
Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

author:Idle Little Fish 4w6

The God of Bag Dance (Brother Toutou) is called Brother Bao by netizens because he likes to hold a leather bag when he dances in the square. This bag is very important to him, even if he is hit by a lot of knives, his shoes are gone, and the bag is still tightly held in his hand.

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

The first acquaintance with Brother Jiabao, stemming from his cheerful and enchanting dance, it is hard to believe that a 50-year-old Northeast man is so frank, please enjoy the dance:


Brother Jiabao's surname is Zhao, who used to contract projects and was wealthy for a while. It may also be that during that time, Brother Jia Bao developed the habit of Bao Bao.

Later, Brother Jiabao's business changed, the scenery was not there, and he and his wife divorced.

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

Half sober and half drunk, this is the mood of Brother Jiabao later.

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

Brother Jia Bao never cared about other people's eyes, he once said: "Since ancient times, no one has died, and he has left Dan to take care of his sweat." Unexpectedly, this sentence was quickly fulfilled in him!

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

At around 7 o'clock in the evening on June 30, Brother Jiabao, as usual, was dancing in the square and accidentally saw the disdainful eyes of a bald man.

"What are you looking at?"

"What are you doing?"

Two men "fight" if they don't accept it like this! The bald man's surname is very domineering, his surname is Zai, he has never been convinced by anyone in his life, and he is even more unhappy with anyone after the divorce.

He has been unhappy with Brother Jiabao for a long time, and he just finished drinking last night, and he wanted to teach Brother Jiabao a lesson while he was drinking.

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

Brother Jiabao is a big man who is almost 190 tall, and he doesn't cause trouble but is never afraid of it, so when he saw the bald man take out his weapon, he didn't panic at all and dealt with it calmly.

The onlookers thought it was a joke and watched the play from the sidelines. The bald man wanted to scare him, but he didn't expect to be unable to fight for a long time, lost his patience, and accidentally avoided the vital point.

Everyone hurriedly sent Brother Jia Bao to the hospital, but unfortunately left.

Suddenly, the Internet celebrity Jia Bao Brother was assassinated while dancing a square dance, and he predicted during the live broadcast that there would be this day!

I advise everyone to be calm when encountering trouble, drink and don't make trouble, and run quickly when encountering trouble. Eat a trench from others, grow a wisdom for yourself.

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