
Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Teacher Hou talks about dietary therapy

When it comes to tonifying the brain, everyone's first reaction is not "walnuts can replenish the brain", the reason why walnuts can replenish the brain is more popular among the folk is that "walnuts look like human brains", and mothers also believe in "what to eat and what to supplement", so many varieties of walnut milk and walnut products gradually appear in people's breakfast.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

Walnuts do have the effect of tonifying the brain, but walnuts are not the first place in the brain's favorite food, so Mr. Hou will talk about what are the brain's favorite foods and what are their benefits for the brain from a scientific point of view?

5 favorite foods for the brain

| 1. Deep-sea fish

The fat content of fish is much lower than that of other meats we usually eat, so it is relatively higher in protein and calcium.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

Moreover, fish is rich in "DHA", which not only has the reputation of "brain gold", but also an important part of the plasma membrane of brain neurons. It not only plays an extremely important role in the neurological development stage of the brain, but also can effectively slow down brain aging and prevent the appearance of Alzheimer's symptoms.

Therefore, for young children, middle-aged and elderly people, as well as people who commonly use the brain, it is a very good choice to eat deep-sea fish in moderation.

| 2. All kinds of eggs

Eggs generally contain egg whites and egg yolks, egg whites are very high in protein, and egg yolks are extremely high in lecithin and cholesterol, for the brain, appropriate supplementation of lecithin can promote the synthesis of neurotransmitters, which is very helpful for the development of brain nerves, can enhance brain memory, and cholesterol and protein can enhance human immunity and reduce the risk of brain diseases.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

| 3. peanut

Although peanuts belong to nut food, it also contains a lot of nutrients, among which lecithin and cerebral phospholipid have higher nutritional value for the brain, lecithin has certain benefits for brain nerve development, and cerebral phospholipid is a natural active agent, which can not only improve the vitality of brain cells but also promote the metabolism of brain cells, accelerate the regeneration rate of brain cells, and make the brain more bright.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

| 4. walnut

The nutritional value of walnuts for the brain is not "like a brain, so what to eat and what to supplement".

From a scientific point of view, walnuts contain linolenic acid, which can assist in the treatment of neurasthenia, and also help poor sleep quality caused by neurasthenia, and can also delay brain aging and prevent amnesia.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

| 5. blueberry

Blueberries contain flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have a certain effect on the prevention of tumor diseases, can inhibit the growth of tumor cells, and the antioxidants rich in blueberries can also improve the immunity of brain cells, so moderate consumption of blueberries can help prevent the emergence of brain tumor diseases.

Of the brain's 5 favorite foods, walnuts are only ranked 4th! If you eat it often, your brain will have a good memory

In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying that "the brain is the house of our primordial spirit", which shows the importance of the brain to the human body, the brain is also the most complex and exquisite organ in our human body, we must make good use of the health knowledge in life to protect our brain.

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