
Reporter at the scene | Inspect safe production and supervise civilized construction

author:Anshan clouds


On the morning of the 1st, the Tiedong District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, together with the Ecological Tiedong Branch, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the District Emergency Bureau, the District Urban Management Bureau, and the District Fire and Rescue Brigade, and invited the relevant departments of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau to carry out a joint inspection of the Xingang International Plaza project, strictly implement the work requirements of the "nine hundredth" and "six systems of safe production" on the construction site, and ensure that the civilized construction and safety production at the construction site meet the standards and norms.

Reporter at the scene | Inspect safe production and supervise civilized construction

Tiedong District conducts joint inspections of construction sites.

It is reported that this inspection will successively carry out a comprehensive coverage inspection of all social construction sites in Tiedong District, find and correct various problems in a timely manner, and prevent accidents. At the same time, it promotes the coordination and cooperation between relevant departments, forms a joint regulatory force, improves the efficiency and effect of supervision, standardizes the construction behavior of the construction industry, and promotes the healthy development of the industry.

Reporter at the scene | Inspect safe production and supervise civilized construction

Tiedong District conducts joint inspections of construction sites.

Cao Xin, Construction Engineering Office of Tiedong District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, said that the joint inspection focused on inspecting the safety production and civilized construction of the construction site in accordance with the work deployment of the district committee and district government. All-media reporter Wang Lin

Reporter at the scene | Inspect safe production and supervise civilized construction

Tiedong District conducts joint inspections of construction sites.

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