
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!


Summer is approaching

Many parents will arrange a parent-child travel plan

Many people choose to go to the beach to experience nature

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!


Seemingly calm and beautiful beach

There may also be unknown dangers hidden!

Recently, the Shenzhen Health Commission issued a reminder:

Go to the beach and play

Don't touch this "plastic bag"!

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

What is a "plastic bag"?


This creature resembles a plastic bag and a balloon

It's a highly poisonous monk's hat jellyfish!

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

(In March last year, there were monk's hat jellyfish on Xichong Beach in Dapeng, Shenzhen)

On its tentacles that are on average 10 meters long

There are stinging cells full of toxins

It is no less poisonous than a cobra

In severe cases, it can be fatal

On June 28, the official account of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Songkhla released an article titled "The Consulate General in Phuket reminds Chinese tourists to be wary of poisonous jellyfish", saying that a few days ago, highly poisonous monk's hat jellyfish were found in the waters of Phuket.

Chinese tourists are reminded to be cautious when wading in Phuket waters or beaches and not to actively touch marine life such as monk's hats or other jellyfish.

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

In case you accidentally get stung by a jellyfish,

Contact sites may appear –

  • sudden onset of pain;
  • linear, erythematous urticaria-like lesions appear minutes later (or hours later);
  • A burning sensation that is intense, or accompanied by itching or fluctuating.
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

In addition to causing local reactions, some species of jellyfish may cause systemic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, headaches, etc.

Incidents of being stung by jellyfish are not uncommon

In fact

News reports of jellyfish stings

From time to time:


In February 2024, a number of tourists were accidentally stung by a blue-bottle monk's hat jellyfish while playing in the back sea of Sanya.

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!


In September 2022, Doudou, a 7-year-old boy in Shenzhen, followed his father, Mr. Yang, to Dameisha Beach to play, Doudou was accidentally stung by a jellyfish, and his legs were red and swollen in a large area, and Mr. Yang quickly took him to the hospital for treatment.

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

The doctor found that Doudou's leg injury was relatively serious, and part of the skin had ulcerated to the point where fatty tissue could be seen, so Doudou's wound was debrided, and two skin grafting surgeries were performed.


On June 10, 2021, actor Chen Xuedong posted on social media that due to the need to go to the sea for filming, he was "stung into a sieve by a jellyfish, and his legs were all bags, as if he had been bitten by 10,000 poisonous mosquitoes".

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!


Please stay away immediately

According to statistics

There are more than 30 species of jellyfish that sting along the coast of the mainland

There are jellyfish barbed wires

Cobra venom can be secreted

Sting a person and then quickly taking a person's life

It is extremely harmful to human beings


Jellyfish grow more seasonally,

It mostly starts to float in shallow waters from May to August

The active period coincides with the summer vacation

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!

Mitral Hydro

But don't worry too much!

Because jellyfish generally do not actively attack people,

If you go to the beach to play and see it,

It's okay to get away from it right away.

What to do if you are stung by a jellyfish

  1. Remove jellyfish tentacles (try to use gloves, wooden sticks, etc., to avoid direct skin contact);

2. Rinse the sting area with seawater/vinegar;

3. Use a knife, razor, card, etc., to isolate the stinging cells from the skin. It is best to apply with shaving foam or soap foam before shaving the cells.

4. Reapply the affected area with vinegar/saline solution, or rinse with seawater. Allow the sting area to dry naturally, take antihistamine drugs, wash the open wound every day, and apply antibiotic ointment.

The following symptoms are present

See your doctor right away:

1. The skin of the sting wound is red and swollen, burning, stinging, ulcerated;

2. Symptoms of systemic poisoning, such as nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, fatigue, joint pain, etc.;

3. Potentially fatal signs (anaphylactic shock), urticaria symptoms, swollen throat, difficulty breathing, altered mental status, shock, and even cardiac arrest.


These seaside "invisible killers"

Be vigilant too!

It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!
It's highly toxic! Stay away immediately when you see it, and don't touch this "plastic bag"!


Forward it to remind your friends and family!

Source: Guangzhou Daily is synthesized from the Shenzhen Health Commission, People's Daily, New Hainan Client, Guangdong Health Online, Tainanwang, and Guangzhou Daily

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