
The Wushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has taken multiple measures to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically

author:New Tianshui Network

According to the Wushan County Financial Media Center, since the launch of party discipline learning and education, the Wushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions on party discipline learning and education, accurately grasp the objectives and requirements of party discipline learning and education, integrate party discipline learning into daily life, grasp it regularly, and promote the county's discipline inspection and supervision cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline, and strive to be an example of self-revolution and a benchmark for abiding by rules and disciplines.

The Wushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has taken multiple measures to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically

The first is to carefully organize group counseling. Firmly establish the concept that those who enforce discipline must first abide by discipline, consciously strengthen theoretical study as the basic support for building the faith and belief of discipline inspection and supervision cadres in the county, rely on Monday's concentrated study, and take the study of the newly revised "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China" as a compulsory course, and through the way of team members, they have organized and carried out more than 20 times of centralized learning and more than 10 times of special counseling, and educated and guided all discipline inspection and supervision cadres to always maintain a sense of respect and awe for the party constitution, party rules and party discipline, and learn one step ahead and one layer deeper in the party discipline study and education. Be a benchmark and an example in strict self-discipline.

The Wushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has taken multiple measures to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically

The second is to strengthen cognitive field pedagogy. Give full play to the deterrent effect of warning education, make good use of the "living teaching materials" of typical cases around us, and guide party members and cadres to build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration. The County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision firmly seized the opportunity of the court to hear the corruption case of Shi Moumou, the former party branch secretary and president of the Yanghe Health Center in Wushan County, and moved the warning education to the trial site, and organized more than 90 party members and cadres in the county to "zero distance" panoramic "direct attack" of the defendant's corruption step by step and finally become a "prisoner" The illegal and criminal process further deepens the understanding and mastery of party discipline and laws and regulations among party members and cadres in the county, and urges the majority of party members and cadres to know and respect, be vigilant and fearful, and abide by the bottom line.

The Wushan County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has taken multiple measures to promote the study and education of party discipline in depth and practically

The third is to study and study in detail, and to study and communicate. In accordance with the arrangement and deployment of party discipline study and education, the county Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision focused on the requirements of "learning and thinking, and the unity of knowledge, belief and action", and organized team members to carry out a special seminar on the "six disciplines" at the theoretical learning center group study meeting, and all party members and cadres carried out a special seminar at the Monday centralized study meeting. Find the focus of the continuous struggle and the entry point for performing duties and responsibilities, which provides a fundamental basis for the next step to do a good job in discipline inspection and supervision.

Fourth, the use of new media palms. Give full play to the advantages of mainstream media such as Ningyuan Qingfeng's WeChat public account, regularly push important articles such as "Party Discipline Learning and Education - A Lesson a Day" on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, and successively push more than 30 key learning courses, with a total of more than 1,200 readers. Education and guide the county's discipline inspection and supervision cadres to accurately understand the rich connotation of the "Regulations" and the requirements of discipline enforcement, consciously find directions, ideas, measures, and methods from the party's innovative theories, so as to achieve the unity of learning and thinking, knowledge, belief and action, and effectively enhance the political ability and professional ability to study and implement the implementation, and constantly improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution.

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