body and façade of the building have been completed. The design of this project is to optimize the external landscape design and local façade accordingly.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Bird's-eye view © of the venue Wu Siming

The original kindergarten building is located on the south side of the site, and there is a large outdoor activity space on the north side, while the activity space outside the classroom on the south side is relatively narrow. Therefore, how to activate the entire outdoor site has become the focus of project design.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

© ▲Entrance Wu Siming

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲ Activity space © Wu Siming

The façade is mainly based on the common "color" of kindergartens, but the color selection and collocation are relatively dull and unvibrant, which is also a place that needs to be considered for façade transformation.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Details of the © façade of the teaching building Wu Siming

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲The shed © of touch Wu Siming

The adventures of the droplets

In order to integrate the fragmented site, a circular path was needed, so we thought of the water cycle: the circular adventure of a small water drop in nature. This ring also connects the narrow area on the south side, the inner courtyard of the building, and the activity space on the north side into a single unit.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Bird's-eye view of the event venue (Ocean of Knowledge) © Wu Siming

The whole landscape system is based on the different states of water droplets in the natural cycle: the state of clouds, the state of rain and fog, the state of pools and even the ocean, as well as the islands, dunes, sandbars, and even marine life formed in the ocean.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲ The "water exploration" adventure © of small water droplets Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

The shape of the water droplets

The cloud canopy at the entrance provides a gray space for pick-up and drop-off from school; A small paddling pool is set up on the southeast side, which is a small pool where raindrops gather; In the north, water droplets converge into the ocean; The northwest side is set up with undulating micro-terrain, which is an island and oasis in the sea, and fulfills the functions of sand pit and climbing activities at the same time. Eventually, the "currents" of the ocean also flowed into the inner courtyard of the building, breaking the boundaries of the building.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Exterior landscape function distribution © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

We also arranged some "sea creatures": the shed on the northwest side is like jellyfish, floating on the sea. A "submarine" was designed next to the inner courtyard of the building, and a part of the engine room was protruded - this is a secret base for children; An "emergency evacuation" slide is also provided (not implemented in this phase of the project).

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Entrance activity space (touch shed) © Wu Siming

Through the adventures of the little droplets, we have given the venue a unique meaning, creating a series of corresponding activity spaces, providing an environment where children can move freely and immersively. We hope to increase children's interest in outdoor activities and the length of time they stay.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲ The Hill © of Shape and Sense Wu Siming

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲The activity venue on the northwest side (the hill of the sense of form) © Wu Siming

If the theme of "The Adventure of Little Water Droplets" can leave the seeds of exploring nature in their hearts, it can be regarded as an additional harvest of this design.

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Night view © Wu Siming

Project drawings

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Renderings of the event venue (Perception of the Hill) Perception) © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Renderings of the event venue (Gallery of Musicality) © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲Renderings of the event venue (dynamic bubbles) © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲General floor plan © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten
Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

▲ Facade © Vertical Beam Society Green Field Studio

项目位置 | Location

Owner unit of Lecong Town, Foshan City, Guangdong Province | Development Organization, Foshan Lecong Town Education Office, Design Unit | Design FirmVertical Beam SocietyGreen Field Studio Design Team | Design Team Principal Architect | Design DirectionZou Jiameng, Song Gang, Zhong Guanqiu, Zhu ZhiyuanDesign Team | Architectural Design Lvtian Studio: Zou Jiameng, Zhang Xinyi, Liang Lingling, Zheng Hongjin, Zhang Yangfan | Cooperative TeamGuangzhou Puyue Environmental Art Co., Ltd.: Huang Zheng, Xie Jianqiu, Huang Xiuyingbost: Chen Xianbin, Chen Jianhua, Chen Chumei, Lai Gantao, Tao Jianqiang, Ye Hongjin, Tan Liang Building Area | Scale of Construction covers an area of 7,600 square meters, with a construction area of 6,900 square metersDesign time Design Time 2023.02Completion Time | Completion Year 2023.07 Photography | Photographer Wu Siming

Pillar Beam Society Green Field Studio|Small Water Drop Kindergarten

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