
The movie officially departs in July!

author:Henan Oscar Cinema Line

According to the data of Maoyan Professional Edition, in the first half of 2024 (January 1-June 30, 2024), the cumulative total box office of the film was reported to be 23.902 billion, the number of moviegoers was 550 million, and the number of screenings was 71.181 million.

The movie officially departs in July!

Today, the revolutionary historical film "Departure" officially landed in theaters across the country, presenting the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and kicking off the second half of the wonderful movie in 2024.

The movie officially departs in July!

In 1917, Mao Zedong, a young man who studied at the First Normal School in Hunan, and his senior Xiao Zisheng "traveled thousands of miles". They measured the world with "ideals", perceived the people's feelings with "feelings", and witnessed the magnificence of rivers and mountains from the "wordless book" of society, which further ignited their enthusiasm for exploring the road to save the country and save the people. The film deeply explores the audio-visual narrative, using the Chinese landscape painting style and long-shot language to tell a journey of growth with the most simplicity and the most sense of pilgrimage.

The suspenseful new film "Silent Killing" directed by "Manslaughter" director Ke Wenli was officially announced to be released on July 3, and the story of the film revolves around the school bullying incident in a girls' middle school. After the woman's death, something mysterious happened. The schoolgirls disappeared one after another, and no one could find them. Behind the collective silence is a vengeance of hatred and killing. Who is a bully? Who are the Silencers? Who is the Rainy Night Murderer? The intricate suspense of the case is intertwined with the group portrait characters who are difficult to distinguish between good and evil, bringing the audience a vigorous and exciting crime spectacle.

The love movie "Welcome to Me" starring Shi and Wang Yinglu was sweetly released on July 5. The film tells the story of the actor Chen Xiaozhou, who often sees a large group of rubber ducks "quacking" after an accident, which brings a huge obstacle to Chen Xiaozhou's life. Until a girl named Feng Jiannan appeared, Chen Xiaozhou was surprised to find that as long as he was with Feng Jianan, the duck would not run out to make trouble, and a ridiculous romantic journey began.

Directed by Tang Jili and starring Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, Nazha and Li Zhiting, the fantasy action masterpiece "Legend" will be screened nationwide from July 5th to July 8th. The film continues the story style of the previous work "Myth", and the excavation of bizarre cultural relics in the mysterious archaeological site reveals the secrets of the Xiongnu holy land that has been sealed for more than 2,000 years. In addition, the film also uses new AI technology to create young Jackie Chan characters, once again leading the audience into a fantasy adventure story full of mystery and imagination.

On July 6, the national style animated film "Umbrella Girl" was released nationwide, bringing the audience a visual feast of oriental aesthetics. The film is adapted from the original comic "Umbrella Girl Dream Talk". In this world full of fantasy and imagination, things can have spirituality and thus transform into spirits, and the spirits of things are varied, and the owners depend on each other.

On the same day, the new Chinese-style Chinese comic blockbuster "Falling Dust" opened the advance screening. The film unfolds with the interesting story of the descendants of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, telling the story of Jin Feng, the descendant of the Weaver Girl, who went down to earth to subdue the stars in order to atone for his mother's sins, and accidentally formed an alliance with Xiao Fan, a human girl who wanted to go to the divine realm to find her mother. As one of the important parts of traditional Chinese culture, this is the first time that the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and the myth of the stars have been brought to the big screen. The film excavates and innovates in the treasure of traditional Chinese mythology, allowing countless audiences to feel the innovative power of Guoman from the novel world view setting and new Chinese aesthetic style.

The movie officially departs in July!

In addition, the classic animation IP "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad 6: Mini Adventure", the opera film "Mrs. Chen Guo", and the comedy film "Brain Hole" will meet the audience this week, which is worth looking forward to!

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