
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

author:New Express

Summer vacation is approaching, many parents will arrange parent-child travel plans, and many people choose to go to the beach to experience nature. However, seemingly calm and beautiful beaches can also hide unknown dangers.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

Recently, the Shenzhen Health Commission issued a reminder: Go to the beach to play, don't touch this kind of "plastic bag"!

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

What is a "plastic bag"? It turns out that this creature that looks like a plastic bag and a balloon is a highly poisonous monk's hat jellyfish. On its tentacles, which are 10 meters long on average, there are toxin-filled stinging cells, which are no less poisonous than cobras, and can be fatal in severe cases.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

In March last year, there were monk's hat jellyfish on Xichong Beach in Dapeng, Shenzhen

On June 28, the official account of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Songkhla released an article titled "The Consulate General in Phuket reminds Chinese tourists to be wary of poisonous jellyfish", saying that a few days ago, highly poisonous monk's hat jellyfish were found in the waters of Phuket, and three adults in southern Thailand have been stung by poisonous jellyfish recently, and one child died after contact. Chinese tourists are reminded to be cautious when wading in Phuket waters or beaches and not to actively touch marine life such as monk's hats or other jellyfish.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

In case of accidental jellyfish sting, there may be sudden pain at the contact site; linear, erythematous urticaria-like lesions appear minutes later (or hours later); A burning sensation that is intense, or accompanied by itching.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

In addition to causing local reactions, some species of jellyfish may cause systemic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, headaches, etc.

What should I do if I am stung by a jellyfish?

According to statistics, there are more than 30 kinds of jellyfish along the coast of the mainland that can sting people, and some jellyfish spikes can secrete cobra-like venom, which can quickly take people's lives after stinging, and are extremely harmful to human beings. In addition, jellyfish grow more seasonally, and most of them begin to float in shallow waters from May to August, and the active period is in the summer.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

Mitral Hydro

In many cases, when encountering an emergency situation of being stung by a marine animal, there is no way to receive professional treatment immediately, and it is important to master some first aid methods:

1. Remove jellyfish tentacles (try to use gloves, wooden sticks, etc., to avoid direct skin contact);

2. Rinse the sting area with seawater/vinegar;

3. Use a knife, razor, card, etc., to isolate the stinging cells from the skin. It is better to apply with shaving foam or soap foam before shaving the cells;

4. Reapply the affected area with vinegar/saline solution, or rinse with seawater. Allow the sting area to dry naturally, take antihistamine drugs, wash the open wound every day, and apply antibiotic ointment.

See your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

1. The skin of the sting wound is red and swollen, burning, stinging, and ulcerated;

2. Symptoms of systemic poisoning, such as nausea and vomiting, headache, dizziness, fatigue, joint pain, etc.;

3. May cause fatal signs (anaphylactic shock), urticaria symptoms, swollen throat, difficulty breathing, altered mental status, shock, and even cardiac arrest.

It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

In addition to jellyfish,

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It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach
It's highly toxic! Don't touch this kind of "plastic bag" when you go to the beach

Source: Shenzhen Health Commission, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, People's Daily, Guangzhou Daily

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