
The deceased son of a professor at Peking University used plastic bags to hold his ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious

author:Excerpts from golden sentences

After the death of a Peking University professor, his son used a plastic bag to hold his father's ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious, but netizens praised him after learning about it: "Well done!" ”

There is an old Chinese saying, "The dead are great", in fact, the meaning of this sentence is very simple, that is, after a person dies, he should be respected and loved accordingly.

In ancient times, the imperial relatives and high-ranking officials and nobles in the mainland mostly used the method of "thick burial" to express their respect for the deceased, so as to show how noble the status of the deceased was during his lifetime.

Later, the mainland implemented a cremation policy, cremation was carried out after death, and the cremation ashes were put into a small urn, and then the deceased's family decided to bury the urn in the corresponding place.

It stands to reason that the price of a small urn should not be too high, but there was a discussion on the Internet about the sky-high price of the urn, which is thought-provoking.

The deceased son of a professor at Peking University used plastic bags to hold his ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious

In fact, the matter is very simple, the funeral home staff because the family of the deceased is unwilling to spend money to buy an urn, put the father's ashes in a plastic bag, which caused the dissatisfaction of the staff, so he posted the matter on the Internet to complain. He originally thought that netizens would stand on his side and attack the man who put his father's ashes in a plastic bag, but he didn't expect netizens to applaud the man's approach.

The man was a doctor, and the reason why he was reluctant to pay for the urn was not because of disrespect to his father, but because the funeral home urn was too expensive.

After the death of the doctor's father, the body was cremated at the funeral home, and after the cremation, the doctor went to the front desk of the funeral home to select the urn.

But the price of the urn as far as the eye could see was as high as five figures, which also surprised the doctor, he did not expect that a small square urn could be sold for such a high price.

The deceased son of a professor at Peking University used plastic bags to hold his ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious

Although his father is a professor at Peking University, and he himself is a doctor, the family is not short of money, but the five-figure urn is indeed a bit prohibitive for him, not that he can't afford it, but that he feels that it is not worth it.

My father was very frugal during his lifetime, and he was still comforting his doctor son before he died, saying that after his death, he should not be extravagant and wasteful, and that the funeral should be simple, and that he should not spend all that messy and unnecessary money.

But according to traditional Chinese customs, people can't be cremated without an urn, but the doctor really doesn't want to spend a five-figure high price.

So he cautiously asked the staff of the funeral home if there was a cheaper urn, and when the staff heard him ask, their faces instantly drooped. Then he accused the doctor in a very disgusted tone, my father has worked hard all his life, can't he use a better urn after he dies?

The doctor didn't care, but continued to ask for cheaper urns, so the staff pointed to the corner in annoyance.

The deceased son of a professor at Peking University used plastic bags to hold his ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious

The doctor looked over, and there was a wooden urn that had fallen gray and had turned old, and it looked like it had been around for some years, but what he didn't expect was that such an old urn would cost 7,000 yuan.

The doctor still felt that it was expensive, and did not directly say to buy it, and at this time the staff showed impatience again, so he urged him not to delay others if he didn't buy it.

When the doctor heard this, he directly said that he would not buy it, and everyone present was stunned when he heard it.

Everyone didn't expect that he would make such a decision, and even his family members were persuading him that the dead were the greatest, and if his father knew about it, he would definitely be angry.

But the doctor said that his father was frugal all his life, and if he bought this urn at a high price today, then his father would be really angry.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, he personally put his father's urn into a black plastic bag, and then left the funeral home in style.

The deceased son of a professor at Peking University used plastic bags to hold his ashes, and the funeral home scolded him for being rebellious

The staff of the funeral home saw that the business in hand ran away like this, and they were a little indignant, so they posted the matter on the Internet.

I thought that netizens would be like him, accusing this doctor of being unfilial, obviously having a lot of income, and his father had a certain social status during his lifetime, and the ashes were actually put into a plastic bag by the doctor's son, what a shameful thing.

But I didn't expect that the bright-eyed netizens actually stood on the doctor's side and applauded him one after another, saying that he did the right thing. Filial piety has not been done for others since ancient times, and treating the elders well before death is the real filial piety.

After a person dies, no matter how much money is spent or how luxurious the funeral is, it is all useless work, it is completely extravagant and wasteful, and it is not really filial piety. Therefore, everyone must treat their relatives while they are still there, take care of them more often, and don't wait until people are gone to do some useless work!

Source: Official media/online news

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