
In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".

author:Shanghai Huangpu

As the temperature in Shanghai continues to rise, air conditioning has become a "life-saving straw" for every household in the scorching summer. However, for the elderly with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, while enjoying the coolness, they also need to be alert to the potential health risks caused by "air conditioning disease", especially the deadly threat of stroke.

In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".
In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".

Recently, Mr. Wang suffered a stroke due to improper use of air conditioning at home. Mr. Wang, 72 years old, suffers from high blood pressure and diabetes, and usually lives with his son. After work one day, my son felt that the room was unbearably hot, so he adjusted the temperature of the air conditioner to 22 degrees Celsius, hoping to cool down quickly. Although Mr. Wang felt that the temperature was too low, he endured it silently considering his son's hard work. It didn't take long for him to suddenly feel weakness on the right side of his body, and his speech became slurred. Fortunately, the son found out in time and immediately dialed 120 to take his father to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with "acute stroke".

In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".

He Jirong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Ruijin Hospital Luwan Branch Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, said that stroke, a disease known as a "health killer", ranks first among the causes of death from diseases in mainland China. It has the characteristics of high morbidity, high recurrence rate, high disability rate and high case fatality rate, which has brought a heavy burden to countless families. In summer, as the season with a high incidence of stroke, the use of air conditioning needs to be paid special attention.

So, does blowing air conditioning in summer induce stroke in the elderly? He Jirong said that if the temperature of the air conditioner is set too low, and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, it will lead to vasoconstriction, increased vascular load, and reduced blood flow, thereby increasing the risk of stroke. This risk is multiplied especially when the air supply outlet of the air conditioner is directly facing the elderly. In addition, older people are more likely to sweat during the hot summer months, and excessive sweating can lead to the loss of water in the body, increasing blood viscosity, which in turn increases the risk of thrombosis and induces stroke.

In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".

So, how can we use air conditioners reasonably to avoid burdening our bodies? He Jirong gave the following suggestions:

1. The temperature of the air conditioner should be set appropriately, it is recommended to keep it between 26~28 degrees Celsius to avoid excessive temperature difference between indoor and outdoor.

2. The elderly should not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, and should open the windows for ventilation in time to maintain indoor air circulation.

3. If you sweat a lot, the elderly should pay attention to proper hydration to prevent dehydration.

4. Avoid blowing the air vent directly on the body, especially on the head and neck.

He Jirong also reminded that if there are symptoms of suspected stroke such as hemilimb weakness and numbness, slurred speech, and unsteady walking, you should immediately call the 120 emergency number and send you to the hospital for treatment.

In the hot summer, the elderly must prevent stroke induced by "air conditioning disease".

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