
Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

author:Sunshine News Sunshine Network

Sunshine News (Reporter Zhang Bo Correspondent Liu Xueting Text/Photo) During the 23rd National "Safety Production Month" activity, Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine actively organized a series of activities around the theme of "Everyone Stresses Safety, Everyone Knows How to Respond to Emergencies", further strengthened the concept of safety development, comprehensively improved the fire prevention and disaster relief and emergency escape skills of all employees, and laid a solid safety foundation for the high-quality development of the hospital.

Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Promote work with learning and practice unity. Since June 11, the hospital has effectively carried the responsibility of safety production on its shoulders, tied to its heart, and implemented it through special studies of the Party committee, cadres taking the lead, and all employees learning.

Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Multi-line linkage to popularize skills. Focusing on the overall requirements of the three-year action to tackle the root cause of safe production, since June, the "Five Activities" have been carried out in the outpatient hall, Anhuo Community, Yangkou Primary School, and Wanyou Supermarket through various forms such as display board display, video exhibition, and on-site teaching, so as to send the knowledge of safe production, emergency rescue, cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills and self-help and mutual rescue to the masses and into the hearts of the masses, and actively promote the formation of a new situation of "everyone stresses safety and everyone knows how to respond to emergencies".

Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Strengthen drills to improve safety. From June 24th to June 27th, the hospital invited Shaanxi Zheng'an Wujin Fire Knowledge Science and Education Station to carry out safety lectures in the whole hospital, and organized evacuation and escape drills in five batches. Through systematic theoretical teaching and practical exercises, everyone has mastered the knowledge of identifying and preventing potential safety hazards, learned professional self-rescue and mutual rescue skills, and effectively improved the emergency evacuation ability of the whole hospital.

Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Consolidate responsibilities and deepen governance. Focusing on the key points of safety production, from June 1st to June 27th, more than 10 inspections of hidden danger investigation and management of "opening up fire passages and unblocking life passages" were carried out in the whole hospital, and comprehensive investigations were carried out on key departments, key places, fire protection facilities, special equipment, etc., to ensure safety and no dead ends. At the same time, all employees are encouraged to participate in the reporting of potential safety hazards, and a good atmosphere for all employees to participate in safety management is created by organizing the viewing of the theme film of the "Safety Production Month" activity and calling on all employees to participate in the safety knowledge network answering questions.

Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine carried out a series of activities of "Safety Production Month".

Through the successful holding of various activities of Safety Production Month, the safety literacy and emergency response ability of hospital employees have been further improved. In the next step, Hanbin District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will firmly establish the awareness of safety red line, uphold the concept of safe development, and consolidate the responsibility system for safe production with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", strengthen safety production management, and do a solid job in the investigation and management of risks and hidden dangers, so as to create a safe, stable, harmonious and orderly medical environment for the masses.

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