
The second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushen Banner came to a successful conclusion

author:Live travel network

  In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, study and implement Xi Jinping's cultural thought, forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, launch the brand of "Northern Xinjiang Culture", create a strong atmosphere for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, further enrich the cultural life of the masses, promote the popularization of art among the whole people, show the profound cultural heritage and good artistic quality of the people of Wushenqi, and further promote the prosperity and development of mass cultural undertakings. On the evening of June 27th, the second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushen Banner was held in Wushen Square, and the competition officially kicked off in the dance "Horse Chasing the Wind" of the dance team of Wushen Banner Cultural Center. More than 460 contestants from 32 teams from all over the flag appeared one after another, wearing bright costumes and dancing with dynamic dance steps, fully demonstrating the unique charm of square dance.

The second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushen Banner came to a successful conclusion

  After fierce competition, the judges conducted a fair and open on-site scoring based on a number of criteria such as choreography, movement execution, artistic expression, teamwork and costumes and props. In the end, 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 6 excellence awards were selected. The first prize of the second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushenqi was the Wushenqi "Green Rhyme" teacher dance studio, the second prize was the Wushenqi University for the Elderly, the Wushenqi Mongolian Medical General Hospital Dance Team, and the third prize was the Garutu Town Square Dance Team, the Flying Self Dance Troupe, and the Taoli Community Ala Teng Oule Cultural Association. In addition, the contest also set up an online voting session to select the best popularity award, and after the active participation of the majority of netizens, the Flying Self Dance Troupe finally won the award with 16122 votes. A total of 208618 visits have been made to the voting activities of the 2nd All-Flag Square Dance Competition of Wushen Banner in the "Dancing Northern Xinjiang".

The second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushen Banner came to a successful conclusion
The second square dance competition of "Dancing Northern Xinjiang" Wushen Banner came to a successful conclusion

  This competition is carefully organized by the Wushenqi Cultural Center, aiming to provide a platform for square dance lovers to communicate and learn from all over the flag, and also to build a stage for the contestants to show their own style. The activity fully demonstrated the spirit of unity and enterprising and hard work of the people of all ethnic groups in Wushen Banner, and also better stimulated the enthusiasm and vitality of literature and art lovers in the whole banner.

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