
Another group of veteran party members won the commemorative medal of 50 years in the party

author:Anshan clouds

On the afternoon of the 1st, Shengou Temple Street, Lishan District, carried out a theatrical performance of "Celebrating July 1st, Learning Party Discipline, Welcoming the Chinese Birthday, and Writing a New Chapter" in the Lishan District Audio-visual Education Center. More than 500 people, including street community cadres and representatives of "Thousands of Villages and Thousands of Enterprises, Party Building to Promote Revitalization", cadres of street organs, community party members, representatives of 50th anniversary veteran party members, outstanding grid party members, and retired veteran party members, celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

Another group of veteran party members won the commemorative medal of 50 years in the party

At the event site, the old party members enthusiastically eulogized the great Communist Party of China with loud singing voices, beautiful dancing postures, and beautiful musical instruments. The impassioned and inspiring classic red songs express the infinite love and blessings of the "silver-haired party members" for the party and the motherland, and show the high-spirited and promising spirit of the elderly party members who "dedicate their youth and dedicate their lives" and heroic righteousness. In order to increase the interactivity and education of the activity, the activity specially set up a knowledge question and answer session, in the form of edutainment, so that the party members present have an in-depth understanding of the history of the party, party discipline, party rules and party constitution and the current situation of the street, so that these knowledge content is deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts.

Another group of veteran party members won the commemorative medal of 50 years in the party
Another group of veteran party members won the commemorative medal of 50 years in the party

At the same time, the outstanding grid party members of each community were also commended, thanking them for their hard work in grassroots governance, and expecting them to continue to play an exemplary role and lead the community grid members to better serve the people.

On the occasion of July 1st, a number of party building activities have been held in various communities to enrich the life of party members in the district, plant red genes in the community, and let the spirit of the party shine everywhere in the community. All-media reporter Zhang Zilu

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