
Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

author:Look at the entertainment industry under the microscope

If you want to talk about the highest level of cross talk, you have to look at Mr. Guo Degang, who recently opened a special show in the ancient capital of Nanjing, and the event was also a complete success.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

Mr. Guo Degang and his partner Yu Qian went to the ancient capital of Nanjing to open a special session, and the elites of Deyun Club all went out to dedicate love to the Nanjing special session.

As the saying goes, it is difficult to sing alone, no matter how strong Guo Degang and Yu Qian are, they can't support the whole special session, and they need the support of others to make this event more successful.

Among the assistant guests in Guo Degang's special session, we saw the peak, and of course, Luan Yunping was indispensable, and the two of them were a pair of golden partners.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

Gao Feng and Luan Yunping, one is the chief teacher of Deyun Club, and the other is the deputy general manager of Deyun Club, they are both pivotal figures.

In addition to Gao Feng Luan Yunping's assistant, there is also Kong Yunlong Zhang Jiulai, Kong Yunlong is the veteran of Deyun Club, and his status is on par with Yue Yunpeng.

Although Zhang Jiulai is a rising star, before he entered Deyun Club, he already had deep cross talk skills, and he was a very talented young man.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

The fate of Zhang Jiulai and Deyun Club has to start with "Cross Talk with Newcomers", when Zhang Jiulai participated in the competition, he was favored by Mr. Guo Degang at a glance.

After the end of "Cross Talk with Newcomers", Zhang Jiulai joined Deyun Club and became a student of the Nine Character Section, and he took root in Deyun Club.

Zhang Jiulai formed a fate with Mr. Guo Degang through "Cross Talk Has a Newcomer", and Zhang Heqing and Liu He'an were also excavated by Mr. Guo Degang through this channel, so they have today's achievements.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

After Zhang Heqing and Liu He'an joined Deyun Club, the two sides successfully split the pair, and Zhang Heqing also partnered with Liu Zhe and became the backbone of Deyun Club.

This time, Mr. Guo's cross talk special also brought these two, on the one hand, to give them opportunities, and on the other hand, to believe in their abilities.

was able to get the favor of Mr. Guo, Zhang Heqing naturally did not dare to slack off, he and Liu Zhe did their best to assist Mr. Guo wholeheartedly.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

The assistant guests are important, and the special host is also very important, this time Mr. Guo Nanjing cross talk special, the host of the show is the queen host.

Hou Zhen, the treasure of Deyun Society's town, is the host of the special session, it seems that this Hou Zhen is easy not to make a move, and he is a big deal when he makes a move.

Under the auspices of Mr. Hou Zhen, with the assistance of Gao Feng Luan Yunping, Kong Yunlong and Zhang Jiulai, as well as Zhang Heqing and Liu Zhe, Mr. Guo Degang's Nanjing special performance also achieved unprecedented results.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

From the photos shared at the scene, we found that it was very shocking, and there was no empty seat in the stadium of Nuo University.

Some people have always talked about the empty seat rate, as long as Beijing Deyun Club performs, whenever there is an empty seat, someone will stand up and accuse.

As everyone knows, thousands of people have performances, who hasn't solved the problem in an internal emergency, and a few people are in a hurry to go to the toilet, isn't this a normal thing?

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

No matter how black Deyun Club is, Deyun Club is developing steadily, and the complete success of the Nanjing special session is a demonstration of the strength of Deyun Club.

Teacher Guo Degang deserves to be a master of cross talk, the disciples are holding the moon together, whether you like it or not, the influence of Deyun Club is undoubted.

Hou Zhen presided, Gao Feng Luan Yunping assisted, Guo Degang's special session ended, and the 5,000 Stadium was full

Don't go to the Black Deyun Club anymore, put down the butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot, don't hack others and be counterattacked, and you will lose more if you are angry and sick.

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